Chapter 9

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Jenifer gave a quick imatading glare to Mia, but soon returned to her joyful self, "When did this happen? And since are you the one to seddle down?" She smirked and raised an eyebrow at Luke, but he soon replied.

"Last night. And if I wanna settle down, it's because I've found a person different from everyone else, and not just beautiful outside, but also in," Luke pulled Mia closer and she blushed up, and clenched her hands onto her text book.

Jenifer didn't belive Luke, as she knew Mia wasn't pretty. Or at least she thought, "Kiss."

"W-what?" Mia finally spoke.

"Aw, is Jenifer that desperate?" Luke taunted her to get that topic out of the way.

"N-NO WAY!" She stampered back ,"I.. I just couldn't belive you got a girlfriend, but I gotta go, I'm already late, see ya!" She walked off, and Luke had sorta forgotten to let go of Mia.

Sorta. In reality, he didn't really want to. But she removed herself anyways, and walked to 3rd period.

Luke quickly applied the make up, and rushed off as well.


At the end of the day, Mia had started to walk home, when she noticed a crowd of good looking girls hanging around the entrance of the school property.

"That's her!" One of them yelled. Mia was suprised, and nervous, making her heart skip a beat.

"This is the girl Luke's dating?" One of them scanned Mia quickly, as the tone in her voice sounded disappointed and bored.

"Have you kissed yet?"

"The more important question we should be asking is if they done it," Mia was confused by the girl's more 'important' question.

"W-what do mean?" The girls laughed at her confusion and blushing.

"Look, the toddler's blushing! How cute," Mia felt a tug on her school uniform sweater, and turned around. Luke had made his way to her.

"What are guys doing?" He asked. None of them answered him, "Now, you're not really going to make me repeat myself, are you?"

"We were just checking if the rumors were true. A-about you two dating," One of them spoke up.

Luke sighed in fustration, and hugged Mia's fragile body, "Well, it's true," He pulled back to she Mia's red face, and leaned down to kiss her.

His lips were soft, and his warm embrace made Mia get chills.

"Aw, lucky!" One of them wished she was Mia at the moment. They soon left the two alone, and Mia didn't make eye contact with him.

"C'mon, I'll walk you home incase there are others," He looked towards Mia, and where he had flicked her early had now been bruised, "S-sorry about that."

"About kissing me?" She looked up to him. He smiled and shook his head.

"About this," He stopped her in her tracks, and lifted her head, and gently pressed the purple dot on her skin.

"Oh," She removed her chin from his hand, and blushed, "So what are we doing?"

"Well, we now have to date, to get rid of Jenifer," He explained. She looked back at him, and tilted her head.

"Jenifer seems nice. Wouldn't you wanna date her? She's pretty, and popular-"

"She's crazy," He cut her off, "She's always wanting me to buy her stuff, and go to fancy restraunts," Mia nodded in aggrement that she wasn't suited for someone like Luke, "So long story short, we're dating."

"What do I get in return? I mean, I never agreed to this."

"To be my girlfriend," Mia rolled her eyes, "And you'll get my kisses daily, and hugs, and experience something no other girl will," that made Mia blush. Just the thought of her being in his arms made her sqeul.

"O-okay..." The rest of the walk was silent, and they sooner arrived to her house without any interruptions.

"So what are you going to do?" He asked.

"Well, I don't have homework, so I'll probably just do some chores or help my little brother with his. What about you?"

"Well, after school I usually hang out with Jamie, but him and I are fighting. And I'm not going home if my dad's there," Luke stared at Mia's house, "Can I come in?"

"Uh, I don't really-"

"Yes? Okay!" Luke pushed her into the house and was laughing.

This might go well... or not.

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