Chapter 3

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I looked at my recording room. It was weird, not that long ago I was in here laughing, making videos, doing what I loved. Everything changed so much since I last recorded a video. When had I last recorded a video. Two days ago? Three? I couldn't remember. I rubbed my forehead. I didn't like thinking of stuff like that when Sara was gone.
I heard her car crunch on the gravel, then her footsteps, then the jingle of keys in the lock.
"Sara, leave." I stated as calmly as I could, but I couldn't help the wobble of my voice.
Sara walked into the hall. Her eyes tearing up with emotion. Her face was red, like she'd been crying. A lot. What was that I saw in her eyes amidst the sadness.. Anger? Fear?.
"Mark please?" She said, her bottom lip trembling. I turned away from her. I felt her eyes burning into the back of my head.
"Fine." She whispered picking up her bags. I heard her let out a sob. I shook my head.
"Sara I..."
She looked at me. Her eyes bore into mine, as tears spilled down both of our cheeks. Suddenly she burst out in a torrential downpour, and I ran over and hugged her. We both collapsed to the floor holding each other.
"I'm so sorry." She sobbed into my neck. "It was all my fault. Please, forgive me."
"Sara, how can I ever trust you again? How do I know that you won't do it again?" I whispered, crying so hard I didn't know if she could even hear me.
"Mark, I'm pregnant."

I noticed while I was editing the contrast between my two videos. In the first one I was louder, making more jokes, having fun. The second one which I recorded after the stuff with Mark was much shorter, and there were long periods of just silence. I wasn't myself, and I knew my viewers would notice too. I sighed. I hadn't felt like recording at all, but I didn't want to let anybody down.
Once I finished editing, my second video was only about 5 minutes long, and I was silent for about half of it. I picked up my phone and opened Twitter.
Sorry if I'm not myself in my last video today. Just some stuff. Sorry.
I checked Mark's profile. He hadn't tweeted today. He hadn't put up any videos today either, but that was expected. I went back onto my Twitter page and looked at the replies.
@Jack_Septic_Eye what happened?
@Jack_Septic_Eye something wrong?
Don't worry @Jack_Septic_Eye, just mind yourself.
I replied to a few, mostly saying "Its fine." Some people asked if something happened with Mark. I could tell they were worried. I was too.

I texted Mark on Skype.
Jackaboy: Hey, you ok?
Markimoo: No
His response was almost immediate.
Jackaboy: What's up
Markimoo: Video call?
Jackaboy: Sure dude.
I clicked the call button.
Mark looked a little better. His hair was brushed, he'd changed clothes, but he still looked quite upset.
"What happened?" I asked him.
"She came back and she..." Marks voice cracked and he wiped his eye.
"Mark..." I said nervously, "You didn't. Did you?"
"Sean I-"
"Mark please!" I started pleading. "She'll do something again! I don't want her to hurt you more than she already has!"
"She's pregnant Sean."
I fell silent. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do.
"Sean, I can't just leave her like that." Mark looked at me. He looked trapped.
"I know but just...just tell me if anything happens. I don't want anything to happen to you Mark. Ok?

"That'll be 1.20 sir."
I passed the money to the spotty faced cashier, thanked him, and proceeded to leave the shop, sipping my cherry coke. As I walked down the path, I heard a few gasps behind me. A group of three kids ran up to me. They looked around twelve and they had huge smiles plastered on their faces
"Jesus man, your Jack!" The boy said to me. "My name's Jack too, I LOVE your videos!"
"Hey Jack!" I said giving the boy a high five.
"I'm Ben and that's my sister Aoife." Said the shorter boy. "Can we get a picture?"
"Sure."I said, and smiled and gave a thumbs up to the phone as Ben took the selfie.
"Thanks!" They said, and ran off down the street. I smiled to myself. They'd looked so happy, it was moment's like that that made YouTube worthwhile, knowing I'd made their day. I just wanted to keep everyone happy.

When I got home I opened my laptop, went into Skype pressed call and waited for Mark to pick up. He didn't.

Jackaboy: You ok dude?
Markimoo: yea, i'm getting ready to record a video.
Jackaboy: That's good, so your feeling better?
Markimoo: kind of, it helps distract me. want to record a prop hunt vid with bob and wade?
Jackaboy: Sure.

Hey guys, guess who just recorded some sick prop hunt for tomorrow with me?
I tweeted. I was happy for Mark. At first he seemed a little nervous but after a few minutes he got into it and started being silly old Markiplier again. Boner jokes jokes were running wild throughout the video, and after an hour of recording, he seemed in a much better mood then when we had begun. I could tell by the way Bob and Wade were acting that Mark hadn't told them. Once we'd finished recording, Mark and I continued talking.
"That was fun." I said, laughing. Mark was laughing too. Then he started to look serious.
"Thanks Sean," Mark said smiling slightly, "I feel a lot better now."
"That wasn't me, that was you." I said. "Your amazing Mark."
"Ha. I'm anything but." Mark scratched his neck. "I better go edit..."
"Ok," I said, "I'll text you."
"Mm." Mark ended the call.
And there I was, all alone in my recording room.

Hey guys! :D
Wow I'm writing this on Wren. It was super fun and people were playing music in the pub and there was chocolate so I was happy ^·^ I didn't get anything on Christmas because we decided to order stuff online and they arrived on the 23rd but we're on holidays for Christmas xD. My ma told me anyway, it was a septic Sam plushie and a booper dooper hoodie and I'm all excited to go home and get it ^·^ I have no idea when I'll publish this so it might be ages away from Christmas when ye read it xD Tell me whatcha got anyway :P

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