Ch. 6

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1 week later

I woke up to someone laughing super loud in the living room. I groaned getting ready to yell at someone for waking me up. I got out of bed and was planning my verbal assault in my head. I walked out of my room and saw Cam, Ethan, Gray, and 2 guys I didn't know. "Fuck" I mumbled going back into my room and changing so I look more presentable. I put on some gray nike sweatpants, white t-shirt with a sports bra. I opened my door again and saw everyone still in the living room. "Morning" I said walking in the living room. "Hey, Guys this is Isabella, Isabella this is Alex and Nate" Gray said pointing to them. "Hi I'm glad Gray has friends other than Ethan and Cam" I said jokingly. Nate stood up and hugged me and so did Alex.

We talked for about 30 minutes before Gray pulled me to the side. "I need to talk to you" he said shutting the door to the balcony. "What's up" I asked sitting in one of the chairs. "Me and E found an apartment" He said. "Great" I said faking a smile. To be honest I really don't want him to leave. "We're moving out today, that's why Nate and Alex are here, but umm it's about 30 minutes away" he said nervously. "Oh" I said looking down at my lap. "But what I really wanted to talk about was that I talked to Cam and he said you could move in with us, but only if you want to" he said lifting my chin. "Of course I will" I said getting up and hugging him. "I love you" he said kissing me. "I love you too, now lets go pack" I said opening the door. I ran to Cam and gave him a super tight hug. "Thank you so much" "No problem, I'm super busy with work anyway and it wouldn't be fair to you to be all alone all the time" he said pulling away. I kissed his cheek and went to my room. I went to the hall closet and pulled out some moving boxes. Then went to my room and started to pack my clothes. My phone started to ring as I was packing my shorts up. I sighed grabbing it off my bed. It was my mom. "Hey mom" I said answering it. "Hey Bella, umm I just wanted to say that I miss you so much and I love you very much" she said sounding like she was crying. "Is everything okay" I asked. "Ya I'm justing missing y'all. So what's been going on" she asked. "You have no idea" I said sitting on my bed and told her everything

3 hours later

I hung up the phone with tear rushing down my face. Talking to mom made me realize how much I miss home. I walked out of my room and into the living room where Cam, Nate, and Alex were. "Hey" i said whipping my tears. "Hey what's wrong" Cam asked getting up. "I talked to mom and it just made me realize how much I miss her" I said. "Oh, well she's been dying to talk to you but she thought you hated her cause she left so abruptly" he said. "I know she told me" I said laughing a little. "Alright well I should get back to packing" I said going to the kitchen and grabbing a water from the fridge.

4 hours later

I was finally done packing. I'm not bringing my bed stuff or any of my furniture cause I know I'm going to come back and visit a ton. I pulled my moving boxes to the living room cause I'm weak af and can't pick them up. "I'll get those for you" Alex said coming up to me and grabbing the boxes from me and putting them on a cart thingy. "Thanks" I said. "You know you take forever to pack" E laughed. "Hey, I've got lots of stuff" I laughed as well. "Ready" Nate says from the door. "Ya, I'll be down in a few minutes" I said turning to Cam. "I love you" I said hugging him. "I love you too, have fun" he said kissing my head. I let go and walked out of the apartment.

30 minutes later

We pulled up to the apartment building and went up to the apartment. "I'm so excited" I said jumping up and down. They all laughed and Ethan opened the door. "It's nicer than I remember" Gray said walking in. We all looked around for about 5 minutes before we went to get the boxes and start to actually move in. "So this is our room" Gray said walking into the room at the end of the little hallway. "Our" I asked. "Ya, I mean there are two beds if you don't feel comf-" "Gray, I'm just kidding" I cut him off. "Oh thank god" I heard him mumble. I giggled as he grabbed one of the boxes and took it in the room.

7 hours later

We were finally all moved in and I have to say the apartment look so good. We got a pizza delivered since we don't have any food here. We all sat around in the living room eating and talking about YouTube ideas. "Alright guys I'm getting tired so I'm going to go take a shower" Gray said standing up and walking to our room. "So guys I was thinking we pull a prank on Gray" I said. "Like what" Nate asked leaning forward and taking a bite of his pizza. "What if like I make him think I'm cheating on him" I whispered making sure Gray couldn't hear. "I think it's a good idea and we could film it and put it on our channel" E said. "Ya so like next week y'all should go out to dinner and when y'all come home I'll set up like an empty box of pizza, soda cans, and then like clothes leading to our room and then we can put a fake head in the bed with pillows to make it seem like a body" I said. "Aren't you a little afraid of how he will react" Alex asked. "Kinda but I know he will laugh about it later" I shrugged. "You have to make it seem real so like act kinda distant starting tomorrow" Nate suggested. "Ya" they all agreed. "Sounds like a plan" I laughed.

Sorry if y'all don't like this prank idea, but I just need a little bit of drama to be added to the story

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