Chapter 6

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Her racing heart was like in a marathon.

Why? Why did he kiss me?

Well, he is Luke Smith, the playboy of the school.

Shut up...

She hated this voice inside her head. It was driving crazy.

She walked home, shocked about what just happened.

"He kissed me," She was repeatedly whispering to herself.

She noticed a handful of people were staring at her. She didn't care. She just wanted to get home, and maybe hide under her blankets in a dark room.

After what felt an eternity of walking, she eventually made it home. She threw off her 'modern' outfit, and changed into sweat pants, and a large sweat shirt.


Noticing that Luke had skipped on Monday, Mia was relieved she didn't have to she that face.

But then Tuesday came.

She dreaded to get up, but the only motivation to get out of bed was her perfect attendance that was going to get her $400 at the end of the school year.

She put her hair in a pony tail, and put on her school outfit.


What do I do?! What do I say?! Wait- I'll just not go to lunch with him.

The voice in Mia's head was getting on her last nerve.

What the hell do you mean?!

Just go and see him...

After what felt like hours of arguing with this voice, she was said enough was enough, and she wasn't going.

She was mumbling to herself uncontrollably that day at school. More people than usual were 'bumping' into her.

"Watch where you're going freak!" Is what people were usually people were saying to her.

The entire day wasn't an entire blur though. After she noticed the bell had rung for lunch, she wondered why Luke hadn't spoke to her yet. She knew he was here... So, why didn't he ask her...?

"Oh, who cares? It's not like I had a chance with him. He probably gave up when he realized I wouldn't give in-"

"Hey Dolly!" Of corse, it was- wait, no, it's Jamie?

"Ugh, what do you want?" She was disgusted by his sick grin.

"Easy up, aren't you coming to lunch?"


"Well, I didn't wanna have to do this, but," He walked over to Mia, and picked her up, like a rag doll, and threw her over his shoulder.

"WHAT?! What are doing?! Let me down!" She demanded.

"Nope, not until we get to house," He said.

"House?" Luke said that they were going out to eat.

"Yea, we're going to Luke's house!"


Yes guys... I AM ALIVE!! I haven't really had the inspiration to write but after convincing myself to do
so, and with anime, I DID IT!! I'm sooo sorry that I didn't post😖


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