Chapter 2

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October 10, Luke Smith Detention. Room 13.

Luke stuffed the Detention slip into his jean pocket.

"You found her name though right?" Jamie was more concerned about Mia's name then the fact Luke got into detention by passing notes.

"Yea, her name's Mia- Oh, that's her right now," Luke spotted her, placing her things into a locker.

"Watch and learn Luke," Jamie brushed back his black hair that just went over his shoulder blades.

"Hey," His voice was soft, as he put his right arm onto the locker next to Mia's.

Mia made a disgusted face, and turned around.

"Aw come on baby, I know you want it," Jamie grabbed the end of the skirt, and Luke knew he had crossed the line, and stepped in. Luke pushed Jamie's arm away.

"Jamie I think that's-" Before Luke could finish his sentence, Mia turned around and kicked Luke.

"Why don't you just get lost," She glared into Jamie's eyes and walked away.

"Damn she's feisty," Jamie said disappointed.

"No, it's called common sense," He laughed a little at his own joke, and checked where he was kicked.

His hand was scrapped.

"Better make her go apologize," Jamie suggested.

"And how do you propose I do that?"

"Uh, beat her up!"

"No way dude. I can't do that to Dolly."


"Yea... Dolly."

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