Chapter 13

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Edit: 2018/11/09

I looked out onto the city from a rooftop, the blaring lights and car honking at each other, it's nice to be in somewhere that you are able to get in contact with society, and you never really get anyone coming to the base that's set in the middle of a desert. My breath quickened when I remembered the incident that almost broke me.

It has been 5 months since I left the Joes, they didn't even make a move to find me and apparently I was replaced by Kate, not that I care anyway, but for some reason they have been looking for my whereabouts these 2 weeks, well, that was what I was told by Professor Ray.

I sigh and walked towards this bar looking thing wanting to get my mind off things, the shop name is weird...Verdant, hmm, never heard of it. Walking in, I found myself right next to a bar and far away from people who were drunk and dancing, I saw Thea Queen, one of the famous people in this city so this is her club that she opened.

I sniffed the air and smelt this weird herb thing, something that should not be in the middle of town, it's kind of smells like herbs and trees? I shook my head and shrugged it off, turning around I found myself facing this man with blonde hair.

"May I help you?" this bartender smiled at me

"Sure, um, sorry I don't know what to get?" I scratched my neck

"Never been here I assume." Making me nod

"Should I fix you something you might like?" he asked

"That would be lovely." I gave him a smile and turned around watching people dance

I sense someone walking towards me, I glanced to my right and saw a guy who I immediately recognize, Oliver Queen, the brother of Thea Queen, he walked straight towards me with a smile, he held out his hand which I shook.

"Hello, I never see you around, so I suspect that you are new here?"

"Yes, this is my first time here...Mr. Queen." I smiled with a nod

"Please, call me Oliver." He beamed at me showing his shining white teeth "Well, I'll be off then, hope you have a great time." He gave me a nod and walked off

I turned around and found a cup and inside it contained this light blue liquid, I glanced at the bartender, he smiled at me when I held my cup at him and drank it slowly, it was actually pretty good.

I looked around as I enjoyed the music, I looked around and saw Oliver standing on the other side of the bar, he looked around as if searching for something until a guy that seemed like his bodyguard came over and both of them walked down the stairs that seemed to lead to the basement.

They both look at each other for a second before disappearing down the stairs, I blinked in suspicion as I set the glass cup on the counter and walked towards the staircase, I thanked the bartender and slowly and carefully walked down the stairs. Curiosity got the best of me.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw that both of their back was facing me, but the black guy turned around, and if it wasn't for my fast reflex I would have gotten caught, I was able to hang onto the air vent and hid above it, I saw them go inside the door and disappeared out of my view.

I suddenly heard faint voices coming through the air vent, I push back my hoodie trying to hear it, but it was too far away, I opened the vent lid and crawled inside almost forgetting to close it. It was dusty and suffocating inside the air vent, but I keep pushing until I was right on top of the voices.

Looking down I saw this row of highly advanced computers, a few training dummies here and there, a rack where all the weapon seemed to be stacked together and a glass case, which the suit was placed inside.

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