Chapter 11

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(Massive time skip, sorry :P)

I looked down at the Irishman asleep in my arms. It was Wednesday night, and Sean was going home early tomorrow morning. It was pretty late, and he had been asleep for at least and hour. I was having trouble sleeping. Too many thoughts.

He had come on the Friday, so he had stayed for almost a week. It had flown by so fast, it felt like just yesterday he arrived.

We had spent most of the week showing Sean around LA, and had fun as he seemed amazed by normal things like Pop Tarts and Twinkies (which he loved by the way.)

Seans face was so serene when he slept. His cheeks were slightly pink from the heat of the room, and the edges of his lips turned up tiniest bit in the slightest smile.

God damn he's so adorable.

Wait did I just call Sean adorable? I shook my head slightly to myself.

I don't like Sean that way.

He buried his head deeper in my chest in his sleep, I could feel his cheek against my bare skin. I instinctively wrapped my arm protectively around the smaller man, pulling him closer to me.

He's leaving tomorrow.

The thought of him not being around felt so wrong. I started to silently cry, and I buried my face in Sean's t-shirt. I felt Sean's hands which were curled up on his chest start to move around me and stroke my back and my hair.

"What's wrong Markimoo?" Sean asked me sleepily, as he had just woken up. I just snuggled into him more so that instead of me holding him, he was now holding me.

"I j-just don't want y-you to leave." I said between sobs, my tears leaving wet stains on the material of his shirt. I looked up at Sean and he was frowning.

"Maybe I can come back soon?" Sean stated more then asked. I sat up and smiled, chuckling slightly and wiping away my tears.
"I'd like that." I sniffed.

I made eye contact with Sean. His eyes were so blue, like the sky on a cloudless day. His lips were pink and plump, parted slightly, giving me a slight glimpse of his teeth.

I leaned in, an before I even realised what I was doing, my lips kissed his. I looked at him, my eyes going wide, shocked by my actions. How could I do that again?!

"Sean I'm sorry I-" my voice hitched in my throat as Sean's hands cupped my face. He leant in and brushed his own lips against mine. His arms went around my neck and my hands went to his hips, pulling him closer to me and deeping the kiss.


My lips moved in sync with Mark.
Why am I not pulling away? I thought to myself, I'm not gay, am I?
I couldn't deny that this felt right. My hands ran through his thick black hair, and his strong hands were firmly planted on my waist.

After few minutes of Mark and I kissing, we pulled apart, both of us out of breath, our cheeks painted pink. Mark smiled brushed my hair out of my face.

"Night Sean." Mark said, kissing the top of my head. I leaned up to him and pecked his cheek.
"Nighty night Mark." I said, and snuggled back into his chest. His arms wrapped around me and pulled me onto his chest, and I smiled to myself as I quickly fell back to sleep.


"Sean?" Mark said, shaking my shoulder.
"Mmm?" I half opened my eyes to see Mark.
"It's eight. You need to get to the airport." I wrapped my arms around Mark in a hug and buried my head in his chest.

"I don't wanna go."

"I don't want you to go either," Mark mumbled, "but I don't want you to miss you flight." He sat up in the bed, pulling me up with him. I groaned.

"Just let me sleep god damnit." I face planted back into the bed. Mark pushed me and I fell off the bed with a loud thud. Mark laughed.

"Shut up, shut up. I'm getting up." I put up my hands in surrender. Mark smiled smugly, laughing, before heading downstairs. I stared grabbing t shirts off the floor and checking if they were mine or Marks.

I quickly placed all the clothes I thought were mine into my suitcase, and threw on some I could only hope were clean. I looked at the time.


I had to get the bus at nine to get to the airport on time. I ran downstairs and placed my suitcase next to he door and went into the kitchen where everyone else was eating breakfast to say good bye.

I walked in and Matt and Amanda were at the counter finishing breakfast.
"I'll see you guys soon." I mumbled, looking down awkwardly. I'm never good at good byes. Matt hugged me, smiling.

"Thank for letting me stay, both of you." I smiled at them. Amanda came over and gave me hug too.
"Your welcome back any time." Amanda said. I nodded and smiled.

Suddenly I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me from behind. I knew straight away it was Mark. I turned around, still in his arms, to face him.

"I'm gonna miss you." Mark whimpered slightly. I buried my face in his chest, my tears wetting his shirt.
"I'll miss you too." I looked up at him, my voice cracking. I pulled away and walked to the door, picking up my suitcase. Mark followed me.

"Do you...want me to go with you? To the airport?" Mark asked, biting his lower lip. I nodded and smiled up at him.
"I'd like that."


I liked this chapter (^_^)
SEPTIPLIER FINALLY HAPPENED PROPERLY!!! Also I'm back on track for writing I think, so updates should be normal now :) but GUYS 600 READS WHAT THE HELL THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH LIKE THATS SO MANY PEOPLE!!!! It's crazy to think that people like my silly old story ;P
You guys are the absolute best :D
-Cli xxx

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