Chapter 2

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Edit: 2018/05/07

We were all in the control room waiting for General Hawk to show up, while my teammates split off into small groups and stood in a semi-circle. I, on the other hand, was spinning around on a wheelie chair. Suddenly, the guy who was the head of MARS came out of nowhere as a hologram and walked right through Ripcord, scaring the crap out of the poor guy. I pushed myself off the chair and stalked next to Snake Eyes with my arms crossed.

Baron de Cobray. A good for nothing asshole. He was always making new weapons to sell off for money, creating unnecessary war all around the world. I've seen him on magazines and seemed important, but to be honest, he struck me as an asshole when I first saw him. Even if he is a hologram right now, I can basically smell the arrogance off of him.

"I expected you to protect the warheads, and you give me this?" his thick accent filled the air as tension build, he looked around as if he was some rich aunty only coming to a family gathering just to show off her money.

"My team sacrificed themselves for you." Duke state angrily as he stepped forward, honoring his fallen comrades.

"I spent 10 years and invested thousands of euro into this project and this was the outcome?" he sounded offended that someone would think he actually cared "Maybe General Hawk, you would've been a better choice." he turned his head to our direction.

I stand correct with my judgment. Rich aunty that no one likes.

"Hey, asshole, people sacrificed themselves for your stupid bug tech, and this is how you show your gratitude to them?" I growled standing in front of him, blocking his vision my tail was swishing around furiously.

"No one asked for your opinion housecat." He snorted. I was used to those words, but it was his cold glare only fueled my anger.

"You egotistic-ignorant-maniac!" I jumped at him snarling, knowing full well that I am unable to physically harm him.

However, at the last-minute Snake eyes put his arms around my waist and dragged me out of the room, I was able to throw a pocket knife that landed right beside hologram before the door closed. I growled at as I saw him smirked at me right before the door closed. Right then and there I made a promise to myself that if I see Baron in person, oh, how I'm going to beat the shit out of him.

"Let me go!" I yelled at Snake Eye as we entered the training room. He listened and let me go when we came next to the combat mat.

"I am so going to kill you," I did not mean that "Did you not hear how he disrespected the dead! If Hard master was here, he would've been given the toilet cleaning duty for eternity!"

I was just too angry and probably from not taking my meds. Apparently, it has something to do with my genes, another disadvantage. Just like any threatened animal, they attack anything that deemed as a threat. At least Snake is trying to help me release my pent-up anger.

I pull my katana out as he did the same, I charge at him and allowed our sword clashed. Even though my brain was now telling me to murder Snake Eyes, I knew that it was just the two genetics that are fighting for control. I also realized that we can use this as a practice. I was so into the fight I didn't notice the other people crowding around. I successfully landed a kick at Snake's stomach.

"Is that all you got?" I teased with a toothy smile, trying to get him to take it seriously

I raised my other leg in order to deliver another blow, but he grabbed my ankles and pull it towards him. Losing my footing, my back met the mat with a thud. I quickly pushed my body between Snake Eye's legs to avoid his fist that was directed at my neck.

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