Chapter 1

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Luke watched the orange and yellow leaves fall from the maple tree, that was placed in the middle of the court yard of Water Hill Secondary School.

Needless to say, that's where most of the girls hung around, and Luke wasn't just admiring the leaves.

He might of given a smile, a wink, or maybe even a bite of the lip. But it was just to keep up with his reputation. The Player.

He was in most of the sports teams, but also because he's a man whore. As Mia Dove would describe him.

Sure she saw what every other girl saw in him. The blond messy hair, and tall strong figure were the magnet, and Mia knew she didn't stand a chance over the rest of the girls.

She didn't have extremely long hair, but it wasn't short either. It was this weird brownish red that she hated, and she shorter than most girls at her age. Also smaller.

She didn't exactly care though if did or not have the chance to date Luke because one, he seems like a total douche, and two, she was mostly focusing on her studies than she was with boys.

Hoping to be a lawyer like her mom, she knew she had to work hard.

She passed by from Luke, who was still checking out the girls with his buddy, Jamie.

"Isn't there any girls who doesn't where short skirts?" Jamie curiously asked.

"Yea, there's this girl in my homeroom who sits next to me who wheres knee high skirts ALL the time," Luke explained.

"Find out her name. I'd like to... Meet her." Jamie gave a grin, as he was imagining stuff a 16 year old shouldn't be thinking about.

"I don't know man, she doesn't seem too-" Luke was cut off as the bell rung to begin school.

"Get her name." He demanded as they split up to their classes.

Le Time Skip...•

Luke sat in the back of class and glanced over to his left, where sat Mia.

She was taking down notes, as the teacher was writing onto the chalk board.

He ripped a piece of paper from his notebook and started to write down a letter.

Once he finished it he handed it to Mia, without looking.

Mia's hand stopped moving, as her eyes moved to the folded to the piece of paper.

She unraveled it as it read.

"Wanna go out with me sometime?"

She gave a weird look to Luke as she crumpled the paper up and threw it to his head.

Again, he wrote another note.

"So is that a yes?"

Mia started to become annoyed, and wrote back,

"Let me work."

Not surprised, Luke began to write, as a shadow hovered over him.

He looked up, to see the teacher, with a stern look on his face.

"So would you like read your notes out loud to everyone?" Mr. Miller asked Luke.

"Uh, no thanks," He replied.

"Okay, then you both can go to the office."

Mia's eyes widened as she was furious with Luke. She had never been to the office.

Luke sat up, and started to walk to the office, while Mia followed.

Once out of the class room, Mia pushed Luke with her weak muscles.


Luke put his had onto Mia's mouth signaling to be quiet.

"Shut up or else you'll get us into bigger trouble," he whispered. She pushed his arm away, and gave a glare. "So what's your name Dolly?" He asked.

"Why does 'The Player' wanna know?" She was concerned about her being.

"Look, I'm doing this for a friend."

"You mean Jamie? He's as bad as you," He turned around to her comment, and stomped towards.

Scared, she squished her elbows into herself, as she tensed up her body, and closed her eyes.

Luke stopped to look at the girl, who on second take, look kinda cute.

"Are you going to tell me then?" He petted her head, as she peaked one eye.

A muffled voice came from her mouth.

"Pardon?" He sarcastically said.

"Mia Dove."

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