Chapter 14

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Mia was already in home room, when everything was quiet. Almost as time had stopped. She looked around the peaceful classroom, and out the window. There was already a light layer of snow, and the tree where most of the girls hung around in the middle of the courtyard was naked where the branches were visable.

Luke must have ditched with Jenifer... I shouldn't feel disappointed, I should expect it from him. She thought.

Class was spent, and the students' break came with no sign of Luke.

Mia was at her locker, putting her books in the storage unit, when she was suprised to see Jamie.

"Hey Mia," He had his long black hair over his eyes, which hid his dak purple bags, that Mia could faintly see because she was short enough to see at an angle.

"J-Jamie, h-hi," Mia replied.

"So are the rumors true?" Mia sighed, and took him by his hand, leading him to the nearest room, which happened to be the janitorial closet.

"Y-Yeah, they are true," By the frown on Mia's face, Jamie knew something wasnt right.

"Did he hurt you?" Jamie put his hands in his school jean pockets, slouching his back, making it seemed like he was about to do something regretful.

"N-No, of corse not! It's just-" The door opened from the janitorial closet, from, none other, the janitor.

He was in his mid thirties, and started to mumble words putting his broom away.

Words could be heard from, "That damn kid again," or, "Luke messing stuff up..." He looked up to see the two teens standing in silence, watching him, when he finaly said, "Not again. Look, if you guys are going to do the deed at least go home or-"

"Woah, hold up ol' guy, we were just talking," Jamie stepped in.

"Sure, that's what they all say," The janitor kicked them out, when Mia realized halfway out the door way that he had previously mentioned Luke in his mumbles.

"Wait, you said something about Luke. What did he do this time?"

The janitor let out a long, heavy sigh, saying,"He wacked the side of the building with a crow bar and hit another kid with it."

Mia widened her eyes and ran outside, with Jamie following her.

Cries from a male student could be heard in the distance with screams of other girls. Jamie and Mia ran towards them, with a reluctant feeling.

When they arrived to the scene, Luke was beating up a kid with his fists, whos head was bleeding from the crowbar which had his blood stained onto the metal.

"Get up punk!" Luke screamed to the lifeless body. He looked at his fists which already started brusing, then up to the small crowd of people who had witness most of the scene, not noticing his girlfriend.

"L-Luke," Mia whispered so that he wouldn't hear her.

"Y-you monster!" One of the girls screamed at him.

Luke smirked at her comment, "That didn't stop you from sleeping with me," Luke got up from the ground, "That stop any of you from sleeping with me!" Luke looked around to see Mia, with her palms covering her mouth and tears streaming down her cheek, "M-Mia," Luke took a step forward, making her take a step back in caution. Mia shook her head in confusion, and ran away, "Mia!" Luke ran after her, but made eye contact with Jamie as he passed by him.

Why did I ever trust him? He's a monster... She thought.

Because he needs you

You again? Let me rephrase... Why did I ever trust you?

I don't know, I'm you. So why did you trust yourself? Because you saw hope in Luke. That's why.

Mia slipped on the cement, from a small patch of grass growing out, scraping her knee, leaving a burning sensation.

"Mia!" She heard Luke's voice in the distance, knowing she had about five seconds before he caught up with her.

Wait for him and you'll see his good.

Luke, turned from the corner, with a worry look on his face, grew when he saw Mia on the ground, crying. He ran towards her and kneeled beside her.

"Mia are you okay?!" Luke stared into her eyes, looking into her soul.

"Yea, b-but t-that boy!" She yelled at him.

"Who gives a rats a-"

"I do! His family! So why don't you?!"

"Because I never had a family Mia! I never had a person to care about me so what's the point anymore?!" Luke stood up in anger.

"I don't know Luke! I don't know what your plans are for your life, but I know mine, and all I know is you're not apart of it!" Luke stared at her in shock, but quickly turned into rage and hate.

"Well then I'll just leave your life just like how everyone left mine," Luke ran home, quickly, as the police would be called, and he needed to leave the city.


"What the hell do you mean we're leaving?" His drunk father said.

"Look, let's just say I might have accidentally killed someone. I don't know if I did or not, but we need to leave ASAP," Luke was rushing around, and already started making suit cases.

"That's fine, I planning to leave anyway. Murder, huh? Who got you that wild up to go that?" Luke stopped for a second to think.

"Mia? Yeah, Mia," Luke knew that it wasn't the truth, but she had made him feel so bad, that she was the one he wanted to blame.

"Well... how about we kill her while we're at it?"

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