Chapter 9

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I tensed every muscle in my body, trying to block out everything around me. I shouldn't have gone on this ride. I was scared of heights, the entire day I had stayed behind as the other guys went on any rides that looked too high for me. Why did I go on this stupid ride anyway? I guess I wanted to look like less of a wimp in front of the guys. And now it was happening again.

My breathing was getting pretty quick. My screaming was cut short by my desperate attempts to gulp some air into my lungs. My eye sight was getting dark around the edges.

No, not here. Not in front of everybody.

I quickly screwed my eyes shut, but my stomach continued to turn flips at the sensation of me flying through the air.

Just please let it be over soon. Let it be over soon. Let it be over soon.


Let it be over soon. Let it be over soon. Let it be over soon.

"Sean, are you ok?"

Let it be over soon. Let it be over soon.

"Sean it's ok. It's over. Everything's fine, your safe now. Markimoo is here."



The bars lifted as the roller coaster came to a stop.
"Sean that wa-" I stopped talking as I looked over at Sean. His head was bent down as far as the bar would allow him. It was as if he was trying to tuck his head into his knees. He was shaking like a leaf and his eyes were screwed tight. His hands were clamped down over his ears. I lifted up the safety bar and shook his shoulder lightly.


No response.

"Sean are you ok?"

No response.

"Shít." I mumbled, scrambling to pick Sean up and lift him off the ride. Matt rushed out if his seat which was in front of us and helped lifting Sean up off his seat, although he was so small he barely weighed anything. People were looking but nobody seemed to want to get involved and try to help.

"Dude what the fùck happened!" Matt questioned me, his eyes wide.

"He's scared of heights but I...I never realised it was this bad." I said quickly, as I sat Sean upright against a wall. He was shaking, with his knees drawn up to chest and his arms wrapped around himself. He didn't seem to have any idea what was going on around him.

"Mark he's having a panic attack."
I looked up at Matt.
"I know." I mumbled, "Shit what do we do?" I turned back towards Sean.

"Sean can you hear me?" I shook his shoulder lightly, but he didn't take any notice. I sat down next to him and pulled the smaller man into my lap.

"Sean it's ok. It's over. Everything's fine. Your safe now." I soothed him. His head went to rest in the crook of my neck and his body slowly relaxed.

"I think he should get back to your house." I picked Sean up and I felt him nuzzle into my chest and whimper slightly. Matt nodded and scrambled to try and help me with Sean, but I assured him I could handle the weight of the short man to his car which was that far from the exit.

"Are you sure your okay with it?" Matt questioned worrigbly.

"Yeah, he barely weighs anything." To be honest my arms were starting to ache but I didn't want to let Sean go. A part of me just wanted to make sure that he was okay and feeling him against my chest helped my uneasiness.

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