Chapter 11

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Edit: 2018/11/09

I blinked when I felt the space on the bed next to me is cold, it was a bit shocking because I was always the one that had to wake Snake up, maybe people don't see it, but he is a heavy sleeper. I quickly took a short shower and changed into my usual clothes, as I made my way outside, I finally noticed that it was still early and not a lot of people are around.

I was feeling frustrated that I can't find Snake eyes, it was weird, he was mostly at where I can find him but not today, he is nowhere to be found. Testing my luck, I went to the training grounds, and there he was standing in the middle of the fighting mats, but he was not alone.

"So, just like this?" a familiar yet annoying voice came popping up

Kate, the newbie was standing next to Snake and was trying out on one of the punching bags, it was one of the lightest punch bags we have here, but even when Kate was punching it, it is making me feel like she was hitting a metal with paper, I mean, her posture wasn't anywhere near fine, her fist was in the wrong way.

However, I can see through her lies, right before she hits the sandbags, She'd loosen her muscles and allows the moment and her whole weight to direct her punching direction, making it look like she can't fight for shit.

I was only able to stop myself from barging in and expose her lies, when Snakes put his hand on her waist and shoulder to correct her, I know I'm being childish right now, but I can't help it, anger and jealousy was bubbling inside of me, but a somehow sounding happy shriek rang through the training grounds snapped me back to reality.

"I did it! It moved!" she squeaked while jumping up and down

Snake just stood by the side watching her, he suddenly reached out a hand and patted her on the head, to anyone who just saw that would think it was like a praise, but to me it was like throwing me down into the deepest depth of the ocean, and Snake never does that to anyone, only me. Kate smiled up at him and wrapped her arms around him for a quick hug, her face turned towards the door and saw me standing there, she gave me a smirk making me want to tear her face off.

Must stay professional.

Not wanting to see her anymore, I made my way to the girls changing room, I went over to get my sword, we were not allowed to bring any weapons into our room, they are all locked up in our lockers, I went over and got my sword out, sitting on a bench I slide it out of the covers

"Stop looking at your sword, would you? It won't make you any stronger." A voice popped up

"Well, at least it won't make me any less weak than you are." I snorted not bother to look up, Kate stood leaning at her locker with a hand in her pocket

"Please, stop, you are not as strong as people think you are, why are you doing this? Stop being so fake."

"Fake? You call me fake? You make Barbie feel real?" I snarled "I saw you just now, you were doing that on purpose."

"What are you talking about? I just ask for a bit of help~" she sang in an annoying voice

"Don't bother trying to hide it! He's mine so back off!" I growled wanting to throw my sword at her face

"You don't even like me, do you?"

"Of course, I don't! That's a stupid question."

"You know, you should look at yourself, everything about you is average, have you ever thought that maybe Snake Eyes is bored by you tagging him around all the time? You know, no guys like it when girls get obsessive," she said while looking at her hands

What she said started making me anxious, I admit that I can be a bit needy sometimes...... I mean I do annoy the hell out of my teammates, but they do hate it that much, right? Seeing that I didn't respond, Kate continued.

"Have you ever really looked at yourself properly? You have cat ears and a tail for fuck sake! Have you ever thought about the decision that you made might bring shame to Snake eyes even if he doesn't show it!" she said while glaring at me

"Do you even like Snake eyes?" she suddenly smirked, something seems off, but I was too angry to pay any attention to that

"That's a stupid question, I loved him since we meet, you don't even know what we've been through together." I snarled.

"You mean you love him; you don't even know if he loves you. He might only like you as a sister and took pity on you since he probably knows that no one would want to be with you. So, don't go around and act all high and mighty, you are just a freak." she crossed her arms, I brought my arm back indicating that I would not hesitate to punch her.

"Please, you can't hurt me." She smiled with a whiny sound

"Oh, you will so regret that!" I growled I punched her right in her eye, Kate let out a cry of pain and covered her right eye

"Don't go near Snake or I'll make you pay." I glare down at her

She smirked and left the room without saying anything while still covering her eye, I glare at her debating whether to snap her neck in half or what, she was so irritating and she clearly gives out the message to me that she is going to take Snake away from me, but oh no, you want him, you go through me first.

I got myself calmed down first then went out to find Snake, I went to the lounge to wait for the others, my ears perked up when I heard some footsteps coming in, and in came Duke, Ripcord, Scarlet, Heavy duty and Breaker.

"Sup guys" I smiled

"Hey, where were you? You didn't come for breakfast, got me worried." Scarlet came in and sat next to me

"Sorry, got caught up in some stuff." I smiled

Then I heard footsteps and Snake came in, he came down the stairs and greeted all of us, I was just about to drag Snake outside and was just about to discuss with him about Kate when General Hawk came in and told us it was time for us to go.

The entire trip was okay I guess, apart from me being accidentally grazed by a bullet otherwise no one else got any major injuries, just a few scratches here and there, I still didn't get the chance to talk to Snake at all, I was dragged off to the hospital wing when I came off the helicopter straight away.

After being released I didn't have time to talk to him, I couldn't even find him, I had got caught up with some of the newbies, they needed assistance on a few training machines, I had to help them and then in the end, when I was finally free from every little trouble it was evening and I needed food.

I got into the cafeteria and found a whole bunch of people standing there, due to curiosity, I shuffled my way through the crowd, and then I saw Kate sitting on one of the benches crying. I mean even though she annoys the hell out of me, I'm still worried. Did something bad happen? She turned and saw me standing there, her crying face turned into rage, she suddenly lunged at me. she moved so suddenly that I wasn't able to dodge, and I was tackled to the floor, as soon as I touched the floor, I quickly covered my face with my arms for protection.

She punched me once right underneath the jaw, which in return I gave her a jab right in the middle of her throat and punched her across the face. She coughed and was then pulled off me and dragged a few feet away from me, I stood up brushing off the dust as she struggled.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I snarled

"How could you! You attacked me for no reason this morning, I mean, I was just looking for help to strengthen my ability on fighting! And how can you treat Snake eye's feeling like that!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked dumbfounded

"Don't act dumb! You're a traitor." She screamed and I was taken back at the ferocity

Before I had a chance to talk back a hand was placed onto my shoulder, I turned around and almost cried out in relief, it was Snake Eyes, he looked to Kate and back to me to look for answers, and I breathed in heavily then breathed out as slow as possible, trying to calm my nerves. I turned back around, and I looked at Kate.

"Okay, you have exactly 3 minutes to give me a hella a good reason to attack me." I state crossing my arms unaware that what happens next is going to ruin my life.

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