Chapter 121

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(Leaving Day)

Today's the day. Rachel and I are leaving for Paris. Summer in Paris is heaven. I could imagine it now. Strolls in the park, going to see the Mona Lisa, eating in front of the Eiffel Tower. The shopping let's not forget the shopping. I was gonna be gone for the entire summer so I needed to make sure my house was in order. I made sure and put away all of my valuables and lock up properly. I don't want anyone breaking in my house. I took one last look at my bedroom before heading down the stairs. I watched Daniel take my bags to the car. I was picking up Rachel at Jacob's house so we could head to the airport. The take off time was at 2 so we would be there by tonight. "You ready to go Ms. Clearwater" Daniel asked me. I gave him a big smile. "More than ready" He returned it and opened the door for me to get in.


Paris here I come. I'm so excited to go to Paris. It has been one of my dreams for a very long time and most of all I'm going with Leah. My fellow female. I don't know where the guys are going for the summer. They probably aren't going anywhere and I don't think Emily's going anywhere either because she's pregnant and she's dealing with the divorce and all of that drama. But I do know Seth is heading to Italy for the summer. I think we all need to get away from the drama that's surrounding us. "So you excited for Paris" Jacob asked me. As we sat downstairs having breakfast with our dad. "Yes I'm excited" I said. "Well I hope you and Leah have a good time and hopefully you'll meet a nice French man over there" I laughed at him. They were desperate for Paul and I to break up its actually quite funny. "Hey guys" Leah said as she walked in the room. "Hey" they said. Leah took a seat at the table with us. "You guys ready for Paris" Jake asked. "Yup we're so pumped" Leah said. "Don't worry I'll bring back stuff for you guys" I said. "Rachel we gotta get going the flight is soon" Leah said. "Yeah ok" I said. "Well guys I'm leaving" I said getting up to hug my dad and Jacob. I started to get teary eyed. "I'll call you guys when I get there ok" I said. They were teary eyed too. "You know what I'll just call you guys when tomorrow ok because it'll be night time over there" I said. "I love you guys I'll see you in September ok" I said hugging them one last time. I walked outside the door and entered Leah's car. My dad and Jacob stood outside the house looking at the car as we drove. I waved at them until I could no longer see them.


Paris I can't believe it. We're going to Paris. I wonder where Trey is and what he's doing for his summer. I haven't talked to him in two months and to tell you the truth I miss him a lot. My conscience is killing me right now. Its urging me to go and find him and talk to him. He's probably busy anyway and he hates me. We saw LAX in the distance. We were almost to the airport. Off to the best summer of our lives. I drove past a billboard that had Trey's face on it. They were advertising the Passion, Pain and Pleasure album. I smiled at the name of the album. It made me think of the time we spent together. These 9 months have been great but as they say all good things must come to an end. I promised myself I wouldn't forget Trey and I can't all the time we spent together just keep clouding my thoughts. All the fun times we've had. Trey is always gonna have a special place in my heart ad I'm always going to love him no matter what and I hope somewhere along the line in the future we can be friends. Rachel and I walked onto the tarmac and up the stairs of our private plane. We got in and took our seats. "Can't believe this is really happening" Rachel gushed "I know" I said happily. This trip is exactly what I need right now. We sat there waiting for the plane to take off. I heard a vibrating noise coming from my purse. I walked over to my seat to get my phone. I don't know why but for some reason I was hoping it was Trey. I pulled it out and saw that it was Seth. "Hey Seth" I said as I answered. "I mean bonjour" "Bonjour more like Au Revoir" Rachel shouted. "Sounds like you guys are having a good time. Have you taken off yet" he asked. "No we'll be taking off in a little bit. How about you" I asked. "I'm already in the sky. I got like what 8 hours left" he said. "Awwwwww don't worry Seth you'll get through it" I said. "I hope so. Hey Leah did you take care of your business" "Yeah" I said. But then Trey came to my mind. "Well most of it" "Leah I said don't leave LA unless you've taken care of your business" he said. "What business haven't you taken care of" "The only thing I haven't done is talk to Trey" I said. "Leah you should've talked to him. Even though you guys aren't gonna get back together at least end on good terms" "I know but he probably hates me" I said. "He doesn't hate you" Seth said. "Seth I just wanna go off and forget everything that has happened and just have a good summer" I said. "Ok do what you want I just hope that you're not gonna regret this" "I hope so too" I said. "Well I gotta go we're taking off now" I said. "Ok bye I love you big sis. Have a good summer" "I will" I said. "Au Revoir. Vives les vacances!" I said. I hung up the phone. Rachel went somewhere I don't know and came back with a bottle of Ace of Spades in her hand. "I think this trip deserves a toast" she said. She took the wrapper off the bottle and popped it open. She poured some champagne in a glass for me and she did the same for herself. She raised her glass in the air and made a toast. "Here's to a stress free summer in one of the most beautiful countries in the world Paris. To Paris" she said. "To Paris" I said. We knocked our glasses and took a sip of the champagne. Just as we made our toast the plane lifted off. Here I go leaving all of my problems behind.


Finally I'm leaving today for Paris which is gonna be the first stop on the Passion, Pain and Pleasure World Tour. I'm so excited about this tour. I never thought I would do something like this. Here I am sitting a home waiting for my driver to come get me. I thought about Leah I wonder where she's going for the summer. I know the Pack always go somewhere together for the summer but I don't know if this summer that's gonna be possible with the way things are right now. This long ass plane ride is exactly what I need. I need these 7 hours to sit down and reflect on everything that has happened for the last 9 months. I came here actually no Leah came to me wanting to make Sam jealous. And we did. But it just turned into more for us. We spent a lot of time with each other and learned different things about each other and life. But we've gone our separate ways you know maybe it wasn't meant to be. But why I am fronting over this girl. Look at me I'm Trey Songz for heaven's sake. Why am I crying over this one girl. I could have any woman I want out here and I'm crying over this one girl. Why. Is it because she's successful, beautiful, athletic, funny, outgoing, sexy and the list goes on and on and on. I've never met anyone like Leah before. I even thought she maybe the one woman who could tame the Trey Songz. Make him settle down and start a family. "Baby" my mom said snapping me out of my thoughts. "The car is here" "Oh ok" I said. I picked up my things and headed to the car. Here I go off to the airport. Paris here I come.

Lies, Schemes and Love(A Trey Songz/Twilight FanFiction Story)Where stories live. Discover now