Part 7

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I started packing my stuff. I wonder if he knew he was going to the U.K before hand or just suddenly decided to go. I mean did he just decide we were going to the U.K when I said I watch Zoella. Or were we already going because he wanted me to meet his friends. I wasn't going to ask in case it sounded like complaining.

Connor knocked on my door and I called him in. "What do you want for food?" He asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"Then we are going out to eat." He said. "Oh and my friend Tyler is coming with us. He wants to meet you." I nodded my head and went to the bathroom. I checked on my makeup and straightened my long brown hair. I hated when it was curly cause it got in the way a lot.

After I was finished I walked out to the living room. He looked up from is phone and smiled. "Ready?" He asked.

"Yep." I said popping the p at the end. We headed out to his car and he locked the door behind us. "So where are we going?" I asked.

"Um, a new restaurant down town. Do you like have any allergies? Or vegetarian/ vegan or something?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm actually vegetarian." I said. He nodded his head and kept driving. "I'm not one of those vegetarians though. I don't force stuff on to others. I'm not like that." I said trying to reassure him. He nodded again. "How far away?"

"Only a couple minutes." He said smiling. I hope I like his friend. Or friends.


It seemed like a long couple minutes of comfortable silence. We got out of the car and walked into the restaurant. Connor walked past the person that seats us as he saw a young boy with blue hair and black glasses frames, that kinda looked liked mine when I was too lazy to put in contacts.

Connor hugged him and said hey. "This is Emily, Emily Franta." He said proudly. His friend, I'm assuming Tyler, looked behind Connor to see me. He came up to me and gave me a hug. When he let go I stared down at the tattoo of an owl on his forearm. I grabbed his forearm and examined it.

"It's beautiful." I said. He smiled.

"Thank you. I got it done a couple weeks back." He said. I let go and we sat. There were two more places sat and I started to wonder if anyone else was coming.

"Anyone else coming?" I ask.

"Ummm... I hope you don't mind but I invited Hannah and Grace." Tyler said. Connor said it was okay and I nodded my head agreeing with him. I have watched a couple videos with Hannah and Grace in them so I know who they are talking.

"We are going to have a quite diverse, table." I said laughing and they laughed too. We sat there talking for awhile when a question stirred up. "What about school?" I asked nervously.

He smiled. "Well, I was going to enroll you in public school but I hated it as much as the next person. You have to go to school, but you can pick either online or public." He already knew my answer. I was never going back to the hell hole ever again.

"Hello!" I heard from behind us. Hannah and Grace walk up behind us and say hi and hug Tyler and Connor. "Who may this be?" Hannah asked smiling at me.

"This is my daughter Emily Franta." Connor said. Emily Franta. He said it again muttering to himself and I was the only one that heard him.

"Hey." I said smiling. I shook Hannah and Grace's hand.

"Food." Connor said as he motioned us to the table. We had waited for them to get here to order. I looked down at the menu. To the side there was a key that said that the little broccoli beside the menu item was vegetarian.

I ended up getting a vegetable and hummus wrap. "Why did we go to a healthy restaurant?" Hannah asked eyeing Connor. "It seems like you picked the restaurant." She said laughing.

"Only Connor would pick a healthy restaurant... Cause the rest of us are fatties. You know except for Emily over there." Grace said. They all laughed. I was not skinny. Not one bit. Everybody always told me I should go and eat a whole pizza. I ignored them, though.

"So what are you getting." Connor asked me.


After dinner we all headed to Connors. Connor offered the others wine and they all accepted politely. He finally got over to me. "Would you like some? I'll let you drink in my supervision. Don't worry." He smiled.

"I've never tried any." I said. He handed me a glass and went and put the wine in the table side. It was only like 7:00 pm. Let's go through my day. Adopted at 9:00, shopped for 3 hours, 3:00, and did a little packing. Now it is 7:00 and I'm with Tyler, Connor, Grace and Hannah drinking a glass of red wine and enjoying my day.

"So, how was your guys day?" I asked them.

"I recorded a episode of my drunk kitchen with Grace so we were already together when you asked us for dinner." Hannah said.

"That was fun." Grace said laughing. She was a lot less awkward in real life the everyone thinks.

"Plus we got to meet, little Franta here." Hannah said laughing. We laughed with her.

"I was editing all day." Tyler said and he acted tired. I set my wine glass down and went to my room real quick and told them I would be back. I but on my Cookie Monster shirt and a pair of black comfortable shorts. I through my hair up in a bun and went back out.

"You changed." Tyler said.

"I didn't change, I will always be the same Tyler." I said sarcastically.

"You switched out clothes."

"Better." I said laughing and everyone joined in. I took a sip of the sweet red wine. Wow. It was good.

"We should watch a movie." Connor said. So we decided on The Hunger Games. I fell asleep half way through, my head on Connors lap and feet on Tyler's knees.


I woke up slightly to the feeling of being carried. I opened my eyes slightly and saw Connor. I closed my eyes and he laid me on my bed and tucked me in and left the room.

Adopted by Connor FrantaWhere stories live. Discover now