Chapter 14

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I haven't updated in over a month I'm sorry. I'll try harder next time. Important A/N at bottom please read 😊


I stood in the arrivals part of the airport, a big goofy smile plastered on my face. I hadn't seen Sean
in over a month and a half. We'd been skyping a lot more since we'd gotten together, but it wasn't the same as actually being next to him. I held up the sign that said weird leprechaun guy and noted some people were looking at it on confusion. I didn't really care though, I knew that Sean would laugh at it, an oh god how I missed that laugh.

Through the crowds I saw the shorter man looking around a bit sleepily, probably jet lagged from the long transatlantic flight. I smiled and waved my sign in the air to grab his attention.

His blue eyes locked with mine, and that amazing smile of his lit up his face.

"Mark!" Sean shouted, running towards me and throwing his arms around my neck in a hug.

"Hey Sean." I smiled down at him and left a quick peck on his forehead. Sean blushed a bright red and scratched the back of his neck, smiling bashfully.

"C'mon," I said, grabbing his hand, "Bob and Wade are waiting for us at the hotel."


Okay so I've been tying to write almost everyday since I lat updated and this was all I could come up with. I just can't think of anything to move the story a long...except a time skip. I HATE when people do that and skip like six months of story, but I feel I started this too far back. I keep writing things like "green hair" and "Sam plushies" and have to remind myself to take then out cos they don't exsist yet. So yeah, I might do a time skip to late in 2015... Would ye hate me if I do that? Please tell me cos I really can't think of anything else to really do atm...

Thank you guys also 1.3k! AMAZING!!!! :D

-Cli xxx

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