Chapter 11

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I know this chapter's boring but at least I updated so enjoy •_• °○°
"You know, you have a really cute body Mia," Luke started to kiss her neck, leaving marks there that meant he belonged to him, "Mia?" He looked up to her face, that was unconscious.

Tch, she fell asleep before we could do anything exiting... Luke got up from the lifeless body, knowing it was wrong to take advantage of an unconscious person under any circumstances.

Luke looked around for a blanket, which was at the end on the couch, and covered it over Mia.

Her mouth was slightly open, and the silence around the house was broken by Mia's breathing. A piece of her red-brown hair was hanging across her face, and Luke moved it, by hooking the strand behind her ear.

Hm, even if she's annoying she's still cute... she looks like a little kid... Luke reached down, and pecked her on the lips.

Luke walked out the door, and proceeded to walk somewhere into town, maybe to get a drink.

Good... he's gone... Mia threw off the blanket, and scratched her neck.

What do you mean, "good he's gone?!" I was hoping you would have gotten to second base!!

"Oh, you again, you know, I haven't heard from you in a while... what's your name?" Mia finally realized that she wasn't going to get rid of this thing in her head, so she just decided to learn to accept it.

Oh, me? I don't really have a name...

"Why don't you choose one?" There was a long pause before the voice replied with...

SNOW!! She screamed. Mia slightly jumped from the sound, but plopped back onto the sofa.

"O-okay, well, Snow, what did you mean by, second base?" Mia wasn't fimilar with the expression.

You'll find out sooner or later...

Mia shook her head, and laid back down, hoping to go to sleep for real this time.


Luke, thought of ways he could keep himself entertained, as all of the things he did, was out of bounderies.

Principal Scot: Remember if you get another detention, you're expelled, so watch your back.

Luke has the principal's number for a while now, as he had been bonding with him for a while.

You: uh, yeah, I know a way out, so don't worry about me

Luke knew if he got Mia's dad to like him enough, he could get away without getting another detention. It was a brilliant plan.

Then again, Luke's plan's usually don't go well. Or are brilliant.

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