Chapter 10

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I hope you all are liking it so far...

I might make a new story, cause I just thought of a brilliant idea so... STAY TUNED!!!

okay ill start writing now so you can read... btw merry christmas

Luke pushed her into the door, which made her fall to the ground in pain.

"Oh... whoops," Luke was hiding the laugh, but it busted out. Mia, now annoyed, shook her head, and stood up from the dirty cement.

Brushing off the dirt of her school skirt, she opened the door. Her house was quite small, but surprisingly there was a second floor.

"I'm home, Conrad!" She yelled. Luke was a bit suprised of Mia on how loud she yelled.

Luke saw the boy with the brownish-red color hair, like Mia's, but what stood out from him was his eyes. They were an aqua blue color which put Luke in a trance. He seemed about 14 years old, but tall for his age.

"Yo," He replied without emotion or tone, like the life in him had been taken out of him.

"This is my friend, Luke Smith. He's going to hang out here, I guess," Mia said unsure.

Conrad looked over to him, and never in his life has he seemed such a bored person.

"Oh, I'm Conrad," He held out his hand, and Luke hesitantly took it, and was pulled in for a 'bro' hug. (You know those things where guys shake hands and then hug, and give a pat on the back? Yeah, that,) "I'm glad you're friends with her," He whispered into Luke's ear.

Suprised, Luke pulled away, as Conrad causually walked off into the kitchen.

"Don't worry about him," Mia assured Luke, "He's been this way ever since our mom left," She was talking about it so casually it scared him.

"H-how long has that been?"

"Mm... about 8 years."

"Oh, that's why," Luke blurted out. Mia tilted her head in confusion, as they started to walk to the living room, "You talk about it like nothing, when clearly it's something. But I'm guessing since it's been so long you've just gotten use to it."

"I...I don't really know," Mia looked down onto the carpet, as she sat down onto the couch. She never really thought about it, but she really did miss her mother.

"Y-you don't need to-" Before Luke could tell her what she could and couldn't do, she collapsed into his lap.

"I miss her Luke!" She cried, "I miss her so god damn much!" Luke, (again) was suprised that Mia cursed. He looked up to see Conrad, leaning on the wall, smirking. He was mouthing the words, kiss her.

Damn that kid... Luke lifted Mia up with a gentle push on her chin with his soft hand, to she her cheeks rose red, and tears falling down them.

"It'll be fine," Luke's voice had a small pur in it, as he wiped away a tear forming from Mia's star-y eyes with his thumb, and resting the rest of his hand on her cheek. He looked back to where Conrad was standing, where it was just the white wall.

Luke softly kissed her lips, but this time, Mia felt love in it. The other times felt as if he was forced, and just pressure on the area. But this time, this time, it had feeling.

Mia took hold of his uniform's shirt, and so did he.

"Hey Mia! I'm going to a friend's! I'll be back by 5!" Mia let go, and took a breath.

"O-okay! Bye!" The door was slammed shut, and Mia turned back to Luke.

He bit his lip, and smirked ,"Now that we're alone," He grabbed her by the hand and pinned her down, gently, on the couch, "Where were we?"

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