Chapter 26

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(2 weeks later)

A lot has happened in the past few weeks and everything that has been going has thrown the whole Pack into turmoil. There are certain people who aren’t even speaking to each other right now. Its like we were falling apart not only as a group but as a family. Everyone was having problems with each other and it was time we told the person what was our problem with them. So I decided to call everyone and meet up with them at a restaurant so we can hash this out. I couldn’t stand by and watch my family fall part this way. Jacob, Embry, Quil, Sam, Emily, Kim, Rachel, Paul and Jared were all there we were just waiting on Leah. A few minutes later, Leah walked in and she did not look very happy to see everyone. She took a seat next to Kim. “Ok, now that everyone is here. I think we should start. As you guys may know there has been a lot going in the group. I feel like we’re falling apart not only as a group but as a family. There are so much issues going on between us. If you guys haven’t realized there are certain people right now who aren’t speaking to each other and all of us are going around behind each other’s back to this one to that one saying stuff about the other. So today we’re going to hash this out once and for all. If you got a problem with somebody. Today is your chance to say it. Whatever problem or issue you may have let that person know right now because after today I don’t wanna hear the backstabbing and the gossiping.” I said. They all sat there and listened quietly. “And you guys can’t tell me that you don’t have anything to say because I know some of you have a few things you wanna get off your chest.” I directed that at Leah. There was a moment of silence before anyone stood up to say something. “Well I guess I’ll start first.” Jacob said. “My problem is with Paul.” Jake said, looking over in Paul’s direction at the same time. Paul sat up and listened to what Jacob had to say. “My issue with you is my sister.” He said. Rachel dropped her fork and looked over at Jacob with disgust on her face. “I have a problem with you and my sister’s relationship. I care about my sister, I love her and I want what is best for her. And I am very worried about my sister’s safety with you. Paul you know out of all of us you have the most trouble controlling your temper. And I get scared everyday when I think about my sister being around you and what could possibly happen to her.” He said. “I look everyday at Emily’s face and what Sam did to her and I worry that someday that exact same thing is going to happen to my sister.” He said he started to choke up now. “Or worse” “And these insecurities and these issues are not going to go away because everyday she is around you and she can’t get away from you because you imprinted on her. And myself and my father have been biting our tongues and not saying a word but it’s the truth.” He said. Wiping tears from the corner of his eyes. Everyone waited to hear Paul’s response to what Jake said. “Well, Jake I didn’t know you felt this way. And I want you know that I am trying to get some sort of control of my temper for her. Because I do love Rachel and I want our relationship to go forward and I want you and Billy to know that I’m trying to be better for her and I don’t want you to ever worry about anything.” Paul said very calmly. I surprised at how mature Paul handled this situation. Knowing Paul he would have flipped out. “Ok, that’s a good start. Anybody else wants to say anything. Leah.” I said. She sighed before she began to talk. “First of all, I want to say I have a problem with all of you. I think you guys are all hypocrites.” She said. “Hypocrites, how are we hypocrites” Jake asked. “Wait let me finish, I feel like you guys judge me a lot. You guys say a lot of mean and hurtful things to me and about me. You guys think that I’m a bitch and that I always kill everybody’s vibe and I purposefully use our telepathic connection to punish you guys with my thoughts. But I want you to know that I don’t intentionally want to be bitchy. You guys need to understand that I am hurt and I have been hurt. Everyone reacts to certain situations in different ways, this is my way of reacting to it. You guys judge me and it hurts so much” she said. She was starting to cry now. “But really upset me was that Jake went through the same as I did. And when that bloodsucker loving bitch hurt him everyone was all “Awwwww I feel bad for Jake he’s hurting” when it happened to me why didn’t I get the same treatment. And Bella and Jacob haven’t even known each other that long. What is it because I’m a woman. Is it because it Leah. I’m not a mean person but I’m hurt and I’m sorry if I come across a certain way sometimes but that’s just what’s up” she said. Everyone was silent. It was the first we ever saw Leah bare all her emotions. “And another thing that gets me mad about you guys is this wedding coming up you all expect me to be happy about and go with the flow but I’m not. I’m not going to that I’m not going to sit here and be fake and pretend that I’m happy. I am going to be sad at some of the activities taking place for the wedding. The venue choosing, the dress choosing, the flowers. It’s too much it’s overwhelming for me. And you guys expect to be happy but I can’t pretend like don’t feel anything that I’m not hurt by what is going on. I’m sorry, I’m just not.” Some of us started crying at what Leah said. No one said a word we couldn’t even look Leah in the eyes because we knew she was right. We betrayed her, we stabbed her in the back. We didn’t even know Leah had it in her. The moment was so intense. “Anybody else” I asked after a while. “Now my issue with you Leah is concerning whatever went down between you and me at the bridal salon. I was very upset at what you said to me. And you voiced your opinion that you were not happy for me and you were not happy for this day.” Emily began to say. But Leah immediately cut her off. “What I said how about we talk about you said to me Emily” Leah challenged. “You told me that you have Sam and that’s what kills me” “Really, Emily and you’re suppose to be a wife in less than 6 months and you’re coming at me with jabs like that. Well let me tell you something I don’t give a fuck about your damn bridal party or whatever. I don’t give a damn you can kick me out for all I care” She said. “But what really pissed off me about you was that you expected me to be all happy for you during this time. But you need to remember that I’m hurting and that the feelings are still raw and still there and that I’m not going to be happy for you. I do want to be happy for you Emily, its just not right now. I’m sorry” she said. “Ok, well if that’s what you want then fine and I want you know that I’m sorry for whatever I said about you that day, I said some really nasty things that shouldn’t have been said and I know that if it was the other way around you wouldn’t have said those things to me” she said. “So are we cool” Emily asked. “For now” Leah said. “Ok, anybody else have anything they want to say.” I said. No one said anything for a while. “Well, lets get the good stuff.” I said. “Actually there is something I would like to say. Sam said.

Lies, Schemes and Love(A Trey Songz/Twilight FanFiction Story)Where stories live. Discover now