Chapter 88

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I woke up this morning feeling good. Sam and I are back on track. We said everything we felt that night. I got dressed and went out to lunch with Rachel. I decided that I would tell the family at dinner tonight. I got the Bread Bar and Rachel was already there. “Hey girl” I said lively. “Hey. You seem well rested” “Yeah Sam and I are back on track” I said. “Oh My God that’s great. So the wedding’s back on” “It was never off” I said. “That’s great. So how’s your pregnancy going” “Good. It’s going great. I went to the doctor’s and I had a sonogram done. I have a picture and everything” I said taking it out of my purse and giving it to her. “Oh My God. It’s beautiful” “Yeah. It’s amazing that this little thing inside of me” I said. She handed the picture back to me. “So have you talked to Leah lately” “No, I haven’t. I just don’t know how’s she’s feeling right now. I didn’t mean for it come out that way at the bridal shower. I should have waited to tell her in private” I said. “Listen girl you don’t need to be ashamed ok. You did what you did and this is the outcome and besides you and Sam are together she should’ve expected something like this to happen” “Yeah it’s true” I said. “Anyway I gotta get back to the office” I said. “Ok” “Au Revoir” I said before leaving I had a lot of important work to do at the office.


Tonight was dinner at my mom’s. I decided not to invite Trey tonight. I think this was probably going to be our last family dinner before the wedding. And we know that there would be a lot to talk about. I got dressed in my outfit and headed to the house. I pulled up and there were several cars in the drive way. I got out and rang the door bell. Rosa, our maid opened it and let me in. “Welcome Ms. Clearwater” she said. “Thank you”. “Hi mom” I said. “Hi honey” she said giving me a hug. “I haven’t seen you in so long. How are you. How are things with Trey” “Things are going great” I said. “I can see how happy he makes you. I haven’t seen you this happy in so long. To see a smile on your face. Are you bringing him to the wedding” “Well yeah most likely once he doesn’t have anything planned for that weekend” I said. I smiled and continued to talk to her but my smile immediately vanished when I saw Sam and Emily. They walked in holding hands. They walked up to talk to us. “Hey Sue long time no see” Emily said. “Same here” “Oh My God I have a lot to talk to you about the wedding. We have to talk about the travel arrangements and where we’re gonna be staying” she said. “Great” my mom said and she ran off to talk to Emily about the wedding. Isn’t that great. Here we go everyone talking about the wedding. She went off into the living room to talk to Emily leaving me standing there with Sam. “So where’s Trey tonight” Sam asked. “He’s with his mom and brother they’re town for a few days” I said. “Oh, ok” “So is he coming to the wedding”. “Most likely he’ll be there” “You’ve gotta be kidding me right” he said. “He’s not coming to my wedding. I don’t want him there” “What is your problem Sam. Everyone is entitled to bring a date or a plus 1 and Trey is mine so deal with it” I said. “He’s not coming to my wedding Leah. I don’t want him there. I don’t even want him on premises. I‘ll have security with guns there if I have to” “Look Sam this is my mother’s house and I don’t want to disrespect her by getting into an argument with you so please back off” I said before walking off to the dining room. I sat there for a few minutes taking some business calls regarding the award show. It was going to be next week and the entire Pack is gonna be there to support me. I can’t wait. “Hey big sis” Seth said. “Hey” I said standing up to give him a kiss. “How are things going. I haven’t seen you since the fashion show” “I know I just had a lot going on” I said. No one in the family really knows what went down between myself and Trey and the whole Helen situation. They don’t know what Helen had on him and they’re never going to know either. “So who are you bringing to the wedding” I asked. “I don’t know. I haven’t been really been seeing anybody” “Ok that’s cool” I said. “Where’s Trey” “Ugh. He’s hanging out with his mom and his brother. The man can’t spend all his time with me you know” I said. “Point taken” “Hey guys” Jake said. “Hey. How are you” I said. “What are we talking about” “Nothing much just catching up” I said. Not too long after Jared and Kim and Rachel and Paul as well. We all sat around and mingled. “Dinner is served” the chef said. Everyone else proceeded to the dining room to have dinner. The chefs came and placed our dinner in front of us. I had the Chicken a la Florentine with garlic mashed potatoes