Chapter 18

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Snow basically just read this book to Mia to explain what happened to her.

"N-No, I-I'm not brave enough to attack a murderer," Mia whispered.

I know, I was as shocked as you.

"S-shut up," She smiled.

T-this means that Luke was actually concerned about me. I hope he's okay. I... I need to go see him.

Are you stupid? He's probably already gone 

"W-well what do you suggest?"

  "Mia?" Conrad walked in, emotionless as always. "Why are you talking to yourself?"

Mia looked around, looking for an answer, "I, uh, I um, just-" Taking a large breath in, she looked her brother into his aqua blue eyes, and said, "Where's Luke?"

Conrad smirked, "So, you remember?" Running his fingers through his hair, laying down on Mia's bed.

"I-I think so? I-I need to see him before..." Why do I want to him? "Just so I can see him again."

"Well, I don't know where he is, and frankly I don't care," Conrad raised up from the bed, "He put your life on the line, so I don't want you to see him again. My advice? Lie about remembering him, it'll make both of your life's easier in the end," Mia was one, shocked that her brother talked so much to her, and two, decided he was right. She couldn't have boys desracting her life. At least not yet.

No! Please! You guys need to see each other!

No, I need to finish my schooling first!

And then what? Work to the point you don't even see your family anymore?!

Mia's eyes started to tear up. Yes, she missed her mother very much, but she wanted to be like her. She never really thought she wouldn't see her family again.

"M-Mia? I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said," Conrad snapped her back into reality, "Dad told me to tell you that, because he knows what Luke is like, and doesn't want you to get into any type of trouble," Mia wiped away her tears, "I-I know where he is though-"

"No, never mind, I'm just going to go take a walk," Mia rushed out of the house, with her school uniform still on her.

Your so stupid. You should have never even replied to that stupid note of his.

Mia clenched her fists, to the point where her knuckles were white...

Luke... Remembering the first time she held his hand, and how warm it felt, she smiled a little bit.

Why does everyone leave? It's all my fault, if he had never met me his life would be great... Jamie would still be alive- Her throat was blocked just remembering Jamie.

How he wanted a 'different girl' to do 'other stuff' with, she laughed a little.

Feeling a large hand on her right shoulder, she looked to it.

"Luk-" The smile on her face turned into shock, and her stomach turned upside down, "What do you want, you sick bastard?" Luke's father.

"Oh sweetie, I came to have a little chat with you," He let out a couple coughs from smoking so much, and put his arm around Mia, "Word has it, is that Luke has been stalking you."

Mia face was in complete shock. Creep, "I-I wouldn't know, why do you?"

"I need to... Speak, with him," He looked around, "So I'm using you as bait," He whispered in her ear.

"Get away from me!" She pushed him away from her, and let out a disgusted sigh.

"Looks like it work," He smirked as Mia felt someone breathing hot air onto her ear.

"What are you doing here?" Luke's voice came from the back on Mia, she had mixed emotions. Happy, that he was with her, angry with him that he just left, and sad because he brought back the presence on Jamie.

"Oh, I just wanted to visit my son's girlfriend," He eyed her up and down, preferably where her skirt was.


"Or what, you'll call these cops? We're both wanted son."

"I'll leave with you, if you leave her alone," Mia immediately turned around.

"No! I won't let you!" She yelled.

"Look, I'll live happy knowing your safe," Bringing her into a deep hug, "I don't want to lose you like how I lost my mom," Mia looked up at him, tears in her eyes.

"Stupid," She smiled, leaning in for a kiss, and noticed a drop of liquid on his rosy cheek. He was crying also.

He didn't want to lose Mia. She gave him so many moments in his life he would never forget. How crazy her family was, and her personality, he loved it all.

"I want you to remember something and don't you ever forget these words," He whispered.

Mia nodded, and wiped away her tears, "I will love you forever no matter how many girls I hook up with," They both laughed, and gave another hug to eachother.

"I love you to."


Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, which then turned into years without a sign from Luke.

Mia had finished school, valedictorian, both high school, and college. She was finally a lawyer just like her mother.

She never did forget Luke and his words, but she learnt she had to move on, and actually found a man at her work place.

Conrad was confused to do with his life and just decided to go to community college and study The Arts.

Mia's father had retired from being a teacher and currently spends his days watching television.

Her mother, actually got a divorce, at the end of Mia's high school life. She got remarried with a man she had a case with, and visits about once a year to Mia, and Conrad.


"Hey Dove, I got a new case for you," Her boss, also her boyfriend, walked into her office.

"Hand it over," He stopped in his tracks, looking at her, "What?"

"Oh nothing, I just think you look sexy as always," Mia rolled her eyes, and shook her head.

She looked into the file case. There was man, with blond hair, and a well built body, with eyes blue as the sea.

Case file: 2374 
                       Name: Luke Smith
Accused of: Possible murder in 2016

"Yeah I'll take it," She accepted it.

"Great, dinner tonight?" He kissed her.

"Maybe, you know how busy I work!" She gave a light smile, as he exited her office.

Her smile immediately faded, and was a mix of shock, worry, and relived.

Well your alive Luke, but what have you gotten yourself into?




edit:I'm making a second book, but it'll be a couple months or so before I'll release it, because I need to plan the plot and cover etc. So yeah,, keep a look out on that!

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