Ch. 8

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1 week later
Gray's POV

I sighed rolling over in bed and rubbing my eyes. I checked the time and realized it was half past 6 and I was meant to be up at 6... oops. I threw the sheet aside and gently moved Isabella over and got up. I walked into the bathroom and started to brush my teeth. I heard some mumbles, something I've learned over the past few months is what Isabella does when she wakes up. I rinsed my mouth out and did my hair.

I walked out of the bathroom and started to pick out my clothes for my meeting. I finally found them and changed my pants and was about to put on a shirt when I heard Isabella rolling around. I turned around and saw her sitting up in bed rubbing her eyes and stretching. "Morning beautiful" I said walking over to her and giving her a kiss. "Morning" she mumbled and hugged me. "So I was thinking about taking you to the meeting with me today" I said more as a question. "Yay finally I get to go to one of these mysterious meetings" she laughed and went to our closet and picked out a pair of black jeans and a simple white t-shirt and some white converse to go with it.

1 hour later

We finally left the apartment and made it to the meeting just on time. I opened the door for Isabella and Ethan and we walked to the meeting room (idk) and we sat down in the chairs and waited for management to come in.

After the meeting
Isabella's POV

I walked out of the meeting super happy, the twins were going on tour and I was going with. "Gray I can't believe it" I said jumping up and down and smiling super wide. He laughed and grabbed my hand. We walked out and went down the road to a pizza place to eat lunch. We sat down and I was looking at the menu when I saw a camera flash, I looked up and saw Gray smiling at his phone. "What" I asked. "You're just so cute" he laughed. "Shut up, I'm not that cute" I said pushing him lightly. He rolled his eyes and put his phone down. "oh by the way I have an appointment to get my hair done at 1:40" I said looking at the menu again. Our waiter came over to our table and got our drink orders.

After lunch

We payed and got ready to leave the restaurant when Ethan pointed out that there were fans outside. We walked out and were met by about 50-60 fans. Gray and Ethan met with them while I stood off to the side. A few fans came up to me and asked some questions, like what's Grayson like in bed, which I of course didn't answer cause I want to keep that private. Some fans gave me dirty looks, but I ignored them.

We had been out here for like 10 minutes. I sighed and checked the time. It was 1:17pm. If we don't leave now I'm not going to make my appointment. I walked up to Gray and said to him "I need to go I have an appointment." He sighed and said bye to the fan he was talking to. "Do you realize how rude that is" he said to me when we were around to corner. I knew fans could hear but I didn't care. "Gray I need to go and if you're not going with me fine" I sighed. "Fine then go, I don't want your rude attitude around my fans. You're acting like a bitch" he raised his voice. "Fuck you Gray. I don't know who the hell you think you are. All I said was that I need to go. I couldn't care less if you went" I yelled. "I think I'm the boyfriend of a rude bitch" he yelled. "You know what fuck you" I said walking away "oh and don't expect me home tonight" I yelled back. I knew that hurt him but I didn't give a shit.

I got to the hair salon about 5 minutes late and my hairdresser was already there waiting. "Sorry I'm late, I got stuck in traffic" I lied. She started to do my hair and we started to talk and just gossip.

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