Chapter 7

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Authors Note:
You guys are going to hate me...but don't worry everything gets better soon...maybe...idk sorry :P


I woke up on the couch. I was confused about where I was for a second, but I quickly remembered I was in America. I looked at my watch.
4:56 am
I got off the couch and walked to the kitchen, planning on grabbing a glass of water, but was stopped in the hallway by a sound.
Is that Mark?

I cracked open the door to the spare bedroom and peeked through.
Oh poor Mark.
He was holding a pillow and sobbing into it, trying to stifle the sound. His eyes were shut but that did little to stop the steady flow of tears sliding freely down his face. I rushed over to him and wrapped my arms around him. He dropped the pillow in fright and looked at me with his swollen bloodshot eyes, but once he realised it was me he rested his head in the crook of my neck and continued crying.
"Shh...shh..." I said over and over again, stroking the back of his head until he calmed down.

After about ten minutes I'd gotten Mark to stop crying.
"What happened?" I finally asked, sitting on the bed with him, my arm wrapped around his back.

"I-I had a dream about Sara a-and I woke u-up and everything just kinda hit me l-like a brick wall." He said between shaky breaths. I wrapped my arms around around him and just hugged him.

"It's ok now. Everything will be ok. Sean's here now,"

He looked up at me with his dark eyes, and gulped slightly and leant in. Before I could question what he was doing, he brushed his lips against mine. I pulled away and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Sean please..."
"Mark I can't. Your not thinking straight, I can't just take advantage of you like that. I'd never forgive myself."
His face fell once again and I saw his eyes begin to get watery. I wiped the forming tears away with my thumbs and stroked his cheek.

"Just go to sleep, you need it."
I stood up and was about to leave when Mark spoke up.
"Will you...stay with me?" He said quietly, almost a whisper. I looked over at him, he wasn't in any state to stay by himself. I got into the bed and wrapped an arm around him.
"Thanks Sean." I heard him whisper to me.
"I love you." I whispered to him when I thought he was sleeping. I stayed awake though.

I couldn't stop replaying that moment he kissed me over and over in my head. Did he mean it? Did it mean anything between us? Was there anything between us? Was Mark straight? Did he kiss me because he liked me? I knew I was bisexual, it was who I was. But I was sure Mark was straight. I thought about how he made me feel when he kissed me. I'd definately felt something. Even if I did feel something for Mark, did I really want to jeopardise our friendship? And I couldn't just take advantage of him when he was just after his relationship with Sara. I had to put Mark first.


When Sean pulled away from the the kiss my heart started pounding out my chest. Had I messed up? I couldn't help but start to tear up, but Sean's hands wiped the salty tears away before they even had a chance to escape my eye. I didn't know what came over me. Why did I kiss him? Before I could dwell with my thoughts any more, I felt Sean's hands leave my face and the mattress moved slightly as he stood up. My breath hitched in my throat but as his hand touched the door knob, my mouth seemed to move on its own accord.

"Will you stay with me?" I whispered. I didn't think he heard me, I'd said it that softly. But he turned back towards me. My eyes met his. They were like the ocean, and I could just get lost in them. He walked over to me and wrapped an arm around me, and I couldn't help but smile softly to myself.
"Thanks Sean."
Just as I drifted to sleep, I thought I heard him say I love you but before I could ask him about it my vision went dark and sleep took over my body.


The next morning I opened my eyes to see Sean with his head resting next to mine. It took me a second to recall what had happened last night. Shit I thought, running my hand through my hair. Why did I kiss Sean? I was straight...wasn't I? Was I attracted to Sean? I shook my head slightly to myself. I had definatly felt something but I didn't know how to go about this. I was such a mess last night, maybe I could play it off like I'd forgotten? I got out if the bed and went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Thanks." I smiled to Matt as he handed me a plate of pancakes. I was distracted by the sound of footsteps and looked up to see Sean walking in. He looked at me and blushed, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly before looking at the pancake currently being cooked by Matt.

"You weren't on the couch when I came down?" Matt questioned, looking towards Sean. His face went red and he rubbed his hand over his beard.
"I was...uhh..."
"I took the couch last night," I lied, "I thought Sean should get the bed since he spent so long travelling to get here."
I saw Matt look towards Sean, then to me, then back to Sean an then back to me again, confusion evident on his face. My face went beet root red, I was such an awful liar. Matt shook his head slightly to himself and continued cooking the pancake currently in the frying pan. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and looked towards Sean. He gave me a slight half smile and looked at the floor awkwardly.

God he is too cute.
No, stop that I told myself I don't like Sean like that.
Although when we kissed last night...

I looked up to see Matt and Sean looking at me with startled faces.
"Mark...are you...uh...ok?" Matt questioned, looking concerned.
"Why?" I said, putting a forkful of pancakes into my mouth, "I feel fine."

"Mark you just shouted NO loud enough to wake the feckin dead." Sean said, one eyebrow cocked (YES COCKED GET THOSE WEIRD THOUGHTS OUTTA YOUR HEAD DAMNIT) up slightly.

Matt and Sean exchanged confused looks.
"I didn't get much sleep last night," I mumbled, my mouth full of food, "I'll be ok in a while. Just...tired."
Matt looked towards me and shrugged his shoulders.

"We should leave here in around an hour." He said, throwing the frying pan he had used to make the pancakes in the sink, "Are ya excited for Disney Jackaboi?" Matt elbowed Sean in the ribs as he tried his worst Irish accent.

"THATS RACIST!" Sean screamed, shoving Matt playfully, and we were all laughing messes within a couple of seconds.
Today would be a good day.

Hey guys!
SEPTIPLIER KISSED! But they didn't really happen (yet) because Mark is very sensitive and Sean/Jack wouldn't take advantage of him like that so don't kill me!
I hope ye like this chapter. Leave a vote if you liked it :)
-Cli xxx

(ALSO just so nobody gets confused this isn't meant to be when Jack and Mark went to Disney land recently, this book is based like ages ago, like this is meant to be Mark and Jacks first time meeting in person :P)

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