Chapter 5

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I tried to text Mark again.

Jackaboy: Dude I'm getting worried, please answer.

I waited for about a minute, but no reply. I'd been calling and texting him for the past few hours but I couldn't seem to get through. I didn't think he'd want to talk to me to be fair. I hadn't done anything helpful. It wasn't that I didn't want to. It was just the distance was so much.

Jackaboy: Is it cause I can't see you in person? If that's the case I'll be on the next flight outta here.
I waited. Still nothing.

Jackaboy: Mark please, is there anything I can do to help.

Jackaboy: Mark please, I'm really worried about you. Bob and Wade can't get to you either. They're worried too. We're all worried.

Markimoo: Don't. I'm fine.


Jackaboy: I can't help but worry Mark. You mean so much to me and I don't want anything to happen to you.

Markimoo: it's just so lonely. The only person who even knows about how I feel right now is across the world and I just want you because sometimes I feel that nobody else wants me and I get scared that you don't and its just awful and I want to tell other people but they don't get it and I just really need somebody but I don't want to make anybody else upset and I'm ignoring everyone but I still see what they're sending and it breaks my heart I can't tell them what's going on.

When I was finished reading that text I put down my phone and ran my hands through my hair. I pulled my sleeve over my had and wiped my eyes dry. I hated knowing how Mark was feeling and not being able to do anything about it.

Jackaboy: I care about you so much. Don't doubt that. And you should tell Bob and Wade. Not everything if you don't want to, but they'll have to find out sooner or later. And Matt too, I haven't heard from him but I know he'll be worrying sick about you. They'll be there for you. And I am always here for you Mark. If you ever need me I'm one call away. Doesn't matter what time it is, if you need me you call me.

Markimoo: Ok, I'll try to tell them. Go to sleep now, it's late over there. I don't want to keep you up.

Jackaboy: I am pretty tired. I'll check up on you when I wake up, ok?

And with that I turned my phone off and put it on my bedside table. I went into the bathroom and looked at my face, it was all red and blotchy. I threw some cold water on my face andI quickly changed into and over sized t shirt and trackies but instead if going to bed I opened my laptop. I went on to the AerLingus website and began looking for tickets.

I knocked on the door. After a few seconds Matt opened the door.
"Mark oh my god your ok!" He said suddenly hugging me, "I was so worried, fucks sake Mark never do that to me again."
"Matt I know this very random and your not going to understand until I tell you but can I stay with you? Not for long, it'll only be a week or two and-"
"Wow slow down Mark. Of course, you can stay as long as you need. We'll go inside, I'll make us some tea and you can tell me everything ok?" He said, placing his hand on my shoulder. I nodded, picked up my suitcase and followed him in.

"And then Sean told me I needed to talk to someone and I came here. I still haven't told the others." I sniffed. I had just told Matt everything that happened. There were a few parts I considered leaving out, but quickly decided against it. I felt Matt needed to know, especially since he was letting me stay. My throat hurt now. I hadn't talked to anybody for that long in a while. It didn't help that I had started crying more than once while I was telling him what happened.

As soon as I finished talking, Matt stood up and wrapped his arms around me. I couldn't help but start crying. Matt held me there and didn't let go until I had stopped my downpour.
"Mark I'm so proud of you for getting through all this. You go lie down in the spare bedroom. You look like you need a rest. I'll get on to Sean and tell him your fine, he's probably worried. Now go sleep, you really do need it."

I nodded and brought my stuff down to the spare bedroom. I took off my shoes and t shirt, I was too lazy to get properly changed. I grabbed my phone and automatically checked YouTube. I decided to check Sean's channel and a video caught my eye. It was called I'm sorry and looked like a vlog. I clicked into it.

"Whapoosh! Top of the mornin to ya laddies, my name is JackSepticeye and this is a kind of important video. Basically, there's something that had come up really last minute. I prepared about 10 videos so far, I'll try do more tonight but I can only do so much. I don't actually know how long I'll be gone. I just felt that I should tell ye guys in case you notice a change in my videos and like, I just don't want ye to worry. I really tried my best but I've only had three days to prepare. I didn't want to let any of you guys down."

"You all mean so much to me. If it weren't for you guys I don't know I'd be. I should be back within a week so ye should be ok but just..." Sean broke off and kind of sighed as if at a loss for words.

"I'm so sorry, I really am, but this thing that's happening... its really important to me. Thank you guys for understanding and as always...THANK you guys so much for watching this video, if you liked it, PUNCH that like button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And high fives all round! Whapoosh! Whapoosh! And THANK you guys and I will we all you dudes... IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!!"

I wondered what Sean was doing. He hadn't said he was doing anything. The video had been uploaded yesterday so he was probably doing whatever it was he was doing around now. And I fell asleep wondering about Sean.

I checked my phone to see a notification.
One missed call from markimoo
As soon as I saw it I rang Mark. Mark didn't pick up though. I had a voice message from Mark as well. I clicked into it.

"Hey, Matt here, just thought I should tell you that Mark came over to mine and told me everything. He's staying a while, and I knew you'd wonder so I thought I'd tell you. He'll probably text you when he wakes up. He said you helped him a lot. Thanks for doing that, I had no idea until now about him. So yeah, thanks."

I breathed out a sigh of relief. At least now I knew Mark'd be looked after until I could be there my self. I looked out of the window. Even though I was terrified of heights, I always wanted the window seat on a plane. I watched as the plane went over Ireland and then over sea. And soon after I fell asleep.

Hey guys! Wow that chapter was a little longer then usual (emphasis on little, it's only like 100 extra words). I know my chapters are pretty short but I'm awful at writing for long periods of time and I find it easier to do short chapters then super long ones because I tend to go into too much detail and yeah. I wonder where Jacks going (I know it's obvious but still it's cute)
And aww I was on Twitter today and I saw that Jack went ice skating with Signe for the first time and he didn't fall and he seemed really proud that he didn't fall and there was a super cute video and it,I was like so cute like oh my fuck I was there fan girling like hell and my mam didn't know what was wrong with me xD

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