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"Hey Dad!" Frank hugged his father.

"Mom said she'd pick me up tomorrow at around two." The twelve year old said to Mark. Mark smiled down at him and nodded, waving to Sara who was parked in his drive from his front door. She waved back and began pulling out.

"Are we visiting Sean today?" Frank asked, looking up at his father with his dark brown eyes - like father like son. Mark smiled sadly and nodded. The date was July 15th - Sean's anniversary. Mark took Frank to Sean's grave every year.

The pair went into Marks car and were in the graveyard within fifteen minutes. They walked the grey dull path of the graveyard that Mark knew too well. The stopped at the gravestone which showed Sean's plot.

Here lies Sean William Mcloughlin
Who died July 15th 2015
The worlds greatest brother, son, and boyfriend.
May he Rest In Peace

Frank looked up at his dad. Mark had a tear running down the side of his face. He smiled sadly at the head stone, giving it a pat with his hand.

"Dad don't cry," Frank said the same thing he said everytime he caught his dad crying over Sean. "It wasn't your fault."

Like a broken record, Mark answered the same as always whenever anyone told him that it wasn't his fault.

"Yes...yes it was."

Frank sighed sadly. "I'm going to the car, catch up in a minute kay?" He mumbled, walking towards the exit of the cemetery. Mark looked until he was sure he couldn't see Frank before bursting into tears.

"I'm s-so sorry S-Sean." He hicced between chocked sobs. "I should have just g-gone over and h-helped." Mark knelt in front the grave, his palms pressed against the earth.

He kissed his hand and pressed it to the ground.

"I'll always love you Sean." Mark whispered to the grave, before standing up and rubbing his face in an attempt to make it look like he hadn't been crying before going back to join Frank.

I'll see you next year. Mark thought to himself
as he left. He smiled one last futile time, before getting into his car.

He missed Sean everyday.

But as Mark looked back at Frank he saw Sean. They weren't blood related so of course he didn't look like him, but Frank watched all of Seans old YouTube videos, and all the ones I had of the times we spent together.

Frank had his sense of humour. He had the same cheekiness in his smile. And so in a way, Sean never left Mark. And even though they hadn't been together that long, Mark believed that Sean was the only one for him. Not even Sara had made him feel the way Sean had. And Mark vowed he would never date anyone again.

Because his heart belonged to Sean.

And Sean had taken it with him to his grave.

Ok I know kinda a downer, but hey the books over! I hope anybody who read through this awful book all the way to the end actually liked it. I enjoyed writing [most] of it. Anyway, for the last time.

Thank you guys for reading!
-Cli xxx

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