Chapter 10

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Sean gulped slightly and looked down at his hands, which were clasped tightly in his lap.
"I think I...umm...they've been happening for...uhh...about six months." Sean stammered, "They're pretty regular, I don't know why, sometimes they come out of nowhere."

Sean rubbed his face with his hands. I walked over to the bed and sat down next to him, wrapping an arm around his neck.

"You should have told me bud." I said, rubbing his shoulder. He turned his head to look at me with his big blue eyes.
"I-I didn't want to worry you Mark." He whispered.

"Your my poor little leprechaun, I can't help but worry." I said. Sean chuckled when I said leprechaun.

"Your such a meanie poo!" Sean teased, sticking his tongue out playfully. I lightly punched his shoulder.

"But dude seriously, you can tell me anything." My eyes softened at the sight of him smiling at me.
"Thanks Markimoo." He mumbled, looking down at the floor bashfully. Was he...blushing? No, I'm imagining things.

I grab Sean's pyjama pants from the top of the dresser and throw them at him before grabbing a towel and going to the bathroom to have a shower.



I quickly changed into my pyjamas and a random t shirt I'd discarded on the floor earlier and dove under the covers of the bed, snuggling into the crisp white sheets. I pulled out my laptop and went on Twitter, planning on replying to some tweets.

@Jack_Septic_Eye Septiplier away?!

@Jack_Septic_Eye Septiplier confirmed???

@Jack_Septic_Eye I knew it was real! #septiplierawayyy

There was a tonne of septiplier comments, way more than usual. I quickly saw why. Matt had posted the video he took the day I arrived. I laughed and posted a tweet.

@Markiplier we've been discovered, grab the cake and run 😂

I looked up to see Mark walking into the room wearing his Markiplier pyjama pants, his hair still wet as he ran his fingers through his untamed mane of hair. Beads of water dotted his forehead and ran down is exposed upper body.

"Earth to Jackarooney? Seanyboy? Bossiest Boss of Bossitronio?" Mark waved his hand in front my face.

"Uhh...what?" I stuttered. Mark chuckled,
"You zoned out for a second there bud. Couldn't keep your eyes off me." Mark put one hand on his hip and the other behind his head, and I burst out laughing at his pose.

"Your fabulousness is just too much for my poor little eyes Mark!" I joked, trying to hide the fact that I actually had been staring at him.

"Push over!" Mark said, shoving me as he tried to scramble into the bed. I laughed as he tripped over himself and fell off the bed.

"Jesus Mark slow the hell down!" I fell onto my back in the bed and laughed hysterically at his face as he realised what had happened. He climbed into the bed a bit more carefully this time.

"Imma keep an eye on you tonight." Mark said. I chuckled slightly,
"You don't have to, I feel fine now."
Mark sighed and looked at me.
"I know, but just in case."

I smiled as I closed my laptop and swapped it for my phone. It felt nice knowing Mark cared about me. I noticed Mark going on Twitter himself and him laughing, and I could only assume he'd seen the septiplier storm.

Suddenly Mark grabbed my phone off me.
"Hey! What the fu-"
"Shhhhhh." Mark said, putting one finger to my lips and using his other had to type something into my phone. I tried to wrestle him off me, but he was stronger then me. He stood up and ran around the room, trying to keep the phone out of my reach.

"Dude what are you doing?" I laughed, standing up as Mark held my phone above his head, trying his hardest to type whatever ever it was he was typing as fast as he could, before without warning, he dropped it on the bed and flashed me a cheeky grin. I picked it up and read what he had tweeted from my profile.

@Markiplier is better then everybody else and he's all mine

"God damnit Mark." I laughed

Markiplier: @Jack_septic_eye calm down theres enough of me to go around (;

I sent a quick tweet explaining that Mark had taken my phone and then turned it off.

"I hate you." I smiled at Mark. He just laughed. I got back into the bed and Mark got in next to me.

"I'm aloud to stay here tonight aren't I" I asked Mark. He chuckled.
"There's no way I'm letting you out of my sight for the entire time your here." He said, getting back into the bed and wrapping an arm around me in a friendly hug.

I reached over to the lamp on the beside locker next to me and switched it off.

"Good night Markimoo."
"Night Jackarooney."


I woke to Marks arm wrapped around my waist. He was fast asleep, his hair falling over his face and he rested his head on his pillow. I blushed slightly and removed his arm slowly so that I didn't wake him up, before walking downstairs.


So hi again!

Sorry I haven't update, I just have a lot of stuff going on at the moment (nothing bad, I've just been busy) and I just didn't have the time. I still don't, which is why this is a shítty short filler chapter, but I'll start pre-writing a few chapters again and hopefully everything will go back to normal soon. See you in the next chapter (:
-Cli xxx

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