Chapter 15

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"What the hell are you talking about?" Luke threw the shirt he had tightly gripped into his hand, into the suitcase in disgust.

"Oh come on," Luke's father walked up to him, "the closer the person is to you, the better it feels," He reached into his dirty pocket, and pulled out an old handgun,"I should know, with your mother and all," Luke didn't turn around to him, but let his eyes glare at the mad man.

He has no sanity at all... Luke thought.

"I'm not, under any circumstance, going to-to," He couldn't even spit out the words that made his stomach sick.

"Come on kid, say what your father does!" Luke's father yelled at him.

"I'm not-" At this point Luke was shaking. Why am I obsessing over one girl?! I would do it for any other one I hook up with... So why won't I do it for Mia..?

"If you don't do it, I will..."

The tense silence was broken, after Luke's phone rang.

"Pick it up," Luke's father demand.

"H-hello?" Luke answered the call, without looking at the number.

"Luke? Are you okay?" The familiar voice was suprisingly Jamie, "Should I come over?"

Luke looked up at his insane father before making a decision,"N-No. Let's meet up instead, at the school at midnight. Bring Mia too," He replied.

"Uh okay," Jamie hung up on the line, with the light buzzing sound in his tracks.

"I-I'll do it... But we're leaving right after. No trace. No evidence. Like that," Luke's father smiled at his desicion.


"Why midnight?" Mia had been called by Jamie, as she was still shook up by the whole insedint.

"I don't know... but he might leave, and probably will want to say good-bye," Mia was glad this conversation was over the phone, as she had the most pitiful eyes as she looked into her mirror.

"O-Okay, I'll sneak out and meet you there..." Mia hung up, and threw the phone onto the bed.

As she ran her fingers through out the hair she hated, she began to silently cry, so none of her relatives could hear her.

"I'm sorry," Her shaky voice whispered, "I want him to stay. I don't know why though..."

Mia's thoughts were scattered, as she skipped supper for she was not hungry.


The hours went by felt like years to Mia as she wanted to see Luke.

Her father and brother had been asleep, as she waited in the dark of her bedroom in silence, waiting to sneak out.

Of corse, she has never sneaked out out or broke any of the rules, so this was all exciting to her.

11:45 rolled around eventually, and she brought her picture of when she was ten years old, that Luke had seen before.

Mia, bluntly just walked out of her house, but quietly. She then ran to the school, and started to get anxious. Anxious to see her only friend. Her only boyfriend, letting the full moon, light her way.

She arrived to the school, with her face flushed red, and breathing heavy. She was glad to see Jamie there, and he was as sad as Mia had ever seen him.

"Oh, hey," His voice had no tone in it.

"Hi," Mia said.

Looking up at the boy, his expression immediately changed from sad, to suprised.

Mia looked back, to see Luke, but also another man who stayed at the front of the school entrance.

T-that must be his dad... Mia thought.

"Hey," Luke greeted them, looking down, with a black hoodie hiding his face.

Without saying any words, Mia hugged him. Luke was suprised, and put his arms around her gentle body, hesitantly.

"H-Hi Dolly," Luke whispered to her her. He could hear her breathing faintly, but could feel it on his chest.

"I-Um," Mia looked down to her coat pocket, and carefully reached for her photo, "I brought you my picture of when I was ten..."

Luke was confused, "Why are you giving this to me?" He asked.

"T-to s-show you th-that-" Mia voice was shaky, as she was about to cry. Instead of letting her talk, Luke grabbed her head, and hugged her tightly.

"Thanks Dolly," He would've cried if it was just Mia and him, but since Jamie and his father was there, he didn't want to show 'weakness', as his father would put it.

"If you won't do it, I will..."

Luke's father's voice popped into his mind, reminding him what he had to do.

"I'm sorry Mia," Luke reached into his pocket for the handgun his father gave him, while holding the fragile body, "I love you."

"I-I love you too," Mia cried.

Jamie was watching this scene from a movie, but was confused at what Luke was holding in his hand that he had previously reached for.

That's when it all clicked.

Jamie ran towards the two love birds, pushing Mia out of the way, before Luke pulled the trigger.

It was all in slow motion for Mia. The ringing in her ears, and the blood of Jamie spattered across the dirt, and a drop on her cheek.

Luke, realizing what he had done, screamed it horror.

Luke, had murdered his best friend Jamie.

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