and vegetables. One of the chefs looked to pour some wine in Emily’s glass when she stopped him. “Oh no, wine for me” she said. “I’ll just have water” Everyone looked at Emily funny when she refused to have some wine. I guess everyone else didn’t know about Emily’s pregnancy. “Honey why don’t you want any wine. Is everything ok” Sam asked. “Yeah everything’s fine I’m just not feeling for any wine tonight” Sam said ok and gave up. We continued to eat then Emily spoke up. “Ok guys we need to talk about the wedding” she said. Great all they talk about is this goddamn wedding. Everyone sat up to listen to what Emily had to say. “Ok as you all may know the wedding is in four weeks and we’re having it in Montecito which is west of LA and we need to talk about travel arrangements. How everyone is getting to Montecito and because of how far it is we’re going to have to be there for at least three days” she said. Great three days with Sam and Emily in Montecito. “So how are we all getting there. Plane. Driving” Seth asked. “Well I think getting there by plane would be better” she said. “And I need for all of you take everything with you because once we leave we’re not coming till the next week so you guys will have to organize” “Well what about cars. How are we getting to the venue on the actual day of the wedding” Seth asked. “Well tomorrow a car man is coming by with some cars to look at and well we’re gonna see how much we need” I watched as conversation went back and forth. They’re doing it again talking about the wedding like I’m not even here. “I was thinking we could use Maybachs and one Maybach holds about three people” Emily said. “So the first car it’s gonna Jake, Seth and Embry” she said. “And then the next car is gonna Sam, Quil, Paul” “And well the next car is gonna be Jared and my brothers” “And well the ladies are gonna be Rachel, Kim and Leah in one car and then myself and my sisters in another” “What about the parents” Seth asked. “Well Sue and Billy could be in one car” she said turning towards Sue. “Well Sue I don’t know if Charlie by chance is coming and I don’t how he’s getting there” “And well my parents would be in one car and Sam’s parents would be in another. So how many cars is that in total” she asked. “That’s 8 cars” Seth said. “Great 8 it is” She took a sip of her water. “Oh and I also have some more great news” she said. No she isn’t about to do this again. “I’m pregnant” she shouted. The feeling I had at the bridal shower came over me again. I heard Seth’s fork drop and I felt his eyes on me. Sam looked at me he seemed pretty shocked. “That’s great Emily. Congratulations” I felt sick, I felt woozy. “If you would excuse me I think I have lost my appetite” I said getting up to leave the room. Everyone looked at me as I walked out. I got outside to my car and got in I was about to drive off when I heard someone calling me. “Leah” I looked out my window. It was Sam. “Leah” he came to my window. I was already crying. “Leah I’m sorry about how it came out. I had no idea she was gonna reveal it at dinner. I’m just as surprised as you are” he said. “I knew she was pregnant she announced at her bridal shower in front of everyone” I said. “I’m sorry Leah” he said. “Why don’t you go back in the house and be there with your pregnant fiancée. I gotta go’ I said. He stepped away from the car to let me drive off. I got home and as soon as I closed the door I slid down to the ground and cried. It hurt to hear Emily announce she was pregnant but hear it a second time was too much. I went to the kitchen and got some vodka and just started to down it to ease the pain


I needed to talk to my manager to talk about the whole St. Marteen thing. “Hey Trey. What’s up” he said as he answered my call. “I need you to put some arrangements in place for me” I said. ‘Ok what do you need” “I want to do something special for Leah” I said. “Ok. What are you thinking about doing” “I was thinking about taking her to St. Marteen for two weeks” I said. “Ah, St. Marteen lovely choice. It’s beautiful down there this time of year. So what do you need” “I need a beach house with a private beach. I need this house to be as private as possible” I said. “Ok great and what about travel” “I wanna get there by private jet” I said. “And when do you want to leave” “June 25th ” I said. “I wanna leave in the night. And I want you to make sure the house is fully stocked with food. Everything. Bread. Cheese. Snacks. Wine and anything else you could think of” “Is that it” “Basically, more or less” I said. “Great I’ll get back to you with the arrangements” I hung up the phone and went downstairs.

Lies, Schemes and Love(A Trey Songz/Twilight FanFiction Story)Where stories live. Discover now