Ch. 10

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Next Morning
Isabella's POV

I woke up tangled in Grayson's arms feeling really uncomfortable. I wiggled out of his arms and went to the bathroom. I was feeling terrible and wanted to sleep. It didn't help that I started my period.

I came out of the bathroom after doing my business and saw Gray sitting up in bed looking exhausted. "Why are you up, it's 5:30. You alright?" he asked. "Ya, sorry I had to pee" I said climbing back into bed with him. I rolled over onto my stomach getting comfortable. I was finally comfortable, when Grayson grabbed my waist pulling me into his chest. "Noooo" I said pushing against his chest. "Sorry" he said looking at me concerned. "I was just getting comfortable" I said rolling over on my stomach again. "Babe what's wrong" he said rubbing my back. "I don't feel good, Grayson. Leave me alone" I said moving his hand off my back. "Fine" he said rolling over. I felt bad for snapping at him, but I was so comfy now. I ptfo (pass the f out) in no time.


I woke up when I felt Gray get out of bed. "Come back" I said trying to grab his hand without opening my eyes. "I've got to go talk to Ethan, I'll be back in a few minutes" he said sounding annoyed. "Ugh" I groaned and threw my hands on the bed. I was going to get up, but my head was hurting so bad that I just rolled over and fell asleep.

I woke up to my phone ringing. I rolled over and grabbed my phone, answering it. "Hello" I asked rubbing my eyes. "Hey" I heard the voice of someone I haven't heard from in forever, Joe Sugg (I'm obsessed with British youtubers right now). "Oh my god Joe how are you" I asked sitting up. "I'm great, I was wondering if you wanted to come down to London for a while" he asked. "That would be so fun. When were you thinking" I asked. "Maybe in like two weeks" he sounded like he wasn't sure. "Ya that'd be great" I smiled. "I heard you've got a boyfriend now. Tell me all about him" he said.


I ended up talking to Joe for over 3 hours. I got off when I heard the front door shut. I set my phone on the side table and got up. I walked into the living room and saw Gray, Ethan, and Nate laughing, while setting some bags on the table. "Hey" I mumbled grabbing a blanket off the couch and wrapping up in it. "How ya feelin" Gray asked while folding up some clothes. "Terrible" I groaned grabbing a cup and getting some water. I took some medicine hoping it would make me feel better "I'm sorry baby" he said pulling me into a hug. "Can we cuddle" I asked burying my face in his chest. "Oh course" he said rubbing my back.

We ended up laying on the couch talking to Nate and Ethan for over an hour. "Gray" I mumbled knowing if I talked any louder it would hurt. "Hmm" he asked and stopped talking to Nate. "I feel terrible" I groaned (I'm so dramatic wtf). "It's ok baby" he said holding me tighter. "Me and E are going to go get something to eat. We'll be back in a little while" Nate said grabbing his wallet and phone off the counter and leaving along with Ethan.

"I wanted to talk to you about something" I said after about 10 more minutes of cuddling. "Hmm" he mumbled playing with my hair. "I'm going to London in two weeks and I was wondering if you and E would like to come" I asked playing with the hem of his shirt. "That would be so fun. Who would we stay with" he asked. "Joe Sugg and some of his friends" I said still playing with the hem of his shirt. "Oh course I would like to go babe. I'll ask E when he gets home" he said smiling from ear to ear. "Ok I'll tell Joe in the morning cause it's already past 2 in the morning there" I said nuzzling my face in Grays chest. "Alright" he said and continued running his hands through my hair.

After about 2 hours Nate and Ethan came home carrying two bags of food. "Wassup" Nate yelled. "Shut up" I mumbled. "Oh sorry" Nate said putting his hand over his mouth. "I'm gonna go to our room so you guys can talk" I said getting up. "Alright babe. I'll be there soon" Gray said. I walked to our room and grabbed my phone sending Joe a quick text saying that we were coming. I decided to take a quick shower to help myself feel better.

I was enjoying my shower, when I washed my hair out I noticed it was all blue. "What the fuck" I mumbled. I finished my shower and got out and looked in the mirror. My hair was blue. "Oh my god. What the fuck" I screamed. Grayson burst through the door laughing. "Did you enjoy my prank babe" he said laughing and holding a camera. "You ass" I yelled. "Gray I can't have my hair blue" I wanted to cry. All Gray did was laugh. I slapped him on the arm. "This isn't funny" I said looking in the mirror at my hair. "It'll come out" he said. "No it won't. Oh my god" I said turning the shower back on. "I fucking hate you Gray, this isn't funny" I said getting in and throwing my towel on the ground. "Get me a new towel" I screamed.

After washing my hair twice I finally got most of the hair dye out. I got out yet again and dried my hair a little and got dressed. "I fucking hate you Gray" I said walking into the living room. "Did it help you feel better" he laughed. "Shockingly enough it did" I fake smiled. Nate was laughing his butt off in the corner. "Oh shut up Nate" I scowled getting some chocolate milk out of the fridge and putting myself a glass. "I'm gonna get you back" I said smirking at him. "Ya ok" he laughed. "I think I'm just gonna go to bed" I said walking back to our room. "Babe it's only 8:30" Gray called after me. "Ya well when you don't feel well and your boyfriend decides to be an ass, all you want to do is sleep. Oh and by the way you're sleeping on the couch" I yelled slamming the door. I was so pissed all I wanted to do was sleep. I checked my phone and saw I got a text back from Joe saying he couldn't wait for us to come.

I tossed and turned for hours trying to get to sleep. I guess Gray got the message that I didn't want him in here cause he hadn't come in once, not even to shower. I felt bad so I got out of bed looking at the clock it was 11:40pm. I walked out into the living room and saw Gray and Nate watching TV. "I'm sorry Gray, it was just a prank and I over reacted" I said sitting next to him. "It's fine babe, I shouldn't have pulled a prank on you while you're sick. I'm sorry baby" he said pulling me into him. "Can we cuddle, I can't sleep" I said. "Of course" he said picking me up and taking me to our room after saying goodnight to Nate.

We walked to our room and Gray laid me on the bed then climbed in. "So I wanted to tell you that me and E are gonna go back to Jersey before we go to London and you're welcome to come" he said pulling me into him. "I would love to and plus I really want to meet your family" I said. "Perfect, we were gonna leave Friday is that ok with you" he asked. "Ya that's good" I said. "I love you" I said snuggling up to Gray. "Love you more" he said kissing my head. Gray fell asleep in no time and I laid awake thinking about meeting his family.

I woke up hearing someone rustling around in the sheets. I rolled over and saw Grayson looking distressed. "No please" he mumbled. "No don't take her please. Don't do this. I, she's my everything no please" he said louder. "No" he yelled. "Gray wake up" I said shaking him hard knowing he's a heavy sleeper. "No" he screamed sitting up in bed. The door opened and Nate and Ethan stood there looking concerned. Gray was crying with his head in his hands. "Grayson" I asked softly putting my hand on his back. "Oh my God baby" he pulled me into a tight hug. I waved my hand telling the guys to go. They shut the door and I heard their footsteps walking away. "Gray what's wrong? What happened?" I asked rubbing his back lightly. "They took you from me. They killed you. Please don't ever leave me, you're my everything. I-I can't do this without you" he cried. "Gray I would never"I said pulling him slightly so we were laying down. "I love you I love you I love you" Gray repeated kissing me in between. "I love you too Gray now let's get to sleep" I said cuddling into him. "Hey babe" Gray asked. "Hmm" I hummed. "I really do love you and nothing you do will ever change that" he said stroking my hair.


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