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Next Day


I woke up and checked my phone. I finally got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I went back into my room and got dressed. I did my makeup natural. Some foundation, concealer, blush and a light bronzer and some mascara. I put on some chap stick and went to the kitchen.

I ate some cereal and went on my phone and check social media. I went back to my room and grabbed my glasses and computer and sat back down at the island and started to do some summer work.

I did work for about two hours. I was doing some math when I heard a knock at the door. I toke off my glasses and went to answer it. I opened the door and saw two good looking guys that looked the same. Great twins. "Hi" I said. "Hi is this Cameron's house" One asked. "Ya let me get him" I said walking away. "Cam someones here for you" I yelled through the apartment. "K" he yelled. "Oh you guys can come in" I said and helped them with their bags. Cameron came in the room and showed them their rooms. One was staying across the hall from me. They went in their room to unpack and I sat down to do more work.

2 hours later

I finished my work for the day and went back to my room to finish unpacking.

I got to my box with photos in it and started to take them out and look at them. I decided to make a montage of photos with my friends, family, and of course pets. I also put up some baby pictures because why not.

I was making a pile of photos I wanted to include when someone knocked on my door. "Come in" I yelled thinking it was Cameron. I looked up and one of the twins walked in. "Hi" I said more like a a question. "Hey I just wanted to ask you what your name was" He said. "Oh I'm Isabella and you are" "I'm Grayson" "Oh what's your brothers name" I asked. "Ethan" he replied. "Oh Ok" I said going back to what I was doing "What are you doing" Grayson asked. "Oh I'm just going through some photos and deciding which ones to put up on my wall" I said. "Oh cool well I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach with me" He asked. "Of course let me grab my shoes" I said grabbing my shoes and putting them on.

At The Beach

We got to the beach and Grayson had to pee so he went to find a bathroom. I saw my ex. He saw me and walked over to me. "hello baby" he said. "Don't call me that" I said. "Oh stop your being silly come on lets sit" He said pulling me. "Let me go" "come on let's go" He said pulling me tighter. I was sure it would leave bruises. He was too strong and I couldn't get away. we sat on the beach and he leaned in to kiss me. "Stop" I said. He pulled me into him and tried to kiss me again "Leave me alone" I screamed.

Grayson came out of nowhere and pulled me away and put me behind him "now if you don't get out of here in 5 seconds I'm going to beat the shit out of you" Grayson said. He ran away and Grayson pulled me into a hug. "Did he hurt you" he asked me. "No" I said hugging him back. We started to walk home.

At The House

When we got home I went to the kitchen for food cause I'm always hungry.

Cameron came in while I was making a grilled cheese. "What's that" He asked pointing to my wrist which was red and bruising. "Nothing" I said putting my hand by my side and taking the grilled cheese out of the pan. "It's something now show me your wrist now" He said a little to loud. I showed him my wrist. "Who the fuck did this? Was it Grayson I swear to god I will kill him" he yelled. "No it wasn't him. I saw Caleb at the beach and he pulled me too tight" I mumbled. "And you just went with him and let him pull you" He asked and I could tell he was pissed. "No he just pulled me and I couldn't get him to let go. I tried to" I yelled. "Isabella you can't let people do this to you. Did he try to kiss you" he asked. "Yes but Grayson showed up and almost beat him up" I said calming down. "Look I'm sorry I got mad at you it wasn't your fault" he said pulling you into a hug. I hugged him back and sighed just wanting all this Caleb stuff to be over.

"awww sibling goals" Ethan yelled taking a picture. "ugh don't ever post that anywhere" I said walking to the living room. "She can be a bitch sometimes" Cameron said as I walked away "I heard that" I yelled sitting on the couch and watching TV.

I watched my favorite show, Criminal Minds, and they were walking through the bad guys house and it was silent. I felt someone grab my shoulders and I screamed, loud. "What the hell was that for" I yelled as I turned around to see Nash laughing his ass off. "I didn't mean to scare you but that was funny as hell" he said sitting next to me.

I checked my phone and it was 5:45pm so I decided to ask what we were eating for dinner. "What's for dinner" I yelled to everyone. "ahh I'm right here you didn't need to yell" Nash said holding his ear and over reacting. "We're going to that pizza place you like. (Idk what a good place to eat is I've only been to LA 4 times)" Cameron yelled from his room. "Yassss" I yelled going into the kitchen.

I went to my room and laid on the bed checking my phone. "let's go Isabella" Cameron yelled. "k" I yelled back and grabbed my shoes. We walked to dinner because it was only a few blocks away.

"So I never asked you how old you were" Ethan asked as I walked between him and Grayson. "Oh I'm 15 and Cameron told me y'all were 15 too" I said and felt my phone ring in my back pocket. I looked to see who it was. It was Will, one of my best friends from school. I answered it. "hello" I said holding my finger up to the guys showing them to wait a minute. "Hey where are you. I'm at your house and your not here" he said. "Ok that's not creepy at all but I told you I moved to LA" I said. "But I want to go see a movie" he whined. "Come to LA for the day" I said. "fine i'm coming tomorrow" he said and hung up. "ok then" i said putting my phone back in my pocket. "Who was that" Nash asked from behind us. "It was Will and he's coming to stay with us for the day tomorrow" I said. We got to the restaurant and got our food and drinks.

Back at the House

It was around 10 when we got back so I went to shower and watched some netflix before falling asleep around 1.

In the dream

I was calling Cameron's name but I couldn't find him anywhere I walked into the living room and found Nash's body all bloody and cut up, he was dead. I started to cry and scream. I ran to Cameron's room only to find him murdered the same way and same with the twins. I tried to run out of the apartment but when I got to the door the murderer was there and was about to stab me.

Out of the dream

I woke up screaming and crying. I heard a soft knock on the door I was too terrified to say anything thinking it's the murderer.

Grayson opened the door when he saw me his expression went from tired to concerned. "Are you okay? What happened?" "Nothing I'm fine" I said whipping my tears not wanting him to see me cry. "Something's wrong. Can I come in?" He asked from the door. "Ya" I said sniffling. He walked in and sat on the bed pulling me close to him. "What's wrong? I heard you scream" he asked. "It was a nightmare, will you stay. I don't want to sleep alone and I don't want to go wake Cameron and-" "it's fine" he said laying down in bed with me. He pulled me close to him. "Sorry this is probably too close for you" he said letting go. "No" I said missing the comfort of his arms already. He wrapped his arms around me again. I fell back asleep feeling safe in his arms which was weird cause I've never felt so safe in someone's arms but Cameron's.

HOPE YALL ENJOYED. This chapter is still a little shorter than I'm going to write.

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