Chapter 12

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Okay, before I start dis I just wanna say... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1.13k+ READS AND 40+ FAVES LIKE OMG THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! This story has blown up the last two months and it's just amazing people like it. And they secretly don't know I'm just this teen girl in her room loving anime and hasn't seen the light of day for who knows how long. But anyway yeah, thanks\•.•/


Me:Can I come over?
Read. 4:12 p.m.

Luke stared at the screen, that was sent to Mia an hour prior. He let out an exhausted sigh, and kicked the street light pole out of anger. He was tired, hungry, and annoyed.

She's my girlfriend! Aren't we suppose to hang out 24/7?! He asked himself. Oh, wait, we're not actually dating...

Scrolling through old messages with old girls, his phone vibrated, and changed to the 'incoming call' screen.

Incoming call from Mia

A grin grew on his faced, and immediately answered.

"You already miss me?"

"S-shut up!" Luke laughed at her embarrassment, as he was suprised as she asked, "D-do you want to come over for supper?"

"Wait, seriously?"

"Well duh seriously!" Luke jumped from the loudness of Mia's brother's voice from the other line.

"F-fine, only because you're my girlfriend. Don't start falling in love with me now!" And with that, Luke hung up, and rushed off to Mia's.


Mia started to boil water for the mini potatoes, and preheating the oven, as her father walked into the kitchen.

"What'cha making?" He asked her while yawning.

"Oh, uh salmon, asparagus, and potatoes," She said while getting ready to cut mangos for the salmon.

Conrad walked in, opening the fridge, "You need help, Mia?" She shook her head, as she diced the mangos, cautiously, as she had a scar on her index finger from her recklessness a few years back, "Dad, guess what." He said.


"Mia has a boyfriend," He made an evil smirk from his emotionless face, as he glanced over to her, shocked face.

"N-No I don't!" She said reassuringly.

"That Luke Smith?" Her dad interrupted.

"Yeah," Her brother shut the fridge door, and stood beside Mia.

"I'm not-"

"Why not invite him over for supper?" He suggested.


"Do it!" She glared at her annoying little brother, as the words that followed came out of his mouth, "Or I will."

"No, no, I will."

Flashback over

Luke knocked on the door, and almost immediately, Conrad answered.

"Yo," He stood at the frame of the doorway, in a over sized black tee-shirt with dinosaur pajama pants.

"Uh.. Mia, invited me over-" Without finishing his sentence, Conrad dragged him into the house.

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