Chapter 15

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I had an idea to move the story along and its cliché af but meh
There'll be one more chapter after this and then an epilogue.
You guys are gonna hate me, but ye wanted an ending to the story so here you go.
I'm a bad person.
I'm going to drink some bleach after writing this.
Sorry xxx


"Ugh I'm so tired." I said as I face planted into the large double bed Mark and I were sharing. Mark laughed and walked into the bathroom.
We'd just finished our last day at the convention. I'd met tonnes of cool people who wanted to meet me, and i got to do a panel which was pretty cool.

I rolled over on the bed and sat back up to get changed into some clothes that didn't stink of B.O. Mark and I were going out for a snack together. I grabbed my red top and a new pair of jeans and quickly slipped them on as I heard Mark brushing his teeth.

"Mark I'll be downstairs in the lobby, catch up k?" I yelled, opening the door of the hotel room.
"Jesus Sean shut up theres other people at the hotel!" Mark stuck his head out from the bathroom and whisper shouted, but I could see the smile behind his words,

"Love you!" I whisper shouted back, taking the mick. Mark smirked.

"Love you too."


21:30 Jack🍀:
Mark where are you??? xxx

21:30 Mark❤️
Decided 2 have shower, u go ahead meet you in 10 xxx


I put my phone in my back pocket and started walking out of the hotel. I pursed my lips as I tried to remember what way Mark had said the cafe was. It couldn't be too far, Mark had told me how to get there so... Up to the top of the street, left, down the next street and it's the second last building? Yeah that seemed right.

As I walked down the busy streets I saw an alley that cut straight through, so I wouldn't have to walk the whole way up the street.

"Nice one." I mumbled to myself and darted in.

There were puddles on the ground. I tried to avoid the bigger ones but stood directly into one of the deeper ones. It was small, but it was so deep I lost my balance and fell, twisting my ankle.

"Aw shit." I said, quickly pulling myself up into a sitting position. I was soaking wet from the fall. God damn I thought America would be a break from the dreary Irish weather.

I grabbed my phone to ring Mark, but quickly found that it was soaking wet and the screen was cracked. I'd have to find my own help.

I tried to stand but let out a yell and fell back down. I must've hurt my foot more then I thought. I leant on the wall and stumbled back outside the alley and quickly inside the first bar to try find help.

The sound of music was deafening and I could feel the body heat radiating off the dozens of people on the dance floor. I made my way up to the counter, wincing each time I put weight on my foot.

"Excuse m-me." I said to the bar tender.

"Wait your turn theres a queue." He mumbled, not looking up.

"B-bu-" I was cut off when I felt somebody wrap their arms around my body.

"Aren't you a cute thing." The girl slurred, obviously already drunk despite the night being young.

I tried to push her off but I couldn't do much - the slightest movement jarred my foot.

"L-look I'm no-"

"What the fúck are you doing with my girl!" A low gruff voice said from behind me. A hand clamped on my shoulder and spun me around.

I yelled out at the sudden movement, my entire leg now throbbing from the immense pain in my ankle. I looked at the man before me. He was tall, over six foot, and muscular. Also probably drunk out of his mind.

"P-please I j-just-"

"I don't wanna hear your excuses." He seethed, obviously pissed in more ways then one. His gruff hands dragged me into the street outside the bar.

"Come on! Fight me pretty boy!" The guy raised his fists, obviously dead sure he knew everything about fighting from watching MMA on his TV. I probably would have come up with a sarcastic remark, but I was caught off guard by his fist colliding with my face. I immediately fell to the ground, my face and my leg on fire.

I spat out some blood from my mouth. I couldn't tell if I had lost a tooth, but ny mouth suddenly felt a bit empty . I rolled into a ball and put my hands over my head to try to protect myself but the guy still managed to connect his foot to my stomach multiple times. My dinner from earlier travelled up my throat and I emptied my stomach onto the floor.

"P-please stop." I sobbed, blood trickling from my nose now too. I looked up at the people crowded around, the street was busy, but nobody was doing anything. People either cheered the man on or ignored what was happening altogether. The man sneered and looked down at me.

"Little baby say something?" He jeered. I coughed. He'd battered me on the floor with kicks and punches. My vision was blurry and I was having trouble staying conscious.

"Leave me a-alone." I whispered. He smiled. I was still on the floor as the people watching began shouting. I could hear "finish him!" And "do it!" among the crazed drunk party goers. I don't know how long I was there. It could have been a matter if seconds or hours for all I knew. I couldn't think straight. My head was pounding.

"" Was the last thing I whispered before the mans foot hit my face

I said you'd hate me I'm sorry but hey you wanted an ending. One last chapter to go. It'll all be in Marks POV cos...y'know...

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