Chapter 4

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Edit: 2018/11/09

I was so shocked by the fact that my brother would be our enemy and if I didn't sense another person behind me, I would've been dead, I jumped up and landed on a railing on top and threw a dagger into his eye. I saw Storm Shadow escape when fire exploded between the two rivals.

I vaulted over the railing and landed on the first floor, and when I was just about to whack Storm Shadow in the head, he turns around and clashed his sword with mine. I smirked when he saw my tail that curled around his leg tripping him, but he kicked me in the stomach and ran towards the flying machine thing.

I pounced at him but missed by a few millimeters, he flew out of sight and I was just about to follow him when one of the creepy men came out of nowhere, I scream with frustration and roundhouse kick him in the face then whack his stomach with the hilt of my sword and then I stick my sword into his eye.

"Fuck you!" I screamed at him, even though he is dead. I stood up and spot Storm Shadow flying out, I took out a pistol and start shooting at them, I noticed Scarlet on the floor not too far from me, so I slowly backed towards her as I continued to shoot at Storm Shadow's flying machine.

"Scarlet! Are you okay?!" I shouted over the explosions as I neared her.

I helped her up and steady her to the railing, I look around and saw one of the creepy dudes was trying to climb up the stairs up towards us, I ran over to him in full speed and jumped on top of him, locking my hand around his head, so I was sitting on his shoulder.

I lean back as far as I can and pulled his head back with me making him lose balance and stumble backward, he hit the railing hard and got distracted trying to grab on the railing to stop himself from falling off, I, on the other hand, was having fun, I giggled at his attempt on grabbing the railing but fail miserably, his arms flailing around like a goose that got caught in a trap.

I took the chance and pulled my arms back as far as possible and grabbed the railing right behind the enemy's back, then I tighten my legs around his neck and lift him over my head so that he was now falling down the railing and we both went free fall downwards.

I loosened up and pushed him away as quickly as possible just in case he wanted to kill me in midair if that is possible. I turn around in midair so that my face was able to face the floor. I grab on to of the pipes that were sticking out of the broken concrete to stop myself from falling stop fast, swinging myself up I sat on the pipe and look out onto the battlefield.

Everything was a mess, there are holes in the floor that continued all the way to the bottom floor, there was fire everywhere and pipes sticking out here and there. Electricity wires sticking out of concrete walls, some even have sparks flying out.

I saw the man that I was fighting with sprawled dead on the floor, I was able to shoot him in the eye before he hit the ground and just in case, he wanted to climb up again. I heard this beeping sound and looked up, Baroness shot this thing towards me, it turned out to be this kind of sonic shape, it was too fast for me to dodge and slammed into me throwing me off guard, sending me backward, I braced for the impact as I flew across the room.

I was waiting to slid across the floor and I might be able to stop but no, I flew straight towards the only brick place we have in here that was for climbing walls when we train, my head was slammed at the brick as I felt my air supply was cut off, everything was swimming, swirling and doubled up when I blinked my eyes to make my vision clear. A nauseous feeling washed over me as I tried to catch my breath.

I shook my head trying not to black out but the shaking was just making it worse, I saw something black came running towards me and I can make out another red hair person coming over, I think it was Snake eyes because of his mask reflection and Scarlet with her hair.

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