Chapter 13

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"Luke?" Mia looked back at him, and he was turned over, most likely asleep. She stood up and walked upstairs, and decided to not intrude her brother and his video games. Instead, she walked into her bedroom.

It wasn't too much to look at. There was a white dresser with some doodles drawn on with a black sharpie from her, and Conrad. It was very organized, and was never messy, unless her brother decided to walk in and mess stuff around.

She lied in her bed, and started reading her book, A Reunion of Ghosts.


"Luke, get up," Mia had been shaking Luke back and forth on the couch for a good 10 minutes, trying to wake him up for school.

"No, I don't want to," He hid under the blanket, and tried to sleep.

"Well, you don't need to go to school, but you need to get out of my house," She turned around to leave the lazy boy, when he let out an annoyed groaned, and threw the covers off of his body.

"Ugh, fine," He scratched his dirty blond hair, when he opened his eyes to see Mia. He slightly blushed, as she was wearing small shorts, and a oversized long sleeved shirt. Why does she always look cute damn it..

"Uh, Luke?" She saw his cheeks start to turn a slight red, when he turned around, and walked towards the bathroom with out another word. That kid's so weird...

As Luke shut the bathroom door, he slammed his back against it, and slid down to sit. He let out a deep, long, sigh, and covered his mouth as he couldn't stop smirking.

He quickly got on his uniform, and brushed his golden locks through with his fingers. He exited the bathroom, and walked into the kitchen.

Mia had already put on her uniform, and tied her hair into a high pony tail, letting her bangs fall onto her forehead, as always.

"Here," Mia handed Luke a paper bag, which he saw that Conrad had one also.

"What's this?"

"Your lunch," Mia grabbed her keys, as did Conrad. Soon enough, everyone had already left, and the house was empty. Luke and Mia had began walking to school, in complete silence.

"It's, uh, starting to get cold out, huh?" Luke tried to make conversation, but it didn't really help.

"Mm hm..," Mia looked up to the sky, and let out a sigh, which was visable from the coldness. Mia was suprised when a snow flake landed on her red nose.

"Told you," Luke smirked at her, and realized they had arrived to their destination. Letting out a frustrating sigh, his heart dropped when he saw Jenifer standing at the gates of the school.

"Hey BFF!!!" Jenifer yelled out and started to wave repeatedly in a sort of, crazy, manner.

Mia reacted, confused, of corse, and looked around to see who Jenifer was
hysterically waving to.

"Mia, silly, remember I texted you last night?" Mia, now weirded out, tried to comprehend, and remember if anyone texted her the night before.

"W-Wait that w-was you?" Mia had received about ten messages from an unknown number, who she didn't bother to answer.

"Yep! And we're totally going to skip class today, and go shopping at the mall and-"

"T-the mall isn't really my spot, also I-"

"Then we can go to my house, and try on clothes!" Luke disrupted the two girls, by laughing at her, when Jenifer smiled at him by saying, "And you can join us!"

"Oh no, you," Luke was catching breaths in between his sentence from his laughter, "you think, that you two, are friends?!"

"Well of corse! And if not..." Jenifer switched from the excitement, to a serious tone in her voice, "Let's just say people will belive me instead of you," Mia looked at her, and realized if she didn't keep a relationship with this girl, her record might mess up. And that was her top priority, school.

"Uh, yeah, Luke, we sure are BFF's!" Mia said in a sarcastic tone.

"Are you crazy?! Did you not listen to a single word I said? She's crazy!" Luke yelled.

"Crazy in a bedroom," Jenifer bit her lip, "I mean, you should know," Mia stood back and looked at the scene.

"I'm... I'm going to class now," Mia turned around and ran to the school.

"Mia wait-" Luke was about to chase after her, when Jenifer grabbed his arm.

"Forget about her, just like you did with all the other girls," Luke didn't respond, but instead walked into the school, with anger.

And as you all know... Luke doesn't handle anger very well.

My birthday is in a couple of days \(^▽^)/

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