Chapter 6

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I pressed call. I really hoped Mark didn't answer.
"Hey, this is Matt, Ma-"
"Thank FUCK."
"Sean?" Matt asked, "Mark is actually asleep right now if you want I can get hi-"
"That's fine, I wanted to talk to you actually. Basically I'm in America right now. I wanted to surprise Mark since he was really upset, and I got the message he's with ye at the moment so I wanted to check if that was ok with you and Amanda? I would've checked sooner but I didn't know until I was actually on the plane."
"Wow, dude that's really really cool of you to do. Of course you can stay, dude! I'll text you the address."
"Thanks, I'll see you there!" I ended the call. I was getting kind of giddy and excited now. I'd never met Mark face to face before and now I was. I was finally getting to meet my best friend.

I got out of the taxi and watched as it drove away back down the road. I took a deep breath. I was getting kind of nervous, what if he didn't want me to come? What if I just upset him more? But then again, what if I helped make him happy?
Stop being stupid, of course he will be happy I said to myself
I walked up the house Matt had told me was his. I rang the door bell and soon enough the door opened to reveal him.

"Shh." Matt put a finger to his lips and nodded towards what looked like the kitchen, indicating that Mark was in there. I smiled and gave him a hug.
"Its awesome to finally get to meet you in person." I whispered. Matt smiled.
"Same here." He looked backwards and shouted. "Yep it was a package, Mark I think it's for you!"
"Why would I have a package, I don't even live here." I heard Mark call back, laughing slightly. Just hearing his voice filled me with happiness! It wasn't his voice attached to an image on a screen. It's was his voice! It was Mark! He walked out into the hall and stopped when he saw me. He stood there with a look of disbelief on his face.
"Mark I-" I was cut off my the raven haired man running over to me and enveloping me in a massive hug. I felt his shoulders shaking slightly, telling me he was crying. I was starting to tear up too, but it was the good type of crying. I felt so happy.

We stood like that for about ten seconds but it felt like a lifetime, yet it still ended too soon. Mark pulled away first.
"Your a lot shorter in person." He laughed slightly, wiping his eyes, "What are you doing here."
"I-I wanted to see you Mark." I said, and Mark hugged me again. He was practically beaming, and I knew that I was as well. I couldn't believe it, I was here with Mark.
I was here with Mark!

"How did you get here!" Mark asked smiling fondly at me.
"I got a leprechaun to hitch me up a rainbow of Guiness and I slid over it all the way to America!" I laughed, "How do you think you goofy goober?" I elbowed Mark playfully and he pushed my shoulder. "As far as I'm aware, you ARE a leprechaun." I laughed at him and picked up my suitcase and turned to Matt.

"Septiplier away!" He shouted with his vlogging camera pointed to the two of us.
"Mark is bae!" I shouted at the camera laughing and throwing my hands back around Mark while Mark was in skits. His laugh I thought I haven't heard it in forever. It was the best feeling hearing him laugh. I knew now coming to America was the right decision to make. My doubts earlier seemed so stupid now. "So Matt where'll I put..."I lifted up my suitcase instead of finishing my sentence.
"Crap I'm so stupid!" Matt said put his hand to his forehead chuckling slightly "I didn't know you were coming and when you called I was just happy you were coming and I forgot we only have one spare bed and Marks in it!" Matt pointed towards Mark jokingly "Blame him!"

I put the suit case at the end of the bed. We worked out that I'd just sleep on the sofa and I'd keep my stuff in the spare bedroom Mark was staying in. I thought of just booking a last minute hotel room, not because I wanted to be away from eveyone, but just because I didn't want to be too much of a bother. Mark stopped me though. "Your only here for a little while and I don't want you to waste half of it going to and from the hotel." He had pouted slightly and I couldn't help but smile at the fact that he wanted me to stay

I watched the Irishman empty his small suitcase into the drawers that we'd established would be his. I still couldn't believe he was here. He was here for me. Matt and Amanda were so nice to leave both of us stay, even if Jack was only staying for a few days.
Ugh, I'll miss him when he leaves.
I quickly shook the thought. Of course he had to leave, but he only just arrived so I shouldn't be thinking like that.
"So, is there anything in particular that you want to do?" I asked him, leaning against the door frame and cocking my head slightly. Sean shrugged.
"Not really," he said, craning his head backwards slightly to look at me, "I didn't really think about it to be honest."
"We could go to Disney land?" I asked him. "We could drive down tomorrow morning and stay there for the day?"
Seans face brightened up with a massive smile,
"Yes! Definitely! I've never been but holy shit it looks awesome!"
"It's pretty awesome." I confirmed to Sean, "It's a shame that your too short for all the rides." I pretended to wipe a fake tear from my eye, then laughed as Sean playfully elbowed me in the ribs and started laughing.
"Your not that much taller than me you know."
"Oh but those few inches are all I need to make fun of you buddy."
Sean tried to glare at me but he quickly succumbed to a laugh which started me laughing all over again too.
This week will be the best week ever.

Hey guys! I wrote Marks POV at 3am so excuse any errors :P I'm so exhausted but I still have Irish AND German AND Geography homework to do soo yeah no sleep for me! Thanks for reading this chapter, it means the world to me. If you liked this chapter, PUNCH that vote button IN the face LIKE A BOSS!!!
-Cli xxx

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