Chapter 8

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"Dude, that's not fair!" I yelled at Bob as he held my hat above his head. I tried to jump up and get it but ended up tripping over my untied shoe lace and almost falling flat on my face, sending everybody, including myself, into fits of laughter,

"Ok...ok." Bob began lowering my hat. "I'll make it easier for you." Then he tossed it to Wade.
"For fecks sake he's a giant too!" I ran towards Wade and started pulling at his hand, trying to lower his arm to my level.


Bob and Wade had met us outside Disney Land and we'd all spent the day together. We'd went on as many rides as we could, but the queues were so long we hadn't been able I get to as many as we had hoped. Waiting in line wasn't that bad though, Mark, Matt, Bob, Wade and I had goofed around a lot, and since it was my first time meeting Bob and Wade in person, we had tonnes of stuff to talk about. We got a bag of chips (or  "fries" as they called them) as a snack, and had gone on two more rides. As we'd walked out the main entrance Bob had yanked my hat off my head.


Wade threw the cap over his head and bent down so he was about as tall as me and began walking around funnily.

"G'day mate, I'm Jacksepticoi!" He shouted and I quickly took my chance to grab my hat and place it on my head.
"I didn't know I was Australian!" I chuckled, elbowing Wade in his ribs. I looked up to see Mark staring at me, smiling. I went quiet and looked downwards, trying to hide the redness creeping up my cheeks, and the big goofy smile plastered on my face.

Wade looked at Bob.
"We're gonna have to go now." Wade said. "Molly wants me home for some family dinner thing. And I'm Bobs ride." We all hugged each other good bye.

"It was awesome to meet you Jack." Bob said as he hugged me. "Will I see you at PAX East?" He asked. I shrugged.
"I didn't really think about it to be honest. I'd love to go if ye are all going." I smiled.

Wade gave me a quick hug from behind.
"You should definitely go." Wade said before pulling my hat over my eyes.
"Mother fúcker!" I laughed as I righted my hat and stuck my tongue out at him. Wade pretended to be sad and I gave him another quick hug before both him and Wade walked away.

I walked next to Mark towards the roller coaster.
"You ok?" He looked up at me and nodded, a bright smile quickly covering his fave.
"I'm perfect." He said, then his face fell slightly.
"Sean I'm sorry about last night. I wa-"
"It's ok." I looked into his eyes, "I understand." He succumbed to a grin again and ran his hand through his hair, floofing it up a bit.

"Now hurry up I want to go on the roller coaster!" I half yelled at him, and I grabbed his hand and dragged him to where the Matt was standing.

"Sean, why don't you choose the last ride since it's your first time here." Matt suggested. I shrugged and said "Sure." as I looked around. I'd been a bit scared of some of the bigger rides when we first went into the park but now that we only had one ride left, I decided to go for whatever ride looked the scariest.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by the sounds of screams. I looked up and saw what was probably the largest roller coaster in the entire place. People were being twisted up and sideways and it looked like crazy.

"Let's do that one." I pointed at it. Matt and Mark looked up and smiled.
"Good choice Sean, that's my favourite ride!" Mark said, his eyes lit up like a child in a sweet shop.
"Let's go then!" I yelled joyfully, and started legging it towards the entrance to the ride.

The bars lowered down over the seats, making it impossible for me to move my arms properly or look backwards. I was suddenly feeling very nervous.

"M-Mark?" I stuttered, looking down to where my feet dangled loosely. "I don't like this idea very much." He craned his head slightly in an attempt to look me in the eye (which failed because the bars were in the way)

"You'll be fine Jackaroony." He chuckled slightly.
"Jackaroony? That's a ne-" I was cut off by the roller coaster suddenly starting up.

How the FÚCK is it going so fast in such a short amount of time? I was screaming as I spun left and right, up and down and all around the place really.

Everything was so far down. It hadn't looked that high from on the ground. The sky and floor and all the people and the other rides suddenly just began to blend into one big blur as the ride sped up even more.

Hey guys!

So I wrote this chapter and realised it was really short, but I wanted a separation between this chapter and the next so I hope ye don't mind!

We have over 170 reads now and this book hasn't been up that long at all so that make me SO happy, and I love when you guys say ye like my book cause I just live writing so much!!!

Excuse any errors in this by the way cause I wrote this at 6am during an all nighter ;)

-Cli xxx

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