Chapter 2

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"THANK you guys so much for watching this video, if you liked it PUNCH that like button IN the face, LIKE A BOSS! AND highfives all round! Whapoosh! Whapoosh! And THANK you guys and I will see all you dudes....IN THE NEXT VIDEO!"

I reached out to turn off my camera and leant back into my chair, tired from recording both videos for tomorrow.

I'd just finished recording for the day. I'd done an episode of subnautica and one of the escapists, and even though I felt exhausted, I was was still hyper from all the adrenaline in both videos. I checked my Skype
You have 5 new messages from Mark
"Shit." I muttered under my breath, reading the texts.
13:46 Sean, you there?
13:46 something bad happened.
13:47 fuck it's really bad
13:51 you there?
13:55 video call me when you get this
I checked the time as I clicked the video call button. It was 2:30, I'd been recording quite a while. I looked up just as Mark came on the screen.

He looked awful. His face was red, his eyes were puffy, he looked like he hadn't even gotten out of his bed yet.
"Mark what happned, I'm sorry I didn't call sooner I-"
"It's fine." He croaked. Seeing him like this made my heart ache. He was my friend, and obviously something bad had happned.
"It's Sara." He breathed tears running down his face, "I found some of her messages on her laptop and I think she.....she's cheating on me." He then broke down into loud sobs. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't give him a hug, I couldn't comfort him like a should be able to.
"Where is she?" I asked.
"I don't know." Mark sniffed, rubbing his face. "I rang where she works, and they said she'd quit over a month ago."
"Dude I'm really sorry." I said to my barely there friend. He was such a nice guy, to have something so bad happen to him was so unfair. Life always seems to pick on the nicest people.

I hear Sara unlocking the door.
"Sean, she's here,what do I do?" I started panicking. I wasn't ready to face her yet.
"Mark," Sean said, looking at me determinedly, "I'm here for you."
"Thanks." I said, looking towards the door. "I'll keep you on, in case.....something bad happens."
I closed the screen just enough for Sara not to notice Sean, but still open enough so the mic was free and Sean could hear everything she said. The door opened, and Sara walked in.

"Mark?" She said, stopping at the door. "Babe what happened!" She said, rushing over. I turned my back to her.
"Leave me alone." I said, my voice nearly breaking. "You know what you've done."
I looked towards her. Her face changed from worry to confusion, and then to fear and anger at once.
"How did you find out!" She said, her voice going high pitched like it always did when she was angry.
"I went on your Skype a-"
"You did WHAT?" She screamed, her face contorted with rage. "How DARE you look through my messages! You had NO right!" She said, and she stormed out of the room. I suddenly felt so angry that I got up and followed her out.

"How DARE you look through messages!" I heard Sara scream. It was followed by loud thumps of somebody storming out of the room. Then another set storming out after that person.
"Oh, this is MY fault then is it?" Mark started screaming back at her. "I'm not the one having fucking sex with some other guy!"
"I forgave you after the incident!" She screamed back. Both their voices were slightly muffled since they'd moved out of the bedroom where Marks laptop sat on the bedside table. I wanted so badly to just go over and protect him. He was hurting, and there was nobody else that could help him at the moment, but here I was, sitting by my computer, my eyes wide, not doing a single thing, because the distance was too far.
"That was completely different!" Mark half shouted, half sobbed. "I was drunk, it was an accident!" I heard him fade off into loud sobs.

"Mark you brought this on yourself!" Sara continued screaming. "What was I supposed to do? Nothing was happening in our relationship. In fact, I was planning on leaving you anyway!"
Her words shocked me. I'd always though of Sara of being kind and thoughtful from the glimpses of her in Marks videos and when me and Mark skyped. Not at all his bloodthirsty, this cruel woman she was a portraying herself.

I can hear Mark sobbing. I wanted nothing more to then to help him. But I didn't know how. I didn't know how I could help.
"Your PATHETIC! You never do ANYTHING for me! It's all about your viewers, about YouTube videos, never about ME! How do you think that makes me FEEL, Mark?"
There's was a sound of something crashing.
"HOLY CRAP!" I hear Mark scream.
"Fuck, are you ok Mark?" I shouted.
"Who the fuck is that?" Sara screamed.
"Its Sean." I hear Mark croak. She shouts something unintelligible and I hear the jingle of keys and the front door being slammed shut.

Mark opens the laptop and looks at me on his screen.
"Jesus Mark!"
"She threw a plate at me." He sobbed into the laptop." She said some..." he broke off into sobs."

"Holy fuck, dude!" I was panicking, I didn't know what to do. "What if that'd hit you!"
"It's fine." Mark sniffed.
"No it's not!" I was quite angry at Sara now! "Please Mark. Do not get back with Sara, no matter what, ok? Please promise me this." I said, more pleadingly than anything
"No, Mark, she hurt you. She doesn't deserve you."
Mark sniffed. "I promise." He said, before ending the call.

I leant back on my chair and ran my hands through my hair. I felt so bad not being able to help Mark. I should've been able to actually be there, but I couldn't. I'm not there and he needs me. This is an awful feeling, and if I felt this bad I had no idea how awful Mark was feeling.

Wow, that made me sad just writing it! Poor Markimoo :( I feel mean by just writing this it's too sad omg I'm sorry but the story needs it. And hopefully septiplier will come through in the end! I ship them so much ^·^
(But Jack and Signe are super cute together too and I hope they stay together cause they seem so happy together ^·^ SEPTIIHU AWAY :P )

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