Chapter 4

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I gripped the steering wheel as if my life depended on it. I didn't feel like doing this at all, but I needed to. I couldn't just abandon Sara, and she said she wanted me there. It was my baby too, I couldn't let her do it alone. No matter how I felt, I had to stay strong. For myself. For my viewers. For the baby. For Sean.
Sean tried so hard to make me happy, and he did. He helped me pull through. We did more collabs together, he skyped me more often. Sara didn't like it, I could tell, but she didn't say anything. We were still on thin ice. I shifted in my seat and continued driving to the hospital.

"Hello dear." A smiley nurse said as we walked through the door.
"Hi." smiled Sara "I'm here for my three month scan?"
"Sara Butlin."
"Wait in the room to my left, you should be able to come through in a short while."

We sat down next to each other on the hard uncomfortable seats. There were a few other people waiting, but they didn't pay us any attention. Sara tried to hold my hand, but I had it curled into a fist. Things still weren't the same, and I don't they ever will be. I pulled my hand onto my lap and I saw her look at me annoyed.
"Sara, you may come in now." The same nurse called to us. Sara started to look a little nervous. She reached for my hand and this time I let her take it. I didn't want to, but she needed someone. And to be honest, I needed someone too. I didn't know who, but when she curled her fingers into mine, I knew it wasn't her.

The nurse gave Sara a paper towel to wipe the gel off her stomach.
"Everything seems fine." she smiled "We'll get you another appointment in about four weeks." She opened the door and stood by it, signalling to us that we were done and could leave. Sara walked to the front desk to get the next appointment sorted while I leant against the wall waiting for her. Once she'd finished, we walked out to the car.

The second we got into the car Sara started shouting.
"Why didn't you help me sort out the next appointment you ass?" She screamed in my face. "You just stood there looking around like a freaking dumb ass!"
"What?" I said, totally dumbfounded. "I thought you wouldn't want me to. It's not a big deal."
"Its not a big deal on its own," She shouted "but it's the fact that it happens all the time! You don't care! You never do!"
I turned the key in the ignition, trying to block Sara out. Focus on getting home. She's angry, let her get it all out, then she'll be fine.
"Fucking listen to me Mark!" She continued shouting as I drove. "Your worthless! Selfish! You don't give a single crap about me do you?
Keep driving. Almost home.
"Mark! You idiot! Listen to me!"
I turned into the driveway to the house. As soon as the car was parked Sara stormed out. I stayed in the car a while. I rubbed my face. Maybe Sean was right. Maybe me and Sara just weren't the same. Maybe I was just dragging out the inevitable. I didn't know what to do. No, that's a lie. I knew exactly what to do. I was just too afraid. But I had to.

I walk inside the house. Sara is cooking something. I'm too worked up to notice what it is. I go into our room and pull a suit case out from under bed. I open drawers and throw stuff in. T shirts, hoodies, jeans, shoes, whatever my hands get a hold of. I walk into the bathroom and grab my toothbrush and hairbrush. As I zip up the suit case I sigh. This will be difficult.

"Sara..." I say walking into the room. She looks at me.
"What?" She snaps.
I take a deep breath. I need to do this. I need to do this. I need to do this.
"We aren't us anymore, are we?" I said, rubbing my eye. She looks down.
"No we're not." She said, she looks more apprehensive now then when I walked in. "It isn't the way it used to be." She walked across the room to me.
"Mark," she started "you are an amazing guy. Don't doubt that. But I messed shit up. I thought we could put it behind us, but we can't, can we?" She started tearing up at the end.
"Sara I'm sorry I-"
"No!" She grabbed my hands. "Don't say sorry. You didn't cheat on me. You were the absolute best thing that ever happened to me. I said stuff but not one bit of It was true. I love you so much Mark, I do. But things are just going downhill and I think that..." she started crying. I hugged her and she rested her head in the crook of my neck.
"I know." I gulped back my own tears. "Its just not the same." She looked up at me.
"Is this it then?" She asked.
"I think so." I nodded, hugging her. "I love you so much, but we both know that this isn't right anymore."
"I know." She nodded. "I'll miss you though."
"I'll miss you too." I said, the tears finally falling down my face, "I'll still be here for you through everything. I won't abandon you or the baby. I won't just leave."
"I'll be here for you too." She buried her face deeper into my chest. "I love you."
"I love you too.

I put my suitcase in the boot of the car. I subconsciously decided to go to a hotel room for the night. As I arrived, a quickly booked a small room at the desk. I walked up to the room and check my phone.
6 unread messages from Jackaboy
I didn't bother checking them. I didn't feel like talking to anybody at the moment.

Aw it's all sad :( It had to happen though! What do ye think? Sad bits should be over in a small bit, and we can have nice Septiplier chapters yayyyy!
It's still Wren when I'm writing this and I realised ye probably don't know what that is. Basically day after Christmas everybody gathers in the pubs and there's massive parties and people play trad music and its super fun. They don't do it where I live in Ireland but I'm in the Gaelteacht for Christmas and yeah it's fun. Also my dad broke the TV cause he's stupid and now I have no TV D:

This chapter is kinda short but I tried :P

Anyway I was going to make a shit storm happen later on in the book but I'm all happy and I don't want to hurt Mark anymore so yeah. I'll see you guys in the next chapter!!!


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