Ch. 11

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Grayson's POV
Friday morning 2:28am

Isabella screaming my name was all I heard when I woke up. I jumped out of bed trying to find her. I ran into the living room and saw her standing by the couch staring at the ground. "What's wrong" I asked rushing to her side. I grabbed her looking for any signs of her being hurt. I heard Ethan come out of his room as well. "There's a fucking spider" she yelled pointing to the spider crawling on the floor. "Are you serious" I groaned. "Yes now one of you kill it" she said hitting my arm. I groaned again grabbing a shoe off the ground and killing the spider. "Thank you Gray" Isabella said hugging me. "Ya whatever. Why were you up anyway. Our flights not till 6" I said hugging her back. "I was finishing packing" she said with a yawn. "Why don't we go to bed" I suggested. "No I'm just gonna sleep on the plane" she said walking to where the laundry stuff was. "Babe please" I said grabbing her by the waist. "Ok ok I'll go to bed but only for 2 hours then we have to go"she said pointing a finger at me. "Alright" I said.

Isabella's POV

"Gray" I asked as we laid in bed. "Hmm" he hummed. "I'm scared to meet your family" I said snuggling into him. "Why babe they'll love you" he said wrapping his arms around me. "But what if they think I'm a slut" I suggested. "Babe really" he asked with a giggle. "Seriously what if they hate me?" I asked tears forming in my eyes. "Babe they'll love you. You're outgoing and beautiful. You're so so sweet and ugh you're just so perfect" he said kissing me. "I love you Gray" I said kissing him back. "I love you blue (nickname)" he said pulling me closer to him.

I couldn't fall asleep so I waited for Gray to fall asleep then got up. I got in the shower and washed my hair and body then shaved my legs. I got out and wrapped a towel around my hair to dry it a little. I put my moisturizing on and put lotion on my legs. I put on a sports bra and underwear before going to our dresser. I put on my light gray Nike sweatpants and one of white t-shirts Gray's shirts and one of his sweatshirts. I turned around and saw Gray tossing and turning. I sighed climbing into bed with him and running my fingers through his hair. "Umh" he groaned opening his eyes. "You have to get up its 3:45 and we need to leave at 4:30" I said patting his arm. "Alright" he said sitting up slowly.

He went to take a shower while I went to wake up Ethan. "E" I called as I walked into his room. "I'm already up, but could you help me with something" he asked from the bathroom. "Ya sure what is it" I asked. "Could you grab me some clothes out of my closet" he asked. "Of course" I said picking out some sweatpants and a t-shirt. "Thx girl" he said like a girl. I laughed and walked out and back to my room to finish packing.

I finished packing everything but my toilettes. I walked into the bathroom and noticed Gray was still in the shower. "Gray hurry up we need to leave in 15 minutes" I said annoyed. I packed everything I needed not even bothering with makeup only a quick coat of mascara to make my naturally long eyelashes a little thicker. Gray finally got out of the shower and got dressed.

30 minutes Later
I shut off all the lights and grabbed my bag before Grayson could and walked out making sure to grab my purse, which had my phone, wallet, passport, computer, and chargers in it as well as my beats headphones (It's a big purse).

We walked down the parking garage where Alex was waiting. We put our bags in the back and got in the car. The ride to the airport was quiet due to all of us being tired. "Alright guys have a great trip. See you in a month" he said helping us with our bags once we got to the airport. We all hugged him and he drove off.

I grabbed Grayson's hand as we walked into the airport and heard screams from fans that had gathered there somehow. "It alright babe they won't hurt you" he said letting go of his bag and hugging me tight. "I know I'm just not used to it" I said letting go. We walked through and met with fans. We went through security and made it just in time for our flight. We took our seats and were in the air in no time.

