Chapter 3

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"It'll be fine. It's not your fault," Mia kept telling herself as she walked to the detention room.

She looked up to the green door, that the paint started to chip.

"Are you gonna go or what?" She felt a small push on her shoulder, as she look back, to see Luke.

She placed her hand on the door knob, and slowly opened it.

"Yo! What's up Johnson?" Luke pushed Mia into the room, as he greeted the detention teacher. "No one else today?"

"Nope. Oh! Well hello Mia. What are you doing here?"

"Hey dad. This guy got me in-"

"DAD?!?" Luke cut off Mia, as he was extremely surprised. "You told me you didn't even have kids!"

"No, I said I didn't have any kids that you know of. But, I'll let you off Mia."

"Thanks dad," Mia turned around to the door, but Luke grabbed her hand before she could go anywhere.

"Wait! For your apology, let me get off detention with you."

"Apology? Why would I need to-" Luke held up his hand, that was bandaged up. "Wait, I kicked you?" She started out with a smile, then bursted out laughing.


She gave a large grunt in annoyance, and nodded. "Dad?"

"Just this one time," He replied.

Luke and Mia exited the room, into the school hallway.

"You're awesome," Luke said with a smile, as he wrapped his arm around her neck. "You should smile more often. You're pretty when you do."

Mia immediately blushed up.

"Who cares about looks?!?" She pushed away his arm. "All that matters is what is inside..." She looked up, to his face, that was tilted like a dog, when they don't understand.

"Uh, looks are everything, who cares about personality? I usually just fuck the girl and leave," He laughed a little, but when he was in the middle of his joke, he looked over to Mia, who wasn't laughing. "Come on, loosen up a little," He shrugged her.

"Loosen up? You're taking advantage of innocent girls and throwing them out like-"

"I mean, there not that innocent," He mumbled to himself.

"Do you have any heart?"

"That I don't know. Do you?"

"Don't you know my nick name?"

  Luke shook his head, "Isn't it Dolly?"


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