Chapter 69

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I heard Trey was coming home today from LA. Boy do I have a surprise for him. It’s time to put my part of the plan into motion. I drove to his house and parked my car in the driveway. I got out and walked up to the door. The house was in darkness so I guess he hadn’t arrived yet. I opened my bag and took out the key I still had to his house. I wondered if it still worked it was from when I lived there. I pushed in it and turned. Snap. It unlocked. I was in. I got in and turned all the lights on. It looked he had done some renovations because it wasn’t how I remembered it. I went upstairs to his bedroom. Everything was so neat and clean and in its right place. I got in and everything about the room screamed Trey. It was all gold. Gold the color of a king. I dropped myself onto the bed. It smelled so good. I laid there for a while before getting up. I walked around the room to his dressing table where had his pictures. There were ones of his family. One with him and April and Forrest. Then one by himself. One with his entire management team and then there was one that gave me an invisible smack in the face. It was a picture of him and Leah. I picked it up and threw it across the room and hit it against the wall. I walked over there and there was nothing but a broken picture frame with broken glass all over the picture of Leah and Trey. I went back downstairs to the kitchen. I went to the fridge and got a bottle of wine. I got a glass from the cupboard and sat down on the couch. I opened it, poured some in the glass and started to drink. I was going to sit on this couch and wait till he got home.


It felt good to be home in LA. I haven’t heard from Leah since yesterday. I knew she got back a few hours ago. I was in the car going home and the jetlag was now settling. I decided that I wasn’t going to go to Leah’s house tonight I was too tired. I just wanted to get home to my bed and sleep. Buggzi pulled up in front of the house and I got out. I told him I would carry in my bags and he left for the night. I looked at the house and noticed the lights were on. I was trying to remember if I had left them on. I couldn’t have. The maid probably left them on for me since she knew I was coming home tonight. I turned the key in the door and got in my back was turned and I wasn’t prepared for what I saw when I turned around. “Dahhhh” I screamed when I saw Helen sitting on my couch. “Helen what on earth are you doing here and how did you get in my house” I asked. “I have key” she said waving it in front of my face. “You broke into my house” I said. “I didn’t break in I have a key” she said. “Where did you get that from” I said. “I made a copy when we were dating” she said. I walked over to where she was sitting. “Give it” I said. She quickly snatched it away before I could grab it. “No,no,no” she said. “What are you doing here” I said. “I need to see you” I said. “Helen haven’t you caused enough trouble just leave me alone” I said. “No” “You know what get the hell outta my house” I said walking towards the door, opening in it for her to leave. “I’m not going anywhere” she said firmly. “Look ok you got 5 minutes to get the hell out of my house or I’m gonna call the police” I said. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you” she said. I took up the phone and dialed 911. It began to ring. “I want to make this relationship real” Leah say. I turned around stared at Helen in horror. She was playing it from her phone “What do you mean by real” I heard myself say. “So we’re gonna forget about the deal, you asking me to pretend to be your boyfriend in exchange for Jacob to do a song with me” “Yeah” “You don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to hear you say that” And the recording ended. Helen stood there with a smirk on her face. Helen recorded us talking. I knew having her on the set of the video was a bad idea. I stood there in shock. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know if to start explaining or apologizing. “Naughty,naughty Trey” she said. “You know this would make a great story for E News” “You recorded me and Leah’s conversation” I shouted. “Yes I did” she said. “You crazy bitch” I said. I know you’re not supposed to call a woman a bitch but there had to be an exception in this case. “You know I have Guiliana Rancic on speed dial” she said. “Helen you don’t understand why I did it” I said. “Oh I understand perfectly. I understood that you lied to us” she said. “Not only did you lie to me but you lied to your mom, to Leah’s family. Hell you lied to the entire world” “To think I was actually glad that you had Leah now that I was getting married I was leaving you in good hands but I guessed not” I just stood there as she talked not knowing what to do. I couldn’t deny it everything was there in black and white. The evidence, everything. This could ruin my life. “Please don’t go to the press with this. Please Helen have a heart” I begged. “What do you want. I’ll give you anything you want just don’t release that to the press” I said. “Oh I know exactly what I want” she said. “Leave her” she said. “What” “I said leave her. You’re going to leave Leah” “No” I said. “Yes. If you care about your career and your precious fans you’ll leave her” I said. “You’re gonna leave. You’re gonna leave her and tell her that the only woman you are ever going to love is me” I shook my head at her. “I can’t leave her Helen. She needs me. These next few months are going to be the most difficult in her life and I need to be there for her. So please don’t make me leave her ok. I love her” I said. Helen spun around and stared at me. “You love her” she said. “Yes” She looked to have calm down a little. “Ok fine I won’t make you leave but I have a plan B” she said. “Spend the night me” I said. Now this was starting to get out of hand. “What” I said. “I said spend the night with me” she said moving closer to me. I backed away as she moved closer. I didn’t want this bitch touching me. “Spend the night” I repeated. “Spend the night as in make love to me” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing Helen was blackmailing me into sleeping with her. I’m not gonna sleep with her. “I know you miss me” she said. She began to hold me by my waist. “I know you haven’t been getting any from Leah and I’m sure it’s killing you right now” she said. She stretched up to kiss me softly. I pushed her off me instantly. “You know what fine do what you want I just hope you’re ready for the fallout of all of this” she said as she turned to leave. “Wait” I said. “When you want to do it” I asked. “In two days time” she said. “I’m gonna book a hotel room for us at the Four Seasons” she said. “Bye see you in two days” she said before walking out of the house. I collapsed on the ground and began to cry. I couldn’t believe this Helen was holding this over my head. I’m gonna have to sleep with Helen in order for her not to release this to the press. I can’t sleep with Helen. I can’t sleep with Helen. I can’t do this to Leah. I don’t wanna hurt her. I needed to be with Leah right now. I picked myself off of the ground, got my car keys and went to her house.


Its 8 at night and I haven’t heard from Trey yet. I’m starting to get a little worried about where he was. I was tracking his flight it touched down hours ago. I was gonna call him a little later on. Just when I thought about Trey walked in the door. I stopped whatever what I was doing and I ran to him. “Hey” I said hugging him. He wrapped his arms around me and started crying. We hugged a little more than we should have. When we let go I looked at his face and saw the tears coming down. Something had to have upset Trey. “What’s wrong why are you crying” I asked. “No reason, I’m just really happy to see you that’s all” he said. And I went back to hugging him. I could tell something was bothering him, something he wanted to tell me but couldn’t. He cupped my face in his hands and leaned to kiss me. It started off as peck, then it started to get longer and it turned into a full blown passionate kiss. He pushed me gently up against the wall. He went further down to my neck. I knew exactly where this was going I want sleep with Trey so bad but I wanted it make sure it was for the right reasons. I have never had a man make me feel this way. We stopped kissing before things went further. “Let’s go upstairs” I said. I made my up while Trey took off all the lights downstairs. I got upstairs and put on my night gown and waited in bed for Trey. He walked in and stared at me. I could see it in eyes he wanted me so bad. He took off his pants and got in bed with me. He held me in his arms. He had one arm around my waist while the other felt around my body. He pressed his lips to my forehead. He tightened his grip around he was holding me very tightly. Like this was the last time he would be able to hold me.

Lies, Schemes and Love(A Trey Songz/Twilight FanFiction Story)Where stories live. Discover now