Chapter 16

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Marks POV

21:50 Mark❤️
I'm worried where are you?

I'd been in the cafe for ten minutes and there was no sign of Sean. Fuck this I thought, standing up. There must be something wrong. Sean left before me, and the cafe wasn't hard to get to. And why wasn't he answering my texts? Something must have gone wrong.

I walked down the sidewalk, looking inside other bars and cafés incase Sean had gone to the wrong one. I saw a fight starting outside one of the more...dodgy bars. I crossed the street to avoid it. Sean wouldn't go in somewhere like that any way.

I had double checked every place I could think Sean would be but couldn't find him anywhere. I'd gone back to the hotel room and even asked some of the workers there if they'd seen him come back, but nobody had.

I breathed out slowly trying to compose myself as I walked down the street for the third time that night.

Come on Sean...where are you?

The fight was still going on. I couldn't see much, but it looked like one guy was on the floor. The onlookers were cheering the assailant on, and I knew that tonight would not end well for whoever was losing.


"Ring me if you see him, ok?" I said to the lady who worked at the cafe Sean and I were supposed to meet up. The place was closing but I showed the waitress a picture of Sean and my phone number, just incase he turned up. She smiled at me sadly.

"I hope you find him, he could easily get in a lot of trouble around these parts, especially if he doesn't know where to go."

I nodded and thanked her once more before leaving.

As I walked up the path my eyes were drawn towards the fight. There were less people crowding around and I could see a lot better.

A cop was by himself trying to stop the attacker, but the guy was still beating the crap out of the other man and I knew the cop wouldn't be able to stop the man by himself, that he'd have to wait until some back up came. That might be too long for the small man now lying flat on the ground, his head looked like it would be reduced to a pulp by the way the man was stepping on it.

I stopped and thought about crossing. I was strong enough, maybe I could help the cop stop large man? I sighed and continued my original destination to the hotel. I would have helped, but I wanted to find Sean now.

I had other things to deal with.

Well shit.

So I know the chapter was kinda short, sorry about that. I'm still kinda happy with this though. Nobody will probably read cos most of ye probably have stopped reading this book, but idk just having a close makes me feel so much better.

See you in the epilogue ;)

-Cli xxx

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