Chapter 8

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There was a short pause, before Luke grabbed Jamie's uniform, and threw him to the ground. "What are doing?!" He loudly whispered to Jamie.

"I, it's-" Jamie was confused of the situation, as he laid on the ground.

"Get out."

"What?" Jamie has never been kicked out of someone's house, especially his best friend.

"Get out," He repeated himself.

Mia was still in the closet, but was glad that she could leave. She stepped out, and started to walk to the stairs, until her shirt was tugged, not letting her be free.

"Y-you stay," Luke sounded like he was about to cry, which, for some odd reason, Mia really wanted to see.

"Uh.. Okay..."

Jamie made himself out, quietly, and Luke led Mia to a room.

"You can't tell anyone about this, okay?"

Mia ignored him, and looked around the room. It wasn't the best looking place. It had a stained rug, of who knows what, and the bed had no frame, so it was just laying on the floor.

"If you do," walking over, Mia backed up, and fell on the bed, "you're not only putting your life in danger, but mine," He pinned her down, by grabbing her wrists. Secretly, Mia sniffed Luke. He smells good. Maybe it's his shampoo, or maybe he's wearing something. She thought.

"O-ow! T-that hurts!" Luke stood up, and took a large sigh.

"Anyways, he's asleep, so he won't hear us if we sneak out, come on," Mia followed him, and as they passed his father, Mia noticed something about him.

His face was wanted for murder.

It looked like he hadn't shaved in two weeks, and he had a couple wrinkles forming onto his face. He had dark purple circles under his eye, and his black hair was a mess.

Luke turned back, to see Mia, in shock by the sight.

"He's... He's-" Mia was about to scream in fear, before Luke had to push out.

"Don't scream..." He warned her, while he bit his lip. Mia, or any other girl would find this attractive. She looked down, and twirled her finger together.

"We have to go back to school... Come on," She insisted.

"I can't go to school looking like this stupid!" He flicked the side of her forehead, which to her fragile body, did hurt.

Mia rubbed the soon to bruised spot, "Well, where do you suggest we go?" Luke thought for a moment.

"You have any make up?" Mia was baffled by his question.

"Makeup? I don't where that," She replied.

"Really? I thought all girls do. At least all the girls I've met do," He scratched the back of his head, "Oh, we can go see my friend," Luke grabbed Mia's hand, and she quickly blushed. It felt warm, and nice. She didn't want this moment to end. Even if he was annoying.

Soon, they were back at school. Mia had to grab something out of her locker, so Luke waited, "Hurry up slow poke," He rushed her. She rolled her eyes at him.

"I'd least expect you to be wanting to get to class on time," She slammed her locker door.

"Jenifer!" Luke suddenly yelled out. Mia turned around to see him gesturing a girl. Jenifer Taylor. She was a cute girl that most of the boys liked, if not all, and she threw a lot of parties.

"Hey Luke! I got your text," She had long, blond, hair, and blue Dimond eyes that would sparkle everything you looked at them. Mia admired her, wishing she could look like her.

Jenifer brought out some kind of makeup, which made him smile. T-they look cute together... Mia thought to herself, "So, Luke, I was thinking that on Thursday, we could go grab-" Before Jenifer could ask Luke out on a date, he quickly snagged Mia by the waist, and pulled her towards himself.

"Sorry, I have a girlfriend."


I AM SO SORRY FOR A MONTH LATE-NESS (lateness?) I had my iphone 5s and it wasn't saying that anyone was reading my new chapters so I thought if no one's reading it mine as well not bother updating it, but I recently got a Samsung and it told me that people DID read it and now I feel so sorry!!

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