370 19 4

that sheriff shirt gives me unholy thoughts

Waking up the next morning, my body was held hostage by a much larger one with a tight grip. I attempted to move my body around to face Luke, who was still fast asleep. My traveling eye then followed up his arm and landed on his hand that was pressed into my front making me unable to move.

It reminded me of the mornings I woke up next to him in college. A weird fuzzy, sentimental feeling washed over me. I tried to suppress it, but I couldn't. He still had me under his spell.

I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but that only earned me a groan and for his grip to tighten. I smiled, "Luke, I have to pee." I told him and continued to pry his arm off me. It took him a few seconds, but he finally registered what I had just said and his arm unwrapped from around me, "Fuck, sorry."

I giggled and swung my legs over the edge of the mattress and stood up. I made it to the door and stood in the frame, looking back at Luke laying in the bed. All I could think about was Caleb. How could I do this to him? How could I do this to myself? Seems like life as I knew it was completely different, or was about to be.

I entered the bathroom and took one long look at my appearance. My hair was tangled and sticking up in places it shouldn't be, my eyes where aligned with black circles, and my left cheek had sleep marks on it from the pillow I slept on. I looked like a total mess. It took a grand total of fifteen minutes to try to make myself somewhat presentable, and I left the bathroom.

I walked back to Luke's room expecting him to still be in bed, but it was empty when I made it to the doorframe. Resorting to my next guess, I headed to the kitchen. And sure enough, that's where he was. I instantly smiled once I realize what he was doing, "Making pancakes? I recall you cooking being a total disaster." I teased while standing next to his tall stature.

To my surprise, the pancakes looked absolutely fine. They were round, and perfectly brown in color. I was shocked. Last time he tried to make pancakes, he got it all over my kitchen floor, walls, and everything else in sight. I smiled at the memory of Christmas break that year. Luke made it one of my favorites.

I toyed around with the ring on my right ring finger while thinking about it.

"Hey, I wasn't that bad to begin with." He defended himself while flipping a pancake on the pan. I scoffed at his remark, "Yeah, tell that to the many stains in my mom's kitchen." I replied while pulling out my phone. After not looking at it all night, I had three miss calls from Caleb and a few texts. They all basically said the same thing which was 'please come home, I'm sorry' and whatnot.

I shut off my phone and placed it face down on the counter with a sigh. Luke placed three pancakes on a plate and turned to me. That's when I got a good look at his face. He was always so cute when he had first woken up. His hair was unruly, but it suited him well. He looked older of course, but he was still the same Luke I fell in love with all those years ago.

The only thing different about his look was the bruise on his nose.

"For you." He spoke while handing me the plate. I laughed at his voice being risen and took the plate over to the table and sat down, "Thanks."

"No problem." He replied while taking his own plate and sitting down. A few minutes of just sitting there eating in silence, a bell rang. I looked up at Luke, and he started to get up again, "Coffee." He told me. I nodded and went back to eating my pancakes.

"You still take your coffee the same right?"

I swallowed what was in my mouth, "Yup, three cre-"

"Three creams, two sugars," he looked back at me with a confident look. "I know you, Rebecca." He finished before turning back to the mugs he was filling with the caffeinated liquid. I moved my head around to get a good look at the cups and I almost screamed when I recognized one. I stood up and walked over to him, picking up the mug, "You still have this?" I questioned in disbelief.

White Noise {punk l.h. au} Sequel to "Colours {punk l.h. au}"Where stories live. Discover now