3 hours later
"You know you would make a great youtuber" Ethan said looking over my shoulder while I was watching a YouTube video. "You think so" I asked. "Ya, I mean you're funny and love making people happy" he said like it was a no brainer. "Maybe I'll try it" I shut my computer and look over at Grayson who was sleeping. I lifted the armrest and snuggled into his arm. He lift his arm subconsciously and pulled me close to him. I was so comfy and warm. I shut my eyes and fell asleep.

2 hours later
I woke up hearing the flight attendant telling everyone to fasten their seat belts. Me sitting up woke Gray up causing him to grab my waist thinking something was wrong. "Buckle up" I nudged him. "Oh" he mumbled.

The plane landed and we got off. I started to get super nervous and hugged on Gray. "I'm so nervous" I said jumping up and down. "Don't be they'll love you" he said giving me a peck on the lips. We walked out of the airport after getting our luggage. The twins mom met us in the waiting area. Ethan hugged her first then Gray. "Ma this is Isabella" Grayson said. "It's nice to meet you Mrs. Dolan" I giving her a quick hug which she gladly accepted. "It's so great to meet you Isabella and please call me Lisa. Grayson goes on and on about you" she said laughing. I giggled and looked at a very red Gray. "Alright well lets get going. Your sister and dad are waiting at the house" their mom said. We walked out of the airport and went to the car. We put our stuff in the back of their mom's car and climbed in. Ethan sat in the front and me and Gray sat in the back.

We arrived at the house and got our bags out of the back. Gray grabbed my bag before I could. "Gray let me carry it you already have your bag" I said reaching for my bag. "Nope not gonna happen" he said and ran off with his bag and mine. "Ugh" I said chasing after him. We ran in the house giggling and laughing. He dropped the bags by the front door and gave me a quick kiss. We turned and saw Cameron and their dad standing there. "Dad Cameron this is Isabella" Grayson said. "Nice to finally meet you" Cameron said hugging me. "Nice to meet you" I said hugging back. Their dad just stood there. "Dad" Cameron said nudging him. "No" he said pointing a finger at Grayson and walking away. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I grabbed my bag and walked upstairs. "Babe" I heard Grayson call. "It's fine I'm just going upstairs" I replied.

I had no clue where I was going so I walked into the first room that looked like one of the twins. Ethan was laid on the bed on his phone. "Oh sorry" I mumbled trying not to let my tears fall. "You ok" he asked standing up. "Ya just where's Grays room" I asked. "Last door on the right" he said giving me a hug. "Thanks Ethan" I said waking to Grayson's room. I opened the door and immediately knew it was Grays room. I laid down on the bed and pulled a pillow close to me. I let the tears I was holding back fall. I tried to hide my cries but I wasn't doing very well. I heard a knock at the door. "Come in" I said sitting up. "Hey", Lisa said opening the door, "I'm so sorry about what happened. Their dad can be rude". "It's ok I mean who can actually want their son to love someone like me" I said whipping the tears that had fallen. "Hey don't say that, you know I think you're the best thing that's ever happened to Gray other than his fans obviously. But you're an amazing person and Grayson is so lucky to have you" she said with a slight laugh causing me to smile. "I've got this Ma" I heard from the door. I looked and saw Grayson standing there. "Okay come chat when you're ready Isabella" she said closing the door. 

"Come here baby" he said opening his arms. I ran into the wanting to feel his comforting embrace. "I knew someone was going to hate me" I said as I grabbed a handful of his shirt and cried. "It's ok shhh I've got you" he said and sat us down on the bed. "I think I should just go ahead to London. Y'all stay here and visit and I'll go ahead" I said after about 10 minutes. "No no no. You're staying here" he said firmly. He got out of bed and started to walk downstairs. "Grayson" i yelled running after him. I guess Ethan heard cause he came running out of his room. "Gray" I yelled once I got downstairs. I saw him walk through the back door and into the yard. I should have never come I thought to myself. "I've got it Isabella don't worry" Ethan said running after Gray. Fuck was all I could think

Hope you guys enjoyed. I had to end it cause it was getting too long. Oops sorry not sorry

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