Ch. 5

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6 months later

Those 3 months that the twins were supposed to stay turned into them staying with us when they came to LA until they found their own place.

I woke up sweaty and crying from a dream that Caleb came to the house and raped me and then tried to kill Grayson. I was so convinced that it was real that  I got up and went to Gray's room to be sure he was alright. I opened his door and saw that he was editing one of his videos for YouTube. "Thank God" I whispered to myself. I guess I wasn't quiet enough because Grayson turned around in his seat. "Hey, what are- what's wrong" he asked getting up and coming over to me seeing my tear stained face. "Just a bad dream" I replied as he hugged me. "You could have just yelled" he said kissing my head. "I know, but I didn't want to disturb you" I said sighing. "It's 3 in the morning you wouldn't be disturbing much" he said with a laugh. "I know but this happens almost everyday and I hate yelling for you cause you need to sleep" I said pulling away sitting on his bed. "Hey, don't say that. I would do anything for you" he said sitting next to me. "I know" I sighed laying my head on his pillow and getting under the covers. "Try to get some sleep. I'm gonna finish editing this video" he said kissing my head and walking to the desk.

Next Morning

I woke up around 8. I opened my eyes and saw Grayson looking exhausted standing at his closet with a pair of jeans on. "Where are you going" I asked sitting up. "Have a meeting" he replied grabbing a shirt and putting it on. "How much sleep did you get" I asked swinging my legs over the side and getting up. "like 3 hours" he replied. "Gray, you need to sleep more" I sighed hugging his waist laying my head on his back. "I know but I'm always busy" He said shrugging me off of him and walking into the bathroom. "How about you stay home and sleep some more, with me, and E can tell the people you're meeting with that you're sick." I said from the door. "You know I can't do that" He said putting gel in his hair. "Then let me go with you" I suggested. " I can't do that, you'll distract me" he said coming over to me grabbing me by the waist and giving me a kiss. "fine I'll make you breakfast then" I said going into the kitchen.

I made some pancakes and put them on a plate grabbing the syrup and butter out as well as forks. I was about to make mine, but I realized Gray wasn't out yet so I went to see what was taking him so long. "Gray" I asked knocking on his already opened door. I pushed it open more and saw him on the bed cuddled up with a pillow asleep. I climbed in replacing the pillow with myself and Gray pulled me close to him. I ran my fingers through his hair knowing he loves to be woken up like that. "Crap", he mumbles sitting up, "what time is it". "It's like 8:30" I said sitting up as well. "Alright" he said getting up. I got up as well going into the kitchen.

After Breakfast

Gray and Ethan left along with Cam because he was taking them to their meeting and then waiting in the lobby till they finished. Nash went back home for the month to see his family so that left me alone in the apartment. I was laying in bed because after breakfast I didn't feel well, but didn't say anything to anyone cause I knew they would be worried. I felt like I needed to throw up, but tried to put it in the back of my mind and watch a YouTube video. I was watching the video when I knew I had to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I groan sitting on the floor after flushing the toilet. I didn't want to move so I just laid on the floor and fell asleep.

Later (Grayson's POV)

We left our meeting and went to get some lunch. I tried to call Isabella to tell her that we were eating and if she wanted anything, but she didn't answer. I ignored it thinking she probably had her phone on silent. I sent her a text saying that we were getting her some food and that we're on the way home now.

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