Chapter 9

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Edit: 2018/11/09

It was a just a small kiss, not like those that other couples do, smooching until the other one faints from lack of air, but just that small peck on my lips made me breathless and my heart beating like crazy. I leaned back onto his chest while I tried to regain my breath, Snake patted my head as if I was a pet, while his hand around my waist tightened.

"Let's go back, the others will wonder where we went," I muttered, Snake must have heard me because he nodded and took hold of my hand.

We both walked back to the room, my mind was still trying to make out that if anything was real or imaginary, I wasn't even aware that Duke, Scarlet, and Ripcord was waving and yelling in my ear to gain my attention, until Scarlet was shaking me back and forth, she gave me a weird look and turn towards Snake eyes.

"What did you do to her, it's like she's broken," Scarlet asked eyes full of suspicion, Snake eyes could only shrug before being pulled away by the boys.

"He didn't do anything, anyway, how was your dance with Rip?" I asked while talk a seat next to the bar, trying to change the subject

"it's okay, but Rip just keep babbling, it's kind of cute when he's nervous." she giggled with a smile

"Well, looks like someone is in love," I said my ears perked up a bit.

"Shut it, you are the last person I want to hear from." Scarlet laughed while handing me a small bottle of beer

I took a few sips, enjoying the burning sensation flowing down my throat, it just went on like that, talking with Scarlet while the boys make a fool out of themselves, drinking beer, dance, Snake eyes just kind of stood there and watched, he looked like a lost puppy unable to comprehend what was going on.

The hours flew by fast and soon it was midnight, and everyone was either wasted or tired, that was when it was cue for us to go back to our room and just sleep, I was staggering around on my heels, waving goodbye to the others while trying to remember which way was my room.

"Damn heels," I growled and ripped it off my foot

"you shouldn't walk around bare foot." a voice popped up behind me which I recognize straight away

"Snakes" I slurred throwing my arms around him

I heard him sigh before picking me up, I giggled waving my legs up and down as he walked down the hallway, I was humming a small tune when we got to my room, the door beeped when he typed in my password, when did he figure out my password?

"Sit here and don't go anywhere." Snake commanded and rummaged through my closet until he found a pair of grey tank top and a light brown knee-length cargo pants

"Put it on." he tossed them to me and turned around

I pouted and pull the zipper down my dress and shuffle my way through the cloth, it took me a while to remember which way I was supposed to wear my tank top, I then flopped onto my bed

"Snake," I whined, "I'm done."

He turned around knowing that I had finished changing, such a gentleman, he took off his black suit and tie, leaving him with his shirt and his black pants, he sat down at the edge of my bed and ruffled my hair. I leaned into his touch as my ears flickered as I picked up his quiet mutters that this was going to happen, I looked at the white mask that was slightly out of place, reaching out I plucked the mask off before Snake eye can stop me, I let my hand trace his cheeks and jawline.

"Fang?" I giggled then slide under the covers feeling tired

I scooted to the end of my bed leaving some space for Snake to join, he didn't get the message and sat there dumbly blinking at me, my ears twitched with annoyance until my tail thump itself angrily at the cold empty space, Snake eye looked at me for a second before he got the message and slid into the covers.

"Good night Sharlina," he said before wrapping his arms around me

"I Love you..." I muttered under my breath

"love you too." he gave me a small smile that almost took my breath away

"I love you mor-"I argued but Snake put his hand behind my head and pulled me into a kiss, cutting me off

"Just go to sleep." he whispered when we broke apart, leaving me breathless, again

"And..." he suddenly spoke up, making me glance up at him "I love you more" he stated with a serious tone that told me there is no way I can win this argument with him

I couldn't stop a purr of happiness when he pecked my forehead, making me snuggle closer and let my tail wrap around Snake's forearm, I looked up at Snake's sleeping face before I fell into deep slumber. Snake looked so peaceful when he was asleep, I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his back, causing Snake to tighten his hold around me. At the back of my mind I know that there would always be trouble ahead of us, but for now let's just hope things stays the same. Even if it's just a little while longer.

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