Ch. 14

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Isabella's POV

The sound of an unfamiliar voice was all I heard when I woke up. "Sweetie wake up we landed" i opened my eyes and saw the sweet old lady that was sitting next to me. "Oh thank you" I said standing up and grabbing my carry on. I went through baggage claim and customs and was finally out. I saw Joe waiting for me in the waiting area. "Hey Joe" I said sadly giving him a hug. "Hey, I'm sorry about everything he's an ass" he said rubbing my back. "He's not though and that's the thing he's the sweetest guy ever and he acted like an complete ass I don't get it" I said as we started to leave the airport. "It will be alright" he said unlocking his car and we got in.

We arrived at Joe's flat and walked in. I was met with cheers of two guys. "Aye its little Dallas" jack Maynard and Josh pieters cheered (pretend Cameron and them are good friends). I laughed and gave them a hug. "We heard what happened" Josh said. "Ya he's being such an ass and I don't get it but I'm here to have fun and fun I will have" I said dropping my suitcase and sitting on the couch grabbing a wii remote.

"Does anyone know you landed" Joe asked after he took my bag to what I assume was my room. "No I'll call Lisa give me a second" I said standing up and walking to the balcony. I stepped out feeling the ice cold wind of London. "Hey sweetie how was your flight" Lisa said as she answered the phone. "Hey it was good I was just calling to let you know I landed and made it to Joe's safely" I said leaning onto the railing. "Glad to hear that. I want you to speak Grayson just for a minute" she said nervously. "Alright that's fine" I sighed getting together my angry speech.

"Baby" I heard Grayson say. I could tell he was heartbroken not knowing where I went. "Hey" I said coldly. "I'm sorry. I was with my friends and I wasn't thinking" he began but I cut him off. "Your so fucked up Grayson. You know what happened to Abby and yet you still went and drank. God you must be messed up in the head. Oh and I'm sorry you were with your friends you knew there would be alcohol so why would you even bring me there" I angrily said into the phone. "Oh you think your so perfect you went outside and smoked. Like what the hell you don't even smoke" he spit angrily. "you know Grayson I went out and lit a cigarette and set it next to me so I would smell like smoke. I was hopeful that that would get your attention but no" I said. "I'm sorry-" he started. "No you just need to shut up. I'll see you on Monday we can talk then but until then I'm done don't call me" I said and hung up.

I ran my hands through my hair and sat on one of the couch/bed thing that Joe had outside. Tears slowly ran down my face. I heard the patio door open and Jack walk out. "Hey you alright" he asked sitting next to me and covering me with a blanket he brought. "Ya I'm just mad at Grayson. I just talked to him and I just don't know what to do anymore" I said sniffling. "Guys are assholes but I really think that you and Grayson have to really like each other I mean you do live together right" he asked. "Ya I mean I'm so in love with him but I feel like I only know half of him ya know. He was a totally different person when he got around his friends. I just want to know the whole him not only parts" I said sighing occasionally. "Ya well I think you should forgive him it was a mistake" he said. "Ya I just don't want to deal with it right now" I said standing up and walking inside.

"If y'all don't mind I'm going to my room" I said walking back into the living room still wrapped in the blanket. "That's fine" Joe said. I walked to the room I was staying in and shut the door. I got into the bed and pulled the covers over me. I felt sad because I didn't have Grayson. My eyes slowly shut and I was out like a light.

"Hey wake up" I felt Joe nudge me gently. "Huh" I said sitting up. "We're going out for a while. We made plans for a friend of ours birthday cause we didn't know you were coming" he said. "Ya that's fine I know I kind of sprung this early arrival on you" I laughed slightly. "Don't worry about it. I left some money on the counter for pizza or some food whatever you want. We should be home around 2" he said getting up from the bed. "Alright I'll see you then" I said laying back down. "Bye" he said shutting the door.

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