Chapter 5

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Edit: 2018/11/09

"How are you doing up there, Fang?" a voice came through the ear piece

"Fine, maybe, I don't know, not good, no," I frowned as I squinted against the sun.

I sat on top of the truck as it weaves through the heavy traffic, I snorted when a car honked at us, I was on the lookout in Paris, on a truck that is weaving through the heaviest traffic I have ever seen and experienced. We took a sharp turn, which almost throwing me off the hood and a strung of rainbow flew from my mouth.

"Thank you so much for trying to kill me, asshole!" I yelled sarcastically down at Heavy duty, I edge myself towards the middle of the car, so I won't have any risk of getting thrown off either side.

"You're welcome!" he yelled out of the window, he held up a middle finger for all to see.

I snorted and went back to my previous spot and look around until I saw this huge building and we went swerving into it, I almost fell off again thanks to Heavy duty and his bad driving, I heard a shout from under and Snake eyes jumped off starting to chase this black jeep that was driving straight towards the traffic.

"Come on, damn you traffic!" I literally screamed and cursed at the driver in the jeep that was in front of us.

"Hey! Fang! Quite whining and catch up if you want to help Snake!"

"Okay, I'm on it!" I said and jumped off the hood and ran off

I push my way through the crowd and jumped off the bridge landing on a red car, I look down through the front window. I heard the man in there screamed. I rolled my eyes at his reaction and jumped away, I quickly sprinted past cars until I ran past these huge gates, but I saw no black jeep or the two machines that were running around like a maniac, I sniffed the air and tried to smell them but no luck.

"Why can't people close the shop door after they leave the bakery?" I snapped to no one in particular.

"Fang! Turn left now! You will see them in front of you! If you keep going you will lose 'em"

"Got it." as I turned a sharp left through the alleyway

When I got out, I almost got run over by the jeep if I did not jump out of the way; I sprinted full speed behind the car and was able to take a huge jump and landed on the roof on the jeep. I clamber on the car and made my way quickly towards the front of the car, I look down and saw all the people inside, two-man, baroness and finally Storm Shadow.

I gave a wave to all of them as they all just sat there shocked, my head plus my hair was blocking the drivers' view and I guess he does not know where he is going, and the car literally slammed into a car in front of us.

I almost fell off if I didn't sink my nails into the hood of the car, I looked up and saw that the car was going to slam into my face, I gave a shriek and grabbed the reflection mirror down the right side, my foot was literally still on the hood of the car and now I am upside down sideways for my dear life. I look at the car that was on the floor behind us that flew past me a few seconds ago. It crashed and tiny mechanical parts shot off like bullets.

Something scrapping the floor was loud below me and caught my attention, I look down and saw Snake eyes under the car also hanging for his life, he looked up at me while tilting his head like saying 'hi, looks like we are in the same situation'.

"Stop looking at me like that! I don't have time for your jokes! I can die right now!" I yelled

"Fang!" Scarlet yelled behind me

Then a bang could be heard but nothing happened, I looked at the driver and saw that the glass window was shattered, I found out that the driver did not roll down the window and proceed to kill me with a gun, idiot, he could have rolled down the window instead of shooting at the window.

"Guys!!! They are going to blow the Eiffel tower!! You have to stop them like, right now!!!" someone yelled through the earpiece that I assume was Breaker.

I growled and struggled towards the back window of the right car, I punched the window wishing it would shatter but no luck and it only cracked, I punched it repeatedly until it gave away.

"Gotcha." I said smirking and I punch baroness in the face and elbow her in the chin.

"You littl-!" She screamed at me, a red patch already forming on her face

But before she can do anything, I jumped off the car and landed on the floors on all floor gracefully, Snake eyes on the other hand was rolling, I laugh as though he looked unamused through his visor. He looked so ungraceful at that moment, oh how I wish I could have recorded it.

"Sorry." I giggled

I was brought out of my short entertainment when I saw that the car ran into the train and flipped over crashing to the ground, Snake eyes helped me up as we both look at the car. Duke and Ripcord showed up and I was not surprised when Ripcord just jumped through the train instead of jumping over it like Duke.

"Guys, they are not dead yet, and Baroness has the switch, Snake we'll come and pick you up!" Heavy duty voice transmitted through the ear piece

"I going to help," I said as I ran off, but stop when Snakes grabbed my arm and shook his head

"It's okay, I can handle it, I promise," I said smiling but he still shook his head "I promise I'll be fine; I never lie remember?" I looked into his eyes; well I think where his eyes will be.

He looked at me for a few minutes and finally nodded and let me go, I gave him a quick hug and ran off, sprinted towards the office building, people around us were screaming and yelling, I saw bullet casings on the floor and there were glass shreds everywhere.

"Why do people like going up the damn stairs!" When I say the damn stairs means it is long, not the long, long, but the very long kind.

When I got up to the top floor I was gasping for breath, I saw that the warheads were heading towards Eiffel tower. I gasped as the tower was getting eaten and everything started to rust and break away. I lock eyes with Storm Shadow before he jumped away through the glass window and disappeared. My eyes widen when I saw him on the helicopter thing that we were fighting against before, I ran towards it in full speed.

"Tell Snakes that I'm sorry," I told Ripcord when I ran past him, he was covered with tomato soup

"Fangs! NO!" he yelled

"Hell ya!!" I yelled as I jumped towards the helicopter

I landed in there and crashed into Storm Shadow, I punched him in the face and tried to elbow him, but he caught my wrist and elbow and twisted it over my back and slammed me to the wall. I groaned and struggled to try to get out of his death grip, I felt someone grabbed my hair and pulled it back then slammed my head back to the wall, everything went swirling and dizzy.

I felt something was placed on my mouth and the lack of air was forcing me breathing the unknown gas, black spots dotted over my vision and I couldn't see clearly, I also heard Storm Shadow said something but it was too far away to be heard, I couldn't keep my conscious and in a few seconds later everything went black and I knew that I would not like what is going to happen when I wake up.

"Where did Fang go?" Scarlet asked while they were on their way to the helicopter to save Duke

Snake eyes shrugged and pointed towards Heavy duty and the other boys, Scarlet knew what this means, and she does not like this one bit.

"Guy!" the boys all look at her, "I think they don't only have the warheads and Duke."

"What do you mean?" Heavy duty asked as he walked forward

"They have Fangs," Scarlet stated

Snake eyes clenched his fist tighter, so tight that you could have seen his knuckles turn white if he wasn't wearing the gloves, he could only wish that Fang can be safe and unharmed. She promised to come back, and she would never lie. 

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