Chapter 7

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At this point, Mia just wanted to cry. She just wanted to cry and cry, because she was so scared of what was going to happen to her. The thought of going to a player's house, defenseless, terrified her.

Before she knew it, the tears started to roll down her cheek, staining the back of Jamie's school outfit.

He felt her torso jumping from her choking on the tears, and started to get annoyed.

"Shut up! People will get the wrong idea!" He was concerned about getting caught by people, or worse, the police.

"G-g-good!" She wiped her tears.

"Be quiet! Okay, if I promise you nothing will happen, will you stop your crying?!"

She nodded her head, and felt a slight comfort.

Le time skip

After not too short of a walk, they arrived at a house.

It was smaller than the average house, but it had two floors. It's door seemed to be chipping wood, but still stable.

As Jamie set het down, Mia hesitated to run.

The steps onto the porch squeaked, as Jamie ran up them, and swung open the door.

"Oh, hey Jamie!" It was Luke.

"I brought her," He pointed to Mia while he jumped onto the couch.

"H-hi," Mia was shy, as she closed the door.

"I'm making my famous spaghetti! Which I hope you will like," Luke said.

"Is it famous because you serve it to all the other girls?" She asked.

From the background, Mia heard Jamie laugh.

"Tsk, and none of them liked it," He added.

"Shut up!" He said.

"Well, I'll help you. What did you already put in it?" Mia asked.

"The sauce, tomatoes, onions, green peppers, and mushrooms."

"You didn't even put any meat?!" She exclaimed.

"Uh... Are you suppose to?"

"Well... DUH!" She walked over to the fridge, but Luke stopped her by her school sweater.

"U-uh, just, I'll grab whatever you need," He insisted. She shrugged it off thinking he was just trying to be a gentleman-like to get her in bed.

"Okay, well then hamburger, garlic, Italian seasoning and bay leaves."

"Bay leaves?! Italian seasoning?! What are those things?!" He was confused of what ingredients she was asking for.

"Yea, that's what make's it good."

"Well I don't have those things!"

"Well... Just make the spaghetti however you would make it, and I'll judge you..." She answered.

"Next time, i guess..."

Next time...

Mia walked over to the dirty red leather couch, and sat beside Jamie.

"So, whadda watch?" He was continually flipped the channel on the TV.

"Um... I, don't really... Watch television..." She said, looking down in embarrassment.

"You don't watch TV?!" Jamie and Luke said at the same time.

"I-is that wrong?"

"Well, no, but, everyone watches-"

Jamie's argument was cut off by a car door slam.

"W-what was that?" Luke asked.

Jamie jumped up from his seat, to check the window what the sound came from.

"It's your dad!" Jamie's voice was shaky detecting he was scared.

"Take Mia upstairs," He said.

"What? Why? Can't I meet your-" Before she knew it, Jamie had taken her wrist, and ran.

"Don't ask questions," He demanded, "Just be quiet."

"U-uh okay..."

Jamie led her to a small closet, where they were face to face with each other.
The front door slammed open.

"What the hell are you making?" Luke's father asked. His voice sounded raspy as if he had been a smoker his whole life.

"J-just lunch..." Luke looked down, as his heart beat increased of fear.

"How many god damn times do I have to tell you Luke?!" He stomped over to him, and slapped him across the face, with soon bruised.

"I..." He rubbed his cheek, "I'm sorry..." Luke refused to look his father directly in the eyes.

"What was that?" He took a step closer, so they were centimeters apart. Luke could feel his father's breath, which smelt like he had been drinking.

"I'm sorry," Luke repeated himself. He would had probably mouthed off to his father if Mia and Jamie weren't upstairs hiding.

"Huh? You're not going at least try? Well, I'm tired anyway," He walked away from Luke, and but thankfully didn't noticed the TV was on.
"W-what are we waiting for?!" Mia whispered to Jamie.

"I... I don't know... We should try and get out of here and-" Jamie was cut off by the footsteps, coming up the stairs.

"What are-" Jamie put his hand over her mouth, making sure she wouldn't say anything. She pushed his large hand away, "Get your hand off-" Jamie couldn't think clearly, as he was scared also. So, he decided to just keep her quiet, by kissing her.

Mia's eyes widened, but couldn't move away, as there were no where to.

The door opened, and Mia seen Luke, with his face turned red. Not because of the slap, but because of the anger.

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