Intro/Chapter 1

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A few notes before I begin:

I'm kind of unhappy with how this turned out and I'm beginning the slow laborious process of rewriting everything whenever I have spare time. Edited and unedited chapters may not line up properly until thy are all completed, however I believe the book is still enjoyable and easy to read :)

Mark will have a girlfriend called Sara, Jack will be single. (SEPTISHU AND AMYPLIER IS STILL ALIVE THOUGH xD)

I may twist some other facts too to suit the story, hope ye won't mind!

And sorry if I don't nail the American side of the conversation, I'm Irish :)

I started writing this at the end of October 2015 so if stuff happened since then and this seems kinda weird you know why.


I waited outside the airport in my car. Sara was finally coming home from France. She'd god out to visit family out there. I had to stay at home because if YouTube, but if skyped her and her parents multiple times during her stay. It was lonely without her walking around the house, and I was more excited then I would like to admit to finally have her home.

After waiting for about ten minutes, I saw her walking down the path. She wore her black hair in a side braid, with a white flower crown on her head. She had a floral print dress, a denim jacket and red high heels which I could hear clickity-clacking on the pavement. I opened the door to help her with her luggage.
"Hey Boo!" She said, kissing my check happily, "Did you survive without me?"
"Nah, I died yesterday." I joked, which made her laugh.
"Come on, let's go home." I said, heading for the drivers door.

2 months later cos time has no meaning (no more timeskips I promise)

I was awoken by Sara nudging my shoulder. I pushed my hair out of my face and smiled sleepily.

"I need to get to work early this morning," she whispered, "I'll be back by two. Just thought I'd tell you your breakfasts in the microwave. You can heat it up later."

"What would I without you?" I smiled up at her, giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

"You wouldn't." She laughed slightly. "I'll see you!"
And I drifted back to sleep.




What the fuck? I thought, still half asleep. I opened one eye to see where the noise was coming from. The sound drew my eyes to the bedside table where Sara's laptop lay half closed. She forgot it. I sat up in the bed and grabbed the laptop, opening it in the process. I checked her notifications.
You have 4 New messages - Skype
I quickly clicked into Skype to turn off the notification sound, when one of the conversations caught my eye. I read some of the messages. My hands started shaking. This couldn't be happening.

This was basically just an intro, I'll try to make most of my chapters longer. I'm sorry this is so short and the layout is kinda weird and yeah. I'll try make my chapters about 1000 words but I'm bad at sticking to stuff like that. I'll try update every Wednesday but again I'm crap at sticking to stuff like that :P

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