Chapter 12

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The bus ride pulled up to the bus stop just as Mark and I were walking towards it. We both quickly hopped on, as I paid for both of our tickets, and sat down at the very back of the bus.

"Sean about last night I-"
"Shh." I put a finger to marks mouth, "Don't talk about it, it'll make things awkward." I smiled. Mark laughed.

"I'm going to miss you." He sighed, and I leant my head in his shoulder.
"Thanks for coming Sean. You really helped me through all the...stuff going on right now."
"It's okay dude." I smiled.

We sat in comfortable silence for the rest of the journey to the airport. As the bus pulled up I went to pick up my suit case, but Mark stopped me.

"I'll do it." He insisted, "I want an excuse to stay with you a long as possible." And so I let him take it.

We walked inside the airport together. I wasn't used to the LA airport, but Mark did and quickly navigated through the building.

I sat next to him in one of the hard uncomfortable chairs waiting for my plane to be called out so I could go through security and all that. As we got comfortable, a girl who looked about sixteen walked up to us.

"Your Jacksepticeye and Markiplier!" She gushed excitedly, "I'm Brooklyn, c-can I get a picture.

I smiled and stood up, dragging Mark up with me. She took her phone out an took a selfie, with me on the left and Mark on the right, all of us pulling silly faces.

"Thanks so much!" She waved, and quickly left, heading to another part of the airport. I quickly settled back down next to Mark and rested my head against his shoulder.

"Flight 670 to Dublin boarding now." A voice rang through the airport. I sighed.

"I guess we have to say goodbye now." I stood back up and Mark handed me my luggage.

"So umm, bye." Mark cracked a half smile, "Awh, come here you doof." And he enveloped me in his arms and I buried my head into hid shoulder.
"Bye Markimoo."
"Bye Jackarooney."


I put my key into the door of my apartment and hurried to get the door open so I could take refuge from the rain that never seemed to end in Ireland.

I dropped my suitcase on the floor by the door, too tired too lug the heavy case upstairs, and quickly went to the kitchen to try find something to eat, I was starving.

I opened the fridge to be greeted by the smell of gone off food, which made me quickly cover my nose with my sleeve.

"Ugh, that's duisgusting." I mumbled to myself, quickly closing the fridge door because of the smell. I'd have to go shopping to buy new food from the supermarket tomorrow.

I decided on ordering pizza, and as I was waiting for it to be delivered I decided to skype Mark.

I opened my laptop and say in my siting room, too lazy to go upstairs to my recording room. After only a few rings, Mark picked up.


Hey guys!
Sorry this is so short, but I really needed to update. Sorry it's extremely late too, I feel really bad for just abandoning this story cos I really do enjoy writing it but I have so much studying for summer tests and I keep getting really sick recently (which kind if worries me a bit but I should be fine soon) and I have HUGE writers block.

I think I might start making chapters a little shorter, usually I do between 1000-12000 words but I might go down to about 700-800 to try keep up with the twice weekly update.
I hope you liked this chapter, it's a filler but I have some stuff planned for the next few chapters :)
-Cli xxx

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