Chapter 17

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Luke's father was mumbling curse words towards Mia, and stood up without a problem, "Stupid kids," Luke's father took out the gun from his coat pocket, and struggled to get the ammo in.

Luke tackled the man, and started throwing puches left in right. 15 years of anger was pouring out of his fists, and also his eyes. He was crying in sorrow, which made his vision blurry, letting his father twist his wrist. Luke screamed in pain, while Mia was watching in shock.

W-what do I do? He's not going to have any hands to- Snap. Luke cried in agony, as his father broke his left wrist.

The man got up from the dirty cement, and spit on his son. He looked around for the gun, which gave Mia time to do one of the most rebellious thing she would do in her life.

Mia ran towards Luke's father, and started to dig her thumbs into his eyes. His screams could be heard through out the town. He threw her doll-like body towards the ground, and sat in pain. Police sirens could be heard in the distance, making Luke's father mumble curse words, realizing that he would either have to run or be caught.

"M-Mia!" Luke got up, and rushed to the one he called his own. He carefully lifted her head, and looked up and down her body.

"I-I'm fine," She whispered, noticing the silouette of a man, disappear into the shadows. She looked up at Luke, and noticed the tears in his eyes.

"I-I never w-wanted to g-get you i-involved with t-this," He struggled to get the words out, as the lump in his throat was refusing himself to do so.

"It's okay, it's not your fault," Mia wiped the tears off of his cheek, and hugged him. Luke hugged her back, and cried into her shoulder.

"I'be lost everything Mia, my best friend, my family." He yelled, "I have no friends, and all I'm good at is getting a girl in bed," Mia pulled him away slightly to look him in the eyes.

"You have me. I know it's really cliche but it's true. I know that Conrad likes you, and he think your really cool," Luke smiled a little bit, and wiped his tears away, "No one is better than you at sports, and you know what?" He looked up at her, "This past week has been the best week of my life... and I also used to have the smallest crush on you before we met," She slightly blushed, as did he.

"I'm sorry," Luke looked away, crying.

"Sorry for wh-" All Mia saw was black next. The dark was surrounding her.


What's going on? Where am I? Her
voice echoed through out the darkness.

"M-Mia?" Conrad's voice echoed in the background.



The light blinded Mia's eyes. She looked around at her surroundings. She was in a hospital bed, hooked up to an I.V.

"Mia, oh my gosh," Conrad's arms hugged her tightly.

"Son, she's still weak, don't hug her so tightly," Her father interrupted.

"S-sorry," Conrad wiped the tears in his eyes.

"W-What's going on? Where am I?" Mia started to sit up, but fell onto her back, as her body was sore everywhere.

"T-they found you in the middle of the school, full of-" Conrad began to explain, but the doctor walked in.

"Ah, so she's awake!" He exclaimed.

"I don't understand, I'm perfectly healthy, why am I here?" She questioned.